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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Feb 2, 2013


Social Media Marketing
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Social Media Marketing

15 Reasons (Stats) Why Social Media Marketing is Essential

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Feb 2, 2013

15 Reasons (Stats) Why Social Media Marketing is Essential


15-reasons-stats-why-social-media-marketing-is-essential-in-2013The following is an excerpt from our free ebook, "44 Incredible Social Media Statistics: The Newest Data to Help Plan Your Strategy." For the complete list of stats, check out the full ebook.

It's a new year, which means you can expect a slew of new social media options to sprout in the coming year.

It's never been more important to utilize social media marketing for your business than it will be in the coming year. Facebook recently unveiled 'Graph Search,' a more personalized search function that will render any business not already on Facebook a dinosaur.

More and more, you need to be on social media.

Consumer behavior has changed due to the social, mobile nature that we consume content now. As consumers, we take to search engines to perform product research. We use social media as a way to familiarize ourselves with brands and products.

Check out these 15 great statistics that paint the picture of important that social media marketing continues to play in the marketing strategies of many successful businesses.

For the complete guide of statistics, be sure to check out the full ebook.

15 Amazing Social Media Marketing Statistics

1. 80% of people prefer to get coupons, promos, and discounts from brands in social media.(HubSpot) Tweet this Stat!

2. 43% of all online consumers are social media fans or followers. (Harp Social) Tweet this Stat!

3. 20% of Facebook users have purchased something because of ads or comments they saw there. (Ipsos) Tweet this Stat!

4. 85% of Internet users have Facebook accounts; 49% are on Twitter. (HubSpot) Tweet this Stat!

5. 42% of people have mentioned a brand in a Facebook status update. (HubSpot) Tweet this Stat!

6. 67% of Twitter users are more likely to buy brands that they follow. (iModerate Research Technologies) Tweet this Stat!

7. Companies that use Twitter average 2X more leads per month than those that do not.(HubSpot) Tweet this Stat!

8. B2B businesses experience a 61% success rate in customer acquisition using LinkedIn.(HubSpot) Tweet this Stat!

9. Two of the biggest user groups on Google+ are college students and software developers.(Remcolandia) Tweet this Stat!

10. Pinterest is retaining and engaging users as much as 2-3 times as efficiently as Twitter was at a similar time in their history. (RJMetrics) Tweet this Stat!

11. 80% of Pinterest’s users are female. (comScore) Tweet this Stat!

12. The best time to pin during the day is between 2 PM and 4 PM EST. (Pinerly Study) Tweet this Stat!

13. Google+ is expected to reach 400 million users by the end of 2012. (Jeff Bullas) Tweet this Stat!

14. 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter, and 20% have closed deals.(Mindjumpers) Tweet this Stat!

15. People ages 25-34 use Facebook the most. (Emarketer) Tweet this Stat!

Continue reading the full ebook for even more stats…

*Image courtesy of HubSpot


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