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Kyle Bento

By Kyle Bento

Jan 6, 2016


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4 Conversion Rate Optimization Techniques You Can Roll Out Today

Kyle Bento

By Kyle Bento

Jan 6, 2016

4 Conversion Rate Optimization Techniques You Can Roll Out Today

4-conversion-rate-optimization-techniques-you-can-roll-out-todaySo, you’ve nailed down your website’s SEO. You have the right keywords, your site is accessible, and your future prospects are finding it. Your work is done, right?

Wait for it…. No way!

What good are all those visitors you’ve generated if you can’t bring the qualified ones into your sales process?

A great website not only attracts qualified traffic but employs the right tools and techniques to convert all that hard-earned traffic into hard-earned customers. I always like to say that a great website is your best salesperson. It never sleeps, takes a day off (maybe a few hours here and there), or complains.

Think of the characteristics of a great salesperson. Their expertise doesn’t end at getting in front of prospects. A great salesperson aligns themselves with the buyer's journey and provides guidance through all the steps. This is what your website should do as well.

This article was written to share a few conversion rate optimization techniquesthat you can start taking advantage of without doing a major site redesign.

You’ll likely recognize them as elements of websites you have been to in the past (like IMPACT’s), but here you’ll find the quick and easy ways to implement them on your site and increase your conversion rate.

1. Make your copy action oriented

There should always be a next step on your site (an opportunity for the visitor to move down the sales funnel), and it should be made crystal clear to the reader.

When it comes to building great calls-to-action that promote that next step, the copy is just as important as how it looks.

Use action-oriented verbs and set clear expectations for what visitors get when they click. Doing this helps definitively state what needs to be done by and what benefit people will get by doing it. No surprises or tricks.  

2. Add an exit-intent offer

Sadly, a large percentage of the visitors to your site are going to leave without leaving a trace.

Oftentimes, increasing the number of people who give you their email by just a fraction of a percent can have dramatic effects on your marketing and sales funnels.  For example, if you’re getting 5,000 visits a month, converting 0.5% more of those would earn you 300 more contacts every year.

Adding an exit-intent popup gives you that last chance opportunity to capture visitors’ contact information.

Read more about it here; just remember to keep the offer relevant and provide as much value as possible!

3. Change the color of your calls-to-action

Many times, the simplest things have the most profound effect. We have found that changing the color of a call-to-action button to a color that is outside of a website's color scheme does an incredible job of drawing attention to the button. With this contrast comes increased conversion rates.

Looking for some more science behind this - Ramona wrote a great article on how color and design play into conversion.

4. Add a secondary offer to your thank you pages

What if you have already leveraged the techniques above and are seeing some killer results? Don’t worry; I have a takeaway for you.

Remember when I said that there should always be a next step? This is it.

Let’s speculate that a visitor just downloaded a great eBook of yours. Your thank you page gives them information on how to download and share the offer, but does it provide a next step?

Add another offer to this page that aligns with where your buyers are in their buyer's journey or even presents an action slightly lower in the funnel. Since they have already converted, their guard is already down. You’ve already built up enough trust with them to earn their contact information so this is the ideal opportunity to offer a little bit more (and possibly benefit from it.)

Conversion Rate Optimization

Successful conversion rate optimization is all about activity; You have to test different best practices to see what works best for your buyers.

Getting started with is all about making the commitment to start making changes on an iterative basis.  Once you see the needle start to move, it’s hard to stop!  Hopefully, these quick techniques provide an easy way for you to take that first step.


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