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Carolyn Edgecomb

By Carolyn Edgecomb

Mar 30, 2013


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Celebrate Easter with an Infographic About Peeps

Carolyn Edgecomb

By Carolyn Edgecomb

Mar 30, 2013

Celebrate Easter with an Infographic About Peeps


Celebrate Easter with an Infographic About PeepsWhether you love or hate them, Peeps are a traditional Easter candy enjoyed by everyone around the world.

A great way for your brand to engage and interact with users and fans is through infographics. As we all know, visual content is key.

There is no better way to displayinformation. especially with Easter  literally right around the corner.  I'm not sure if anyone in the office will be able to beat Heather Mulligans 7 Peeps in 30 seconds, but we could try.

For those that enjoy eating Peeps to those that love seeing how many they can eat in a minute, there is soo much more to your favorite Easter candy. Check out these Ten Fun Facts About Peeps.

Ten fun facts about Peeps [infographic]

For those of you interested in blowing up Peeps inside your microwave, that is totally up to you, but lets get back to the basics of a great infographic.

4 Elements of a Great Infographic

In recent years, infographics have increasingly been getting more traction and attention. They are popping up pretty much everywhere. However, not every infographic you see is soing to be great. There are specific elements that go into developing a great infographic that viewers and other companies will want to share.

1. Design

When designing your infographic, it is important to think about what will grab the attention of viewers. What will make them stop and read your infographic?

If the design doesn't grab peoples attention, trust me when I say that no one is going to give your infographic a second look. When considering the design of your infographic, it is important to look at the colors and fonts you are interested in using. You want to ensure that you select complementary colors and fonts that are easy to read.

Consider the following when designing infographic:

    • Your audience
    • Topic
    • Are you effectively utilizing space
    • Using different textures
    • Choosing the right colors
    • Font

2. Data

A great infographic will provide you with a ton of information. It shouldn't just be about graphics. This infographic did a great job telling us all of these  "FUN" things about Peeps. I'm not sure about you, but I had no clue that Peeps are famous for their two year shelf life and indestructibility, if you ask me that probably shouldn't happen. If an infographic had no data, it would just be considered a graphic. Pamela Vaughan makes a great point when she says, "If viewers have to question whether the statistics or data points you mention have any weight, your infographic won't be nearly as effective".

3. Shareability

One of the great things about developing an infographic is being able to share it. Infographics are not going to share themselves. There are dozens of websites where you can post infographics. The more visibility you can get in the beginning, the more success you’re likely to have.

Here are a few ideas of where to share your infographic: your social media profiles (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr), your blog, social link-sharing sites or infographic blogs.

4. Visualization

Don't just stick to pie charts and bar graphs, not only does that get old, but your not going to stand out much from the crowd and all the other infographics floating around on the Internet. Just remember that your infographic shouldn't be too short or too long. You should limit yourself to talking about only the best data to make your point.

What elements make your infographic successful:

    • Simple and visually pleasing layout
    • There isn't too much information
    • Includes interesting facts
    • Interesting topic
    • Design is reminiscent of brand

What IMPACT loves about Peeps

I prefer the bunny peeps to the chick peeps, just saying. - Brittany Balog

I don't like peeps, but I do enjoy watching a great "peep war" in the microwave. - Michele Smoly

I love eating peeps tail first. - Katie Pritchard

I like to eat them in two bites (with milk) and usually start head first. I always find that they "taste" like the coloring they are. - Rachel Rodgers

I like my peeps stale, kinda like Jeff Pelliccio's wardrobe. - Amy Chudy

Let us know how much you love peeps!


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