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Create a keyword list
Start off with a few words that best describe your website and, more importantly, what you think prospective viewers will type into a search engine. Keep in mind people tend to type in short, simple keywords, and not long, extravagant phrases. I'm sure our readers who found this through a search engine typed in something along the lines of search engine keywordsat most. No one will have thought to type 3 tools to help you.
The following tools will generate a list of similar words to the few you have come up with. Each word is accompanied by the number of times people have searched the word as well.
- Google Adwords Tool
- Keyword Discovery Tool
- Yahoo Advertising Tool
Analyze your results
It's important to choose keywords carefully. It can drastically increase the amount of traffic on your website and, with that said, keep any viewers from finding your website at all. We all know that people are not going to look past two, maybe three, pages of results on a search engine. Keywords really do make or break a business.
So, when you have generated a list of all the words you can find, analyze your results. Determine which words are most relevant to your business, most searched by viewers, and find the middle ground. Remember, visitors will only search Impact Branding and Design LLC when they are directly looking for the company. However, if someone types in a broad term, like Design, the top spot will be very competitive. A clever combination of keywords, such as Website Branding, is sure to lend better results.
Incorporate your keywords everywhere!
With great keywords comes great responsibility. By this I mean it is your responsibility to use those keywords all over your website. Keywords should also be included in the image alt tags, title tags, header tags, links, meta tags, and content. It is also important that you vary your keyword term and use complementary terms. Use plural versions and similar terms. Saturating your website in keywords will be sure to help you obtain your most prized goal a top spot on the search engines.
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