By Karisa Hamdi
Nov 30, 2015
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Struggling to get anyone to respond to your guest-blogging attempts?
Don’t worry, we’ve all sent countless emails trying to get our names out there without getting even a simple “no thanks” or “not interested” back.
It’s easy to give up and claim that guest blogging doesn’t work, but there’s a lot you may be missing when you’re reaching out.
Here are four surefire guest-blogging tips to make your outreach emails irresistible.
1. Target the Right Blogs
Are you sure you’re targeting the right blogs? Have you really sat down and researched the top blogs in your industry?
If you’re reaching out to just anyone you’re never going to get a reply back.
As with any content endeavour, in order to successfully guest blog, you need to be sure that you’re finding blogs in your industry with the right audience.
By making sure you’re targeting the right blogs you’ll able to reach the audience that’s actually interested in the content you’re putting out there. You’ll build expertise for your company as well as awareness with a new, interested and qualified audience.
You also want to work with blogs that have published within the past month and seem to have a healthy amount of readers.
According to HubSpot, “businesses that published blog entries on a regular basis (more than once a week) added subscribers over twice as fast as those companies that added content once a month.” By making sure the blog you’re contacting is well-maintained and consistent, you have a higher chance of someone getting back to you and your post actually getting read.
2. Do Your Research Beforehand
Once you’ve gathered a list of the best blogs for your company, check to see if they have any guidelines or suggestions for submitting guest blogging ideas.
If you email them and you haven’t followed the guidelines, it can come off as careless, like you’re not really interest and didn’t do your due diligence.
Coming to them with well thought out topics along with titles that are in-line with what they’re looking for shows that you’re in-tune with what they expect for their audience.
You can even send a completed article in the email as long as you’ve really completed your research and really know it’s something they’d be interested in.
Another tip for being well-prepared is to know the correct person to email.
Sometimes it’s hard to find a name, let alone a contact email address for guest blogging inquiries, but if available,look for the editor of the blog.
Getting in touch with the correct person greatly increases your chances of getting a reply back.
3. Have Strong Email Content
When you’re writing the actual content of your outreach email, it’s important to show them the value of having you write for them
If you just email them saying “Hey, I want to write a post for your blog. It’ll help me get readers,” their response will likely be “Great for you, but what about me?”
Let them know that by having your company contribute to their blog they’ll be getting great content. Prove it to them, by linking them to a couple of your past articles on your own blog or guest blogs for others. This will let the quality of your work speak for itself.
Another way to entice those you’re contacting is by explaining how you’ll be promoting the post through social media and on your own blog. This will get their blog more views and could increase their subscriber rating if your followers like what they see.
Also, make sure each email is personalized towards the blog you’re reaching out to.
You should show that you are deeply familiar with the blog you are contacting , even throw in a specific article that really stood out to you.
This lets them know that you actually took the time to read their blog and you’re not sending out a templated outreach email.
4. Follow Up
Lastly, it’s important to follow up a little after you send the first email.
Sometimes people miss emails or read them quickly with intent to reply but get sidetracked -- I’m sure you’ve done it before.
Sending this second email reminds them that you’re reached out before and gives them another opportunity to get back to you. They’ll see that you’re committed to contributing to their blog and are ready to go.
Ready to start getting responses to your guest blogging outreach emails? Take these tips and start researching blogs or even contributing to major publications! Don’t get discouraged if it takes sometime, once you get the process down you’ll start getting your post, and your name out there.
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