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"The Biggest Misconception of Client/Agency Relationships" [Creator's Block, Ep. 114]

Oct 1, 2019
!["The Biggest Misconception of Client/Agency Relationships" [Creator's Block, Ep. 114]](
Here at IMPACT, we produce a lot of content (and I mean A LOT), so I can't always consume every single thing we do. But the one thing I absolutely cannot miss each week is The Latest.
The Latest is our hand-curated marketing-insights newsletter where I know I'm going to get a hit list of the top topics our IMPACTers and marketing community have been discussing throughout the week.
So when I saw "Agency Outsourcing Is Broken" as the start of the subject line in one of the newsletters last week, I knew it was going to be good.
The article linked was written by Marcus Sheridan, and he talks about why we need to rethink the relationship between client and agency.
I. Was. Hooked. (And I wasn't the only one...)
What Marcus says in his article is somewhat controversial, but it ultimately boils down to a single point: "When you own your content creation, you own the soul of your business."
All too often, clients think they can outsource ALL of the marketing efforts to an agency and expect to see huge results, when the reality is, they themselves need to own a big portion of their own efforts.
After all, aren't clients the true experts in their business?
Join Marcella and me as we dive into the biggest misconception clients fall victim to when working with agencies — and what they can do differently to see the success they need.
Listen to the Episode
What we talked about
- Who needs to own strategy and KPIs
- Expectation vs reality of the future of marketing agencies
- When outsourcing makes sense vs when it does not
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Order Your Copy of Marcus Sheridan's New Book — Endless Customers!