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5 Ways to Turn Your Website Visitors Into Loyal Blog Subscribers

Feb 22, 2013

If you're like me, then you love making new friends. And if you're blogging, the same can be applied; you want to be read, shared and subscribed to.
Hopefully, by now all of you know how to make friends (didn't your momma teach you to share?), but you might be wondering how to turn your website visitors into loyal subscribers.
Your blog doesn't want to be know as that friend you only contact when you need their advice or help from them. See how you can turn your blog into your website visitors loyal best friend, whose always by their side.
5 Ways to Generate More Blog Subscribers
1. Blog Frequently
Currently how frequently do you blog? Once a month is probably not going to generate a lot of blog subscribers. No one will want to subscribe to a blog that is inactive for a long period of time. As a blog reader, people want to stay up to date with current trends and news happening in that particular industry.
It doesn't matter if you blog three times a week or six times a day, as long as you keep it consistent.
If you start posting so much information and then you just drop off the radar, you can be sure to lose a significant amount of subscribers. Pamela Vaughan talked about the importance of blogging frequently, stating that "businesses that blog more than once per week add new blog subscribers at twice the rate of businesses that blog just once per month". If its that easy to get new blog subscribers, you should definitely start blogging more frequently.
2. Be Resourceful
Don't you want other companies and readers to consider you a resource? When a company wants to know why no one is reading their blog, you don't want them to search Google, you want them going directly to your blog. So don't blog just to add more pages or content to your site. Ok, so you might be thinking, shouldn't I be adding more content and pages to my site?
Well yeah, but is all that content original and relevant? You don't want to be posting information that would have been valuable to companies 10 years ago. Especially as an inbound marketing agency, it is extremely important to stay on top of all the new inbound marketing tools, trends and information.
Don't ever copy and paste content from another blog article. First of all you don't ever want that company or person to call you out on it and no one wants to read the same content over and over. Be original, provide your readers with educational and valuable information that they will need to subscribe to your blog.
3. Promote Subscription with Sidebar CTAs
Do you have a subscribe button on the side of your blog? If not, you're definitely missing out on the opportunity to significantly increase your blog subscribers. Not only should you add a subscribe button but create a blog subscriber call-to-action promoting your blog. If you have a great blog where you 're publishing remarkable content, wouldn't you want to promote your blog? I know I would, but are you promoting your blog correctly.
- Your blog subscription call-to action is in your sidebar?
- Is it above the fold?
- Is it easy for your readers to subscribe? Asking for just their name and email?
If you answered yes to those questions, then you are on the right track of promoting subscriptions to your blog.
4. Give A Little Extra
I'm not talking about sweet talking your readers or black mailing them. I'm talking about making them want to subscribe to your blog. One way you can do that is by providing an extra incentive, cause who doesn't like to get FREE stuff.
Wouldn't you love to subscribe to a blog and be able to download a resource such as a Whitepaper or an Ebook for free? Are you offering your readers something? It doesn't even have to be something that they have to download, tell your readers what they can gain from becoming a subscriber.
5. Segmented Email Marketing
Have you ever thought about using email marketing to encourage your readers to subscribe to your blog? If not you should. Email is a great way to segment your readers and engage with them, by sending articles specific to the pages they visited on your site.
If you visited an inbound marketing agencies site and wanted to know how you could improve your social media, wouldn't you love to receive emails that included specific articles telling you what your doing wrong, tips and how you could engage and interact more with your fans? If a company was sending you valuable information in their blog, wouldn't you want to subscribe. Think about all of the other great articles you could be missing.

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