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Alex Serrano

Alex Serrano

Sr. Front-end Developer, 10+ Years of Web Development on HubSpot and Various CMSs As a web developer at IMPACT, Alex's passion lies in building world-class web experiences that enhance the users’ life. For over 15 years, he’s worked on designing & building websites and even programming mobile apps. Through design, coding, and teamwork, he helps many companies succeed where others have struggled. Read More

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Alex Serrano

Sr. Front-end Developer, 10+ Years of Web Development on HubSpot and Various CMSs As a web developer at IMPACT, Alex's passion lies in building world-class web experiences that enhance the users’ life. For over 15 years, he’s worked on designing & building websites and even programming mobile apps. Through design, coding, and teamwork, he helps many companies succeed where others have struggled. He loves a challenge and focuses on getting things done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

More from Alex Serrano

Data security: Should you trust an agency with the 'keys' to your website?

November 28, 2019

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