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They Ask, You Answer Mastery

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Jolie Higazi

Jolie Higazi

Jolie thrives on helping businesses propel their growth through harnessing the spirit of inbound: authentically connecting potential customers with what they really want. Jolie's wide-ranging experience working with B2B and B2C companies of all sizes and industries gives her the insight needed to drive growth through unique content strategies. She is a Hubspot-certified marketing specialist and an avid reader who is always learning about the latest digital marketing trends. When she's not helping companies reach their business goals, Jolie enjoys writing, doing handstands, and lifting heavy things. Read More

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Jolie Higazi

Jolie thrives on helping businesses propel their growth through harnessing the spirit of inbound: authentically connecting potential customers with what they really want. Jolie's wide-ranging experience working with B2B and B2C companies of all sizes and industries gives her the insight needed to drive growth through unique content strategies. She is a Hubspot-certified marketing specialist and an avid reader who is always learning about the latest digital marketing trends. When she's not helping companies reach their business goals, Jolie enjoys writing, doing handstands, and lifting heavy things.

More from Jolie Higazi

Website Accessibility Lawsuit May Reach Supreme Court

August 28, 2019

Google’s New Update to Image Search: Swipe to Visit

July 31, 2019

GDPR One Year Later: Where It Stands & Where It's Going

May 27, 2019

8 Favorite Apps for Building Unforgettable Instagram & Facebook Stories

April 25, 2019

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