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IMPACT Live Chicago: April 14-16, 2025

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Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Jul 22, 2021


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Custom email nurture reporting, a map hack, and are pop-up forms a thing of the past? [Hubcast 273]

Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Jul 22, 2021

Custom email nurture reporting, a map hack, and are pop-up forms a thing of the past? [Hubcast 273]

This episode of the Hubcast is brought to you by IMPACT+, the only online educational community that helps you move the sales needle and advance in your career through the use of They Ask, They Answer. Get started today for free with online training, mastermind groups, and more.

Partial transcripts of the Hubcast that appear below have been edited for clarity.



Certified Dope: Digging into the new custom report builder

Email nurture reporting

You can now use email open-and-click data in the custom report builder and it’s … pretty cool.

HubSpot Custom Report: Email Nurture

Hacking HubSpot

Gravity forms has a cool “Map It” functionality that takes the address from a form submission and generates a link to the Google Maps of that address in the submission notification email.

So, how do you do that in a HubSpot notification email?

Turns out it’s really just a matter of pulling personalization tokens into the source code of the email:

<a href="">See it on the map</a>

HubSpot wishlist: Visual customization options for popup forms and popup images to increase conversions

It would be great if we can upgrade the popup forms with more visual customization options and also have the option to use popup images (image-only popups).

I know these are two different things but with more customization options, for example, styling, images, colors, and background, we could really improve our lead generation and increase our conversion rate.

There are many great examples that HubSpot's website currently uses, which would also be great for us users. I often see popups appearing for e-books where large images are being used.

Vote it Up!

Shoutout to our pal Ari Haas for bringing this one to the HubSpot user Slack!

HubSpot updates

[Live] Send dashboard emails with dynamic filters

In your portal, you can build out a dashboard with dynamic filters such as "Owners: me" or "Teams: my teams," which will change the data, dependent on which user is viewing the dashboard. And now you can add the same dynamic filters to your emails to ensure that the relevant context carries over to each recipient of the email.
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[Now Live] Pipeline permissions: partitioning of deal and ticket pipelines

Super admins can manage which users and teams have access to specific deal and ticket pipelines. For each pipeline, you can give access to all users in the account, or limit access to individual users and teams.

[Note:] Explicitly giving a user or team access to a pipeline will restrict access for all others. For users without permission, restricted pipelines will be greyed out in the HubSpot account on desktop and the mobile app. Restricted users can view a specific deal or ticket record if they are sent a direct link from a user with access to the pipeline. They will also see records from restricted pipelines as associations on records.

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[Now Live] Collaboration sidebar in website pages, landing pages, and blog

Commenting and the Collaboration Sidebar are available to all Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise users, and available in the following apps:

  • Campaigns
  • Marketing Email
  • Forms
  • Ads
  • Landing Pages
  • Website Pages
  • Blog

[Upcoming Sunset] Sales Tools will no longer update the Lifecycle Stage property

Today, the contacts created from the following Sales activities have their Lifecycle stages automatically set to "Lead":

  • Booking a meeting.
  • Logging a 1:1 email.
  • Being added to the CRM from the Sales Extension sidebar.

After this update, these activities will have no impact on the Lifecycle stage property.

[Now Live] Zoom integration with Conversation Intelligence (Sales or Service Hub Enterprise)

From the Zoom integration settings page in HubSpot select "Sync data from recordings and transcripts." This is a portal-level setting:

Once you have enabled cloud recording in Zoom and checked the box in Zoom Integration settings to sync recording and transcript data, you will be able to see recording and transcripts for your Zoom meetings in your HubSpot CRM.

  • See all Zoom calls on the call object timeline.
  • Review calls with the full-screen view.
  • Preview your calls from the side panel.

Learn More

[Now Live] Updates to editing tables in rich text

When you click on a table in a "rich text" field or module, the rich text toolbar will contextually update to show relevant table editing and styling options, such as border color, spacing, and more.

If you then click into an individual table cell, you will see the regular rich text toolbar options appear to edit the content of the cells.

The table popover allows you to delete or clone the table.

Additionally, options to remove and add cells are available when you click into a particular cell.

[Now Live] Sync Companies with Data Sync

That’s it. But when will they give us deals and tickets?

Until next time

Join the HubSpot User Slack and hang out with us! 

If you’re listening on iTunes – head on over and leave us a review. We love hearing your feedback, so feel free to leave some in the comments, or shoot me an email at

Until next time. This is Carina Duffy, Nick Bennett, and Jess Palmeri saying to you, Get out there and get after it!

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IMPACT Live Chicago: April 14-16, 2025

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