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Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

May 9, 2014


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3 Free Marketing-Friendly Apps You'll Want to Thank Us For

Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

May 9, 2014

3 Free Marketing-Friendly Apps You'll Want to Thank Us For

3_free_marketing_friendly_apps_youll_want_to_thank_us_for_____In most situations having 24 of something means that you have plenty.

I mean, 24 donuts leaves you with enough to share with your friends, right?

24 pairs of shoes means that you have more than enough options when you get dressed every day.

What about 24 vacation days? That sounds pretty good too.

However, when it comes to hours in the day, most of the time 24 simply doesn't cut it. 

"How did it get to be 5:00 already???"

We know that feeling all too well, and we assume you're no stranger to it either, which is why we've set out to uncover some relief.

We've uncovered 3 marketing-friendly apps that will save you you time and make your day-to-day routine feel a lot more manageable


Screen_Shot_2014-05-01_at_12.07.15_PMDo you use your smartphone for emailing purposes? 

Do you ever find that you're constantly switching back and forth between your calendar app and your email in an attempt to schedule something just right?

With Acompli, the calendar/email tug of war can finally cease. 

This new email management application is designed to combine your email, calender, and recent documents to transform the way smartphone owners use email on their phone. 

The creators of Acompli saw an opportunity to step in and help when they realized that many smartphone users were only using the email function on their phone to read and reply to quick emails, while saving the emails that required scheduling and document sharing for their desktop.

In attempt to eliminate this type of segregation, Acompli allows users to access their email, alongside their calender, and their most recent documents and contacts for easy scheduling and sharing without ever leaving the app. 

The Acompli calendar provides users with a play-by-play of the events/meetings they have scheduled for the day to make determining availability quick and painless.  

On the calender screen users also have the option to add new event invites that can be shared with those involved. 

Running late for a meeting? No problem.

By simply tapping the arrow next to the event creators name in the app, you can send a quick "I'm running late" note, and attach your location so that they know when to expect you. 

If the calendar feature alone wasn't enough to sell you on Acompli, the app also keeps track of all your recent email documents to making calling them up and sharing them hassle-free. You can even sort by slides, images, and documents to simplify the process further. 


A picture is worth a thousand words, and for a busy marketer, a thousand less words to write is a treat in itself. 

If you're familiar with Evernote, you may have heard of their annotation app, Skitch. If you're not familiar with Evernote, consider this a bonus recommendation. 

Getting back to Skitch, this sleek app allows users to quickly mark up images and get their point across without having to say a whole lot. 

Whether you are collaborating with a team member and attempting to specify a particular aspect of a shared document or design, or trying to create a step-by-step tutorial for a blog post or offer, Skitch provides users with a annotative tool belt. Add emoticons, arrows, boxes, text, draw, or define a clear path between point A and point B. 

To see it in action, check out this video tutorial:


Screen_Shot_2014-05-01_at_12.09.13_PMThere's nothing worse than staring at a blinking cursor on a blank document not knowing what to write, with time that you don't have quickly passing by.

To avoid these moments, we're taught to approach our work with a plan in place, but how? 

Perhaps you prefer to put an actual pen to a piece of paper and hash out your thought process in your trusted notebook. Or maybe you're a whiteboard kind of brainstormer, or a post-it noter, or a doodler. 

For those who haven't quite found their preferred avenue to bring their thoughts into being, you'll want to take note of this app.

Mindly, a organizational idea application, allows users to branch out their thoughts into an interactive "mind map" of sorts.

Each new map incorporates a "hierarchy of elements" meaning that from one idea bubble stems another sub-idea bubble, and so on. 

If you're a visual person, the colorful, structured functionality of Mindly maps will make it easy for you to bring your ideas full circle, and organize them in a way that makes sense to you. 

The less time you spend trying to make sense of your thoughts, the more time you have to put them into action.


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