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The "total package" is something you don't come across every day (especially if you're talking about CMSes.)
In fact, most content management systems, like WordPress, lack valuable integrations and call for plugins that require all sorts of back end configurations (who has time for that?)
Aware of the demand for a system that was not only unified, but aligned with the future of marketing, HubSpot introduced the Content Optimization System (COS).
Serving as an innovative twist on more traditional systems, the COS is built into their existing platform, allowing users to effortlessly create more optimized content that gets found and invites conversions.
If you're looking to ground your website in the future of marketing, you need a system that is geared toward just that. You need the HubSpot COS.
But don't just take my word for it. I sat down with members of our team to uncover how the COS has transformed the way they drive results.
It's Integrated With Every Marketing Channel
Tom DiScipio, COO
“The HubSpot COS is a live stage where all of the marketing channels you’re already using – blogging, social media, email and even third party apps like Wistia or GoToWebinar – are working in concert, not in silos.
There are many HubSpot users that are still not utilizing the full potential of these integrations. The true value of the COS is the ability to bring all of these channels into one place."
It's Built for Modern Search
Dave Sotolotto, Senior Account Manager
"The SEO View of the new COS's blogging platform is a life saver for marketers. It's native with the software so you don't have to worry about the add-ons that come with a traditional CMS (WordPress mainly) blog, which are generally finicky and unreliable.
The tool updates automatically as you create and optimize your blog so there are no excuses for missing SEO elements. The tool takes you through step by step so nothing is forgotten.
Honestly after the first time (I used) you use it, there is no alternative. The SEO View sweats the small details like image alt tags that (I always seem to forgot until the end) are often overlooked. It's one of the small touches of the new COS that makes a huge impact on overall productivity."
It's Mobile-Optimized
Joe Rinaldi, Creative Lead
"HubSpot COS websites are mobile-optimized out-of-box. It makes it easy for users to create consistent pages without having to worry about things like media queries or break points. Even if you don't have a whole lot of knowledge when it comes to web development, you can create gorgeous pages that are consistent from desktop to iPad to iPhone, and not have to worry about resetting anything.
Since 2010 mobile traffic has actually tripled, which ultimately means that you really can't afford not to not have a site that's mobile optimized. It's actually so important that Google actually calculates it into their algorithm for search results. So sites that are mobile optimized will show up sooner on mobile search engine results pages.
The editor makes it easy to drag and drop how you want something to look on a page and it will calculate that into the mobile. Usually with something like WordPress you're going to end up setting the media queries yourself, which requires a lot more development. It's not really something that someone with who doesn't have a lot of web knowledge can hop in and start doing like the COS."
It Allows For Personalization
Ryan Coates, Creative Lead
"Personalization is so valuable because it has the ability to transform your site from something static to something focused on your customer's needs.
When visitors see their name incorporated into the content on your site or content that is tailored to their interests, the value become more clear. The overall experience becomes more engaging.
What I love about smart content is that it's effortless. Making a piece of content "smart" requires very little heavy lifting on the user's part, and it has the ability to make a major difference.
Since we've implemented smart content, I've seen a significant improvement in terms of the performance of our client's calls-to-action. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that people don't want to see something that's stagnant. Rather than just use a static text-based CTA, we'll try something like "Hey [insert name here], let's talk about XYZ." Now rather than just skip by it, we're forcing them to pay attention by presenting them with a more relevant message."
It's Easy to Update
Katie Pritchard, Senior Account Manager
"The HubSpot COS is so simple for the 'less code-savvy' individual (me) to update.
In the past, I think a lot of people have relied on their website developer to update content for systems like Wordpress- because it's not as broken down and organized.
With the COS, you can open a page, and find the exact content you want to update in a matter of seconds."

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