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Chris Duprey

By Chris Duprey

Oct 30, 2018


Executives and Leaders
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Executives and Leaders

The World Needs You to Be A More Mindful Leader [Video]

Chris Duprey

By Chris Duprey

Oct 30, 2018

The World Needs You to Be A More Mindful Leader [Video]

If you’re a frequent reader of IMPACT, you’ll know I have been working on developing this idea that the philosophy of inbound can apply to leadership, a.k.a. inbound leadership.

I’ve given a talk on it, written a followup piece, and am currently working on a pillar piece of content on it for our site.

As we develop this idea of inbound leadership, I continue to read, watch, and listen to folks talking about leadership and all things related to continuing my research.

Most recently, this insight came from a source close to me.

In addition to being a great human being, my friend, Matt Thieleman, is the founder of Golden Bristle, a leadership coaching practice that’s purpose is to help leaders and teams unleash their awesomeness on the world.

He does this by making them more mindful.

I have had a ton of great conversations with Matt on leadership, mindfulness, organizational effectiveness, and many others things. He has engaged with several teams (and individuals) at IMPACT, helping them understand what it means to be mindful leaders, and a few weeks ago, he sent me a link to the TEDx Talk he recently gave on this subject.

Mindful Leadership, as defined in this talk, contains three components.

  1. Self-awareness

  2. Awareness of others

  3. Ability to focus on what’s important

These three elements allow leaders to understand themselves; to see how their actions and motivations affect not only themselves but those around them, understand what is important, and be present in this moment.

“Our future calls for more from all of us.”

“We humans are at our best when we’re working toward a purpose or cause bigger than ourselves”

As I listened and watched Matt speak, I saw so many connections to Inbound Leadership.

I began to see how the three principles he talks about in terms of being a mindful leader are key in the foundation of being a coach, teacher, and mentor. (Hint hint - these are the foundations needed to be an inbound leader.)

Whether we are talking about Mindful Leadership or Inbound Leadership, we are talking about how, as leaders, we can be more effective in how we lead.

In fact, Mindful Leadership is a great way to set the stage for Inbound Leadership.

If we can’t or don’t practice Matt’s message, it will be hard for us to be the coach, teacher, and mentor needed to be an inbound leader.

To foster an environment where we place our people first, collaborate, and adapt, we must be aware of ourselves and others and know what is truly important.

Mindful Leadership is something ALL can practice. It is how we ALL can choose to show up, moment after moment. As leaders, we are given the choice to do this in every moment of every day.

How we show up for ourselves and for our teams is the true mark we make on the world. Matt’s talk re-enforced this with me and I hope that it has the same effect on you.


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