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10 Website Homepage Videos That Leave a Great Impression

Jun 6, 2022

Best business website homepage videos
- Purple Mattress
- Jackson Galaxy
- Liberty Safe
- Polaris
- Born Primitive
- Sea Ray
- Sierra Nevada
- Interact Revolution
- Water's Edge Dermatology
- Calendly
I am obsessed with home renovation.
This includes binging hours of whatever HGTV shows are available at my disposal on Hulu and crafting beautiful dream-home Pinterest boards that create the perfect version of a Floridan paradise in my home.
Now, you might be thinking, what in the world does this have to do with website homepage design and videos? But don’t worry, you’re about to find out.
One of the many things I’ve learned over the course of binging this: first impressions are everything.
Curb appeal is so important and can make or break whether or not someone even decides to look at a home, much less consider making an offer to purchase it.
This brings us to video. Think of using video on your homepage as a necessary exercise in adding curb appeal to your business website design.
By adding a video to your homepage, you have the opportunity to create a visual-first impression of the services you offer, who you work best with, and overall, what your company can do for a prospective client.
Before I share with you a list of successful website homepage videos, I want to touch on why having an inbound video marketing strategy is important in the first place.
Video — especially in the time we live in now — is the way many of the world’s population consumes content: YouTube has over a billion users, and they watch more than 500 million hours of video on the platform daily.
Not only is video the preferred medium of the majority of internet users, but it can also shorten your sales cycle and allow your sales team to have more informed and productive conversations with potential customers.
It only makes sense that you'd want to harness this power on your homepage.
What am I looking for in a website homepage video?
First of all, finding videos to put in this article was a challenge. There are a lot of websites that include video on their homepage, but it doesn’t tell a story. There are also a lot of websites that I visited that did not have video on the homepage.
Hesitation to add video to the homepage is twofold:
- The company may not have extensive experience with the video, and because that first visit to a homepage is such a big deal when making a first impression with prospects, it could feel daunting to try to create the perfect video for the website — especially for a video novice.
- Video content creators often miss the mark when trying to communicate the brand’s message to potential buyers.
An unsuccessful video fails to:
- Convey what the company does for its customers.
- Set expectations on what it’s like to work with the company.
- Communicate who their ideal customer is.
Video, like curb appeal, is not a one-size-fits-all approach; there are many different elements that differentiate one brand voice from another, so what works for someone’s website homepage video may not work for yours.
A website homepage video should give whoever is visiting your website a clear idea of who you are as a company and a feel that accurately represents the personality of your business.
It should show your product or what you do, introduce subject-matter experts who create empathy with viewers, elaborate on the brand promises that make up the values of the company, and make its differentiators clear.
With all of this in mind, here are some examples of good website homepage videos.
Let’s jump in.
1. Purple
This example comes with a caveat: I wish this was the first thing I saw when I came to the Purple website. Unfortunately, I had to scroll down close to the bottom of the page to find it.
But that aside, Purple is a mattress company that has fully embraced video, and that’s clear here.
In this video, the brand talks about the science behind its mattress technology.
First off, the branding and personality are consistent with the content they create on their website and social media channels, which shows that as a company they are aligned on delivering what they promise to their customers.
Watching this video, you also get a comprehensive overview, from the top down, of what this company is all about.
The video walks the viewer through different aspects of how Purple builds mattresses in a fun, goofy way that makes the information easy to consume. That includes the fun, silly details, like Dhyey Acharya, Industrial Designer, switching up his tie game during his introduction.
Overall, this video is full of information, but also character and personality. This creates a likability factor with the audience that is hard to ignore.
2. Jackson Galaxy
I’m an animal lover. Some would say a crazy cat lady. And I am always looking for ways to make my cat’s life better (even though she is the most spoiled animal on the planet).
Jackson Galaxy has me covered, and he also has a really good website homepage video.
This is another example of how I wish this video was higher up on the page, and apparent right when I opened the website. I did have to scroll to see this video, but nevertheless, it is effective.
In this video, Jackson introduces himself and how he works with cats and their guardians.
This video works because it does a couple of things: first, it establishes Jackson Galaxy as an expert working with cats. He talks about his years of experience and how he helps pet owners and animals.
He then explains who his content is a good fit for and discusses how his brand is a community of cat people who want to learn more about their animal’s behaviors.
This is a good example video for someone who is a single person at the head of a business (i.e., a lawyer, financial advisor, or realtor), who needs to clarify who they are and how they work with customers.
It is a first-person representation, where Jackson Galaxy is directly addressing this audience as the person on camera.
Whether you’re a cat lover or not, you know who Jackson Galaxy is after watching. He comes across as a knowledgeable, likable person and establishes himself as someone you would trust with your pet.
3. Liberty Safe
Liberty Safe, a former IMPACT client, puts safety and quality on full display in their homepage video.
This video could be classified as one of The Selling 7, specifically, a “Claims We Make” video. It touches on the safety, technology, and company standards Liberty Safe has in place for its products.
By explaining and showing the process of how they build and test their safes, the video earns trust with the audience and assures them that they share the same concerns and values around safety that the audience does. They also do a great job of humanizing their brand by showing real employees.
4. Polaris
Before watching this video, I assumed that Polaris just made snowmobiles. But after watching, I know it has every toy I would need for my outdoor adventure needs.
The word that comes to mind when watching this video is adventure. We live in a culture consumed with wanderlust, and this video taps into that feeling, showing us the possibilities behind using vehicles that go where cars can’t.
By showing all the aspects of adventure these vehicles cover, as well as product details and even some elements of production, this homepage video gives the potential customer watching a good idea of what they could experience with the brand.
Just make sure if you take them up on snowmobiles, you have a great pair of gloves with your hand warmers — speaking from personal experience 😬.
5. Born Primitive
Born-Primitive from Daniel Dixon on Vimeo.
Born Primitive is a fitness community filled with motivational content at every twist and turn, and its homepage video hits home on that and more.
The primary audience for this video is competitive CrossFit athletes, and that’s shown with the gritty tone it takes towards training and the suffering and growth that athletes experience as they go through their regimens to get stronger.
Additionally, we get to learn about the company and what they stand for. Many people involved in that community are military and civil service people. This brand and tone of the video communicate the support for that audience and are even founded by one of them.
They also take some time to address the meaning behind their name, which is sick. In short, this video works because this brand has a clear understanding of who their audience is and what they value inside and outside of the gym.
6. Sea Ray
Why Sea Ray from Sea Ray Marketing on Vimeo.
Tangent alert here, but I promise it will make sense: the reason people love watching TV shows like The Real Housewives or Keeping Up With the Kardashians is that it’s considered to be aspirational television.
It may seem unattainable, but one of the qualities that people latch onto when watching these shows is they have a moment to picture what the life of the rich and famous could actually be like, and based on this “reality” that it paints, can picture themselves as part of it.
If I was going to use one word to categorize the video on Sea Ray’s homepage it would be aspirational. It paints a picture of extravagant boats and excursions that feel exclusive and luxurious.
And, essentially, they know their audience: someone who is in the market for a Sea Ray is generally looking for a boat meant for leisure and pleasure — and not as much for sport. That is exactly the feeling you get when you watch this video on their homepage.
As a video, this piece of content makes sense for the brand; however, how it is placed on the website does not invite users to watch. Instead of having a play button or an intuitive option to watch with the sound on, this video appeared as more of a hero banner or silent montage.
That’s fine if the intent is to use the hero space on the website creatively, but if you want the visitors to your website to watch the content you’ve created, you have to make it obvious with a play button, and/or some text next to the video explicitly telling visitors to to watch.
7. Sierra Nevada
Purchasing is often an emotional decision. Modern buyers want to know if the company's values align with their own. This video on the Sierra Nevada homepage makes this emotional, value-based connection.
In it, Sierra Nevada describes its effort to better the environment by outlining the brand’s current initiatives.
By sharing what’s valuable to them and their greater cause, Sierra Nevada is creating a platform for their fans to form a deeper connection with their beer and company.
This way, when they reach for their next can or glass, a customer feels that much better about the choice made, because not only do they enjoy the beer, they feel good that they’re contributing to a company that shares their values.
It shows they’re more than just a beer company.
The goal of this video is to leave a lasting impression, so when someone thinks to order a beer, Sierra Nevada is top of mind.
8. Interact Revolution
This video is one of the coolest homepage experiences I’ve ever encountered. And it works for this brand.
Simply put: this video is an example of the product in action — an interactive video that allows the person watching to choose their own adventure for their specific video needs.
The first time I saw this feature was on Netflix, watching Black Mirror, but it’s no surprise to me that this has entered the world of business. This video shares what you can expect if you want to implement this in your video strategy and allows you to self-select according to your personal preference with video.
9. Water’s Edge Dermatology
This video may not be rated for the highest production quality on the list, but it captured my attention because of the content the video presents.
If you’re in the market for a new doctor, wouldn’t you like to know how they’re bettering themselves to treat patients?
That’s exactly what this video does for Water’s Edge Dermatology. By showing a behind-the-scenes process of their grand rounds, there is an understanding that this practice is willing to bring in someone who is at the forefront of the field to discuss the best treatments for different patient scenarios.
One of the words that comes to mind for me when I watch this video is transparency. This practice is putting this information out to anyone coming to this website, which initiates a trusting bond with people who are not yet patients.
10. Calendly
Video does not have to be a massive, costly production to be effective, and in fact, that does not make sense for all brands. This Calendly video is a great example of that. The message is simple — Calendly makes scheduling meetings with teammates easier.
With this simple video, Calendly identifies the problem of scheduling nightmares, offers a solution, and elaborates on additional features that show that the product cannot only be used for individuals but can be used to coordinate with teams as well.
What do these videos have in common?
After showing you several examples of website homepage videos from different industries, it’s important to recognize what they all have in common: they address problems and offer unique solutions, show their values as a company, and capture the feeling customers experience when they use the product or service.
Thinking about everything we've covered, what would add the most to your homepage curb appeal? It’s likely to look different from the examples mentioned above (and it should).
You can think about elements from these videos that you liked, but how can they apply to your brand? The most important thing you can do in this video is to represent your brand accurately, to set expectations for the prospective customers coming to your website, and make it clear how you’re different.
And can you take it one step further? What if you were able to focus this video more towards the customer and make it less about you? Is your homepage a good place for an 80% video to live?
Consider your buyer’s journey and what you want them to know about you right off the bat. A great homepage video for you will accomplish that.
Build a fool-proof video marketing strategy for your small business
Here at IMPACT, we strive to help businesses like yours build the best inbound marketing strategies on the planet, and a large portion of our clients’ success comes from the They Ask, You Answer approach to video marketing. This method has worked for thousands of companies, small and large, B2B and B2C, and across a wide range of industries.
Hundreds of our IMPACT clients have used these steps to help their sales teams realize incredible results.
To implement They Ask, You Answer in your business, here are a few helpful resources:
Our strategic coaching and hands-on training for your marketing and sales teams will help you improve your video strategy and scale your business. Set up a time to talk to one of our advisors, and we’ll show you how to alleviate your video marketing challenges so you can finally do what you set out to: help your small business grow.

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