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Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Jun 24, 2014

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25 Tweetable Tips That Will Make You a Better Salesperson

Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Jun 24, 2014

25 Tweetable Tips That Will Make You a Better Salesperson

25_tweetable_tips_that_will_make_you_a_better_salesperson_Customers who don't buy from you, buy from your competitors. 

It's a simple rationale, but it's rather scary when you think about it, right?

While lost opportunities can easily be pinned on things like price, poor timing, or unmatched expectations, it's critical that sales people dig deeper in order to identify their weaknesses as well.

If not, how else will they grow?

In an attempt to help your team advance their sales expertise, I've gathered up the best sales advice from everyone from Eleanor Roosevelt to Steve Jobs.

Thought that was awesome? I've also made the advice tweetable so while you educate yourself, you can quickly and easily inspire your followers too. 

1. "Understand their needs better than any other company." - Steve Jobs (Tweet this)

2. "If you build a great experience, customers tell each other." - Jeff Bezos (Tweet this)

3. "Timid salesmen have skinny kids." - Zig Ziglar (Tweet this)

4. "Value the relationship more than your quota." - Jeff Gitomer (Tweet this)

5. "Don't sell life insurance, sell what life insurance can do." - Ben Feldman (Tweet this)

6."Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting strangers who don't." - Seth Godin (Tweet this)

7. "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." - Eleanor Roosevelt (Tweet this)

8. "Questioning with curiosity allows you to challenge a prospect's assumptions without offending them." - Brian Bresee (Tweet this)

9. "If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will." - Bob Hooey (Tweet this)

10. "Make a customer, not a sale." - Katherine Barchetti (Tweet this)

11. "If you help someone, you make a customer for life." - Jay Baer (Tweet this)

12. "When customers can’t differentiate, they default to price as a key factor." - Jill Konrath (Tweet this)

13. "A goal properly set is halfway reached." - Zig Ziglar (Tweet this)

14. "The worst fault a salesman can commit is to be a bore." - David Ogilvy (Tweet this)

15. "Use storytelling and positioning statements to help prospects realize that you can help them." - Jeetu Mahtani (Tweet this)

16. "Talking about your company is boring and does not make you more credible." - Geoffery James (Tweet this)

17. "Don’t wait around for your prospect to get in touch with you." - Jill Konrath (Tweet this)

18. "The first part of any value-based sales conversation is to focus on the buyer’s needs." - Rachel Clapp Miller (Tweet this)

19. "Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days." - Zig Zaglar (Tweet this)

20. "Focus on what went well and try to replicate specific successes, rather than to dwell on mistakes." - Jeff Hoffman (Tweet this)

21. "Be genuinely curious about your prospect's professional and personal life so you can form real relationships." - Arjun Moorthy (Tweet this)

22. "Treat a prospect as if he or she will be your best customer." - Melanie Collins (Tweet this)

23. "If you aren’t excited and passionate, how can you expect your prospects to be?" - John Dukes (Tweet this)

24. "It’s easier to explain price once than to apologize for quality forever." - Zig Ziglar (Tweet this)

25. "Ask questions on the call without making the conversation feel like an interrogation." - Danielle Herzberg (Tweet this)


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