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IMPACT Live Chicago: April 14-16, 2025

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John Bonini

By John Bonini

Jul 9, 2013


Event Marketing
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Event Marketing

4 Ways to Be Remembered at your Next Trade Show

John Bonini

By John Bonini

Jul 9, 2013

4 Ways to Be Remembered at your Next Trade Show

 No one remembers something that's boring and unoriginal. This is true for anything.

Do you remember that boring movie or song? Probably not. Most likely because you fell asleep half-way through it. The same concept applies to your next trade show.

Everyone is handing out keychains and pamphlets, don't get let your companyget lost amongst the other booths.

Generate buzz. Don't blend in and look like every other booth at the trade show. You need to stand out and be different.

Not only do you want to be noticed, but you also want to be remembered.

How to Stand Out and Be Remembered at your Next Trade Show

1. Build Your Campaign Around the Event

You need a new marketing campaign created specifically for the trade show. Don't reuse an old campaign. Find a way to attract people to your trade show booth with the campaign you're creating, and a way to relate to or interact with them.

Your campaign needs to start with creating goals for the trade show.

What do you want to get out of it? Are you just looking to get your company name out there, or you trying to gain new customers? Once you've decided, you can to create a campaign with a specific call-to-action.

It needs to be attention-grabbing, and have elements that will make the trade show attendees remember you.

2. Attire

While everyone else is wearing business suits, you should be asking yourself, "How can I look different from everyone else?" The man in the business suit by the entrance stands out no more than the one in the far back corner. And they're certainly not going to be remembered by the way they are dressed.

Create a wardrobe that goes along with your new marketing campaign. Changing your wardrobe is a really simple way to stand out, and it's going make people curious to see why you're dressed that way.

3. Cool Flag Item

Everyone walking around the trade show already has 50 new pens, and 20 new keychains. What good will it do your company if you're handing out the same things too?

Again, it's about standing out so you will be remembered. It's about creating buzz by handing out a really cool flag item that everyone wants.

Maybe it's a stuffed animal or a foam finger, or maybe it's a bobble-head  Whatever it is, make it something that you've never seen handed out at the trade show by any other companies.

You want to be the first. That's how you'll be remembered.

4. Create a Unique Experience

Trade show attendees will want to be at your booth if you make it fun. Create an experience for visitors by giving them something to do that won't make them feel like you're trying to sell them something.

Get creative. Have someone giving massages, or even just somewhere comfortable for people to sit. Maybe you have something people can take pictures with that they'll share.

When you add context to your marketing, you are able to connect with your audience better. Are you showing your visitors why they need your product or services, or are you just trying to tell them? You'll be remembered as the company that they want to find out more about.

Your trade show won't be successful if you don't find a way to put your company in people's minds -- and give them a reason to keep it there.

How do you want to be remembered?

Marcus IMPACT Live Cutout-min

IMPACT Live Chicago: April 14-16, 2025

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