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7 Stellar Examples of Aligning CTA Copy With Your Value to Get More Clicks

Aug 20, 2015

Deciding on the right CTA copy is never an easy thing. You can spend an hour writing content, but then carelessly slap “submit” or “continue” on your CTA.
Why would someone click on your CTA if it doesn’t interest them and soothe their pain?
Write amazing CTA copy and get more clicks by aligning it with your value proposition. You want visitors on your site to take some sort of action, don’t you? Pick a verb that illustrates what you can achieve for the visitor; what value you offer them and make your CTAs reflect that.
In the words of Unbounce’s Michael Aagaard, “when the prospect has to make up her mind, the copy itself is what she’s going to interact with.” Make it something they want to interact with. If the action is something undesirable, they’ll be far less likely to click.
It’s well-documented that you should have consistent journey: around an offer, download, sign-up page, and your site in general. Your CTA buttons are an integral part of this. Here are some examples of companies that are doing it right and using their CTAs to drive conversions for their products and services.
1. Cladwell
“Generate your personalized wardrobe”
How they did it right: Cladwell does what its button promises. They generate a personalized wardrobe for members using a specialized algorithm. The copy stays away from styles, looks, colors, and all the other aspects of clothing, and focuses on the wardrobe instead.
Cladwell’s customers never have an easy time picking out clothes, and they might not have the foresight to plan out an outfit - let alone a wardrobe. Choosing a closet of clothes is a daunting task for, but one that visitors can overcome with Cladwell in just one click.
2. EOS Worldwide
“Check your company’s strength”
How they did it right: The CTA copy here forces me to consider something I may not have thought of before: my company’s strength. It doesn’t delve into the details (those who follow EOS know that there are six key components to the program), but instead forces the reader’s thoughts to the company’s actual value.
While the landing page that this button takes you to is for the Organizational Checkup, the button directly probes at the pain points of entrepreneurs and executives that do not have a solid grasp on the strengths and weaknesses of their organizations. By pushing the right emotional buttons, EOS gets their prospects to do the same.
3. Shopify
“Create your store”
How they did it right: I came here to create an eCommerce store, and I came here to create it now. This button tells me exactly what I’m going to get from Shopify, and makes an online store seem extremely simple to setup. The 14-day trial and the ease with which I can get started make me want to give this a try.
4. Kickstarter
“Back This Project”
How they did it right: It’s very clear what the goal of this page is: to pledge support for a certain project. I came to this site because I wanted to explore innovative new ideas and support a cause I believe in. \
I’m not “paying”, I’m not “donating”, I’m backing the creators of the project that put their blood, sweat, and tears into this campaign. The team behind this project needs my help - and the most efficient way that I can help is by having their back by hitting that green button.
5. CrazyEgg
“Show Me My Heatmap”
How they did it right: This button tells me exactly what I’m going to get after I click it: a heatmap of my website. I want to know why my visitors are leaving, where they’re leaving from, and what they did before they left. By giving me what I expect to get in a clear, direct manner, CrazyEgg is increasing the chances of me liking their service, and eventually becoming a paying customer.
CrazyEgg’s ideal customer is someone that wants to know the best way to track what their users are doing, reduce bounce rates, and increase conversion rates. Showing you a heatmap of your website can identify exactly how all that jazz plays out.
6. HelloBonsai
“Create A Contract”
How they did it right: If I’m a freelancer and I don’t know how to make a contract, I’m going to love a way to create a contract that is simple and secure.
Although I have to input my information and create an account, the verb used here is ‘create’, something that will resonate with designers and developers - the key target market for HelloBonsai.
If I don’t know what a contract looks like, I’m definitely going to want to see what one looks like before I attempt to create one on my own. With minimal content, HelloBonsai has found a way to both address their prospects objections and curiosities and also give them a way to take action.
7. ProductHunt
“Awesome Drone Products”
ProductHunt always has a clear and consistent journey when it comes to their Inbound Marketing. .
From the subject line of their email: Awesome Drone Products, to the button inside: the page that it brings you to:
How they did it right: ProductHunt never strays from the topic at hand. It’s consistently about drones; there’s no bait and switch. From the email subject line straight through to the website, you’re getting exactly what they promised and you expected -- and basically everything a drone enthusiast could ever want. .
While this doesn’t encourage a particular action, its consistency closes all the doors in the hallway except one and brings you right into the candy store. Drone enthusiast in a drone store?
This is a great example of targeting. If you have a drone or are interested in them, chances are you’ll click through and look at one (or more) of the websites on this page. After this email has enough data to track open and click-through rates, ProductHunt has an excellent idea of the number of interested subscribers that are interested in drones, and can use that information for further targeting.
What you can do right now
Align your CTA copy with your value proposition! Your value proposition should be short and sweet, and offer your personas a strong way to fix their problems and combat their fears. Turn it into an action that they can perform on your website, and you’ll be generating highly qualified leads in no time.

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