By Katie Coelho
Feb 1, 2013
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So just over two weeks ago, Facebook Graph Search was announced. There's been rumors going around about exactly how companies can reach the top of searches when it's released to the public.
This new type of search may be comparable in importance of Google to your company, if not more important. Graph Search is relationship based... so when you use Graph Search, Facebook tells your friends that have interacted with a page. The reason this may be more important than Google is because your company gains merit from friends.
A regular Google search lists the websites that best fit your search (considering SEO). There may be reviews somewhere out there for a company, but from random people the searcher doesn't know. On Facebook, the searcher can see what specific friends of yours have interacted with company or place. Wouldn't you trust your friends' opinions more than random people?
The unfortunate part about graph search for companies is that the search will be unique for every person based on their relationships with others. Top Results that appear are there if the searcher's closest friends have interacted with them.
Searches that do not depend on your friends (where your friends have not connected with), like "restaurants in Paris near the Eiffel Tour", will have different qualifications to rank high.
So how can you improve your page right now to prepare for the roll-out of Facebook Graph Search?
Filter the Information You Share
Your Info
The first step is to have a Facebook page (duh). Then, make sure your information is all updated and correct, and fill out all empty fields. Your category and sub-categories will be important to Graph Search to identify what type of company you are. The more detailed and specific you are about your company, the easier it will be for people to find you.
Include your web address on your page, so people will be able to find more information about you if they want to. Your about section will also help the search define who you are.
Another important part you should include on your page is your physical address. When people search for things in a certain area, you want to make sure you show up. Verify that Facebook acknowledges your address (including a map) to ensure you will appear in a location search.
Your Content
Share content directly on your page. Facebook says that sharing pictures, and information straight to your page will show up in searches. Although HootSuite is extremely helpful to manage and schedule tweets, for right now, Facebook says that an organic post will appear in search results better.
Strengthen Connections
Photo Tags
Check the box that allows people to tag photos at your company. This will improve your interactions with people. If your company is a restaurant, someone that searched and found you in graph search can click a button to see people's photos that have been tagged at your place. This is yet another way for people to connect with you and learn more about you.
Although it hasn't specifically been stated, more likes on your page may improve your chances of ranking high. The more people that like a page, the more people will trust your company. They will be more inclined to be interested, or even like your page themselves. After someone has liked your page, you can know more information about them (and improve your marketing). Remind people to like your page at your physical location, on your website, or other social media sites.
Again, it hasn't been stated, but check-ins may help you rank higher. The least it will do is improve your company image if someone comes across your page. There are a couple ways to increase your number of check-ins. First try reminding people to check-in... that's pretty simple. If you want even more, try running deals for customers, like a percentage off their total if they check-in. Incentives will work too. By making your deals time sensitive, a higher amount of people will check-in in a shorter amount of time.
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