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Amanda Leclair

By Amanda Leclair

Sep 10, 2015


Marketing Strategy
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An A to Z Guide to Mastering SlideShare Marketing [Infographic]

Amanda Leclair

By Amanda Leclair

Sep 10, 2015

An A to Z Guide to Mastering SlideShare Marketing [Infographic]

an-a-to-z-guide-to-mastering-slideshare-marketing-infographicTimes are changing. People are no longer interested in reading wordy articles -- and who can blame them?

We want visuals! And intrigue!

We need to be enticed to continue reading nowadays and unfortunately, many Marketers still don’t know how to incorporate that into their content marketing strategy.

One visual that still hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves are presentations (you know, those boring things you had to sit through in college till you were ready to cry.) This is where SlideShare steps in and changes everything.

What is SlideShare?

SlideShare is the world’s largest community for sharing slide decks and presentations. With 50 million subscribed users and 70 million unique visitors every month, SlideShare is one of the 100 most visited sites on the internet.

They built their platform around the notion that visual content is no longer a fad -- it’s the future of content marketing.

In our fast-paced society, graphic content is quick to consume, especially on-the-go. They generate 94% more views and 37% more engagement than written content for businesses.

How can I start my own presentation?

First get your content together. This can be totally new information, or content you’re repurposing. Either way, this is what makes up the meat of your presentation so make sure you capture the stats and some great quotes to relay in your audience.

Next, take a look at some curated SlideShare examples. You’ll get a good idea of what people expect and like to see in a presentation. Once you have an idea, start designing! If you’re not a designer, like myself, there are resources out there for you like my personal favorite, Canva.

Finally, check out the infographic below from Feldman Creative to make sure you use the SlideShare community to its fullest.

Tactical Tips to Increase Views / Reach:

  • Show more. Talk less.
  • Create an eye-popping cover slide and title to attract audience attention.
  • State the problem early on.
  • The solution cannot be “you”.
  • Do make it about a strategy, method, or approach the viewer can use.
  • Use your new content to promote your old content (and vice-versa) via backlinks.
  • Include a CTA at the end of your presentation (don’t leave your audience hanging; show them what to do next).
  • Leverage the presentation by embedding it directly onto your site, in blog articles, and on social media.
  • Don’t forget to respond to comments from your audience!

With all these tips under your belt, I think you’re ready to start creating your own SlideShare presentations today. Have fun!



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