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Katie Coelho

By Katie Coelho

Jan 15, 2013


Content Marketing
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Content Marketing

6 Easy Ways to Grow Your Blog Subscribers

Katie Coelho

By Katie Coelho

Jan 15, 2013

6 Easy Ways to Grow Your Blog Subscribers

Content, content, content. Yes, having phenomenal content will definitely attract people to hit 'subscribe' on your blog. But let's face it, if your blog lacks formatting or organization, most readers won't even give it the time of day. The few that do will think you're a newb to the blogging world, and probably won't revisit your site.

The most successful blogs are informational, entertaining, and easy to read. Once you have great ideas for content, it's time to start improving your format. We've put together a few tips to add organization to your blog and increase subscribers!

If you're interested in learning more about expanding the reach of your blog, be sure to check out "How an Inbound Marketing Agency Does Blogging."

6 Tips to Attract More Blog Subscribers

1) Break it up

Massive blocks of text look overwhelming. Short paragraphs make posts easier to read. By chunking content, the reader can quickly scan through the page and understand your information better. So take a cue from journalism, and limit one idea to each paragraph- four sentences max.

Short paragraphs also create white space, which makes a post easy on the eyes.

2) Use engaging subheads

If your reader isn't sure your post has the information they are looking for- add subheads to let them know exactly what's to come. By simply scrolling through, the reader will get a basic synopsis of what the article entails.

Not only will subheads define sections to the reader, but they'll also make writing the post easier. I'll usually start with the title, headers, and subheads. It's sort of a loose outline that helps with the flow of ideas.

Organization creates better content, and reduces the chances of having to spend time rearranging ideas.

3) Add bulleted lists

Bullets are a great way to:

  • present multiple points under one section
  • break up content
  • attract interest

So add them where you can.

4) Link relevant content

Adding links in your content is another great way to attract attention to ideas. Plus, if there are links to other pages it'll allow the reader to gain more information on a subject they aren't familiar with. The longer someone stays on your website or blog, the better. Speaking of which, here are some other reasons people aren't reading your blog.

You wouldn't want someone to leave your page to find information about a topic you already wrote in a blog post or ebook, right? If you have relevant content, link it; but be aware of linking too much.

5) Embrace the bold tool

Attract attention to words by bolding them. Just like subheads and bullets, bolding words allow the reader to see important information quickly. You can use bold keywords to emphasize main ideas as well.

Be careful of excessive bolding; just like links, you'll overwhelm the reader.

6) Work those numbers

People love numbered lists. I mean, you clicked on this post, right? Numbers add value to your blog content.

"How to Grow Your Blog Subscribers" gives just enough information to be tempted to read on, but is kind of boring. "6 Ways to Grow Your Blog Subscribers" sounds interesting and informational, and makes readers think 'it's that simple? only SIX ways?'.

Your numbered lists will also make scrolling easy, and will chunks information into related sections.

*Photo courtesy of Grand Aspirations

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