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Carina Duffy

Carina Duffy

As a HubSpot and Inbound Specialist, Carina loves being a total HubSpot nerd - helping clients get the most out of HubSpot through training, consulting and in-person workshops. She's also a co-host of the Hubcast, a weekly podcast for HubSpotters who want to take their inbound marketing to the next level. When she's not in the office, you'll probably find her playing in a disc golf tournament, being a #powderhound at Mount Snow, wrecking n00bs in Rocket League, or making homemade ice cream with her Kitchen-Aid mixer.  Read More

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Carina Duffy

As a HubSpot and Inbound Specialist, Carina loves being a total HubSpot nerd - helping clients get the most out of HubSpot through training, consulting and in-person workshops. She's also a co-host of the Hubcast, a weekly podcast for HubSpotters who want to take their inbound marketing to the next level. When she's not in the office, you'll probably find her playing in a disc golf tournament, being a #powderhound at Mount Snow, wrecking n00bs in Rocket League, or making homemade ice cream with her Kitchen-Aid mixer.

More from Carina Duffy

Hubcast 190: Partner-Palooza with HubSpot Academy's Kevin Dunn

August 23, 2018

Why I Created the HubSpot Intensive Training Workshop

August 21, 2018

Hubcast 189: IMPACT Live Recap, Conversations [for Free!], & the Inbound Manifesto

August 16, 2018

Hubcast 188: Vidyard at INBOUND, IP Properties, & Self-Selection Marketing

August 9, 2018

Hubcast 187: All Things Email with HubSpot Academy's Courtney Sembler

August 2, 2018

Hubcast 186: Breaking News for Marketing Hub, Products Tool, & Major Facebook Updates

July 26, 2018

The Secret to Getting the Most from Any Tool You’re Already Investing In

July 21, 2018

Hubcast 185: Content Throwdown with HubSpot Academy's Jorie Munroe & Justin Champion

July 19, 2018

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