Dec 16, 2018
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Why Your Holiday Marketing Is Incomplete Without Social Video This Year [Infographic]
Dec 16, 2018
Social media and holiday marketing go together like hot cocoa and marshmallows. Like Charlie Brown and sad Christmas trees. Like mall Santas and crying children (...or is that just mine?).
Who doesn’t love scrolling through a feed of cozy fires, beautiful trees, and impeccable mantelpieces, or a satisfying cry at that Elton John commercial that went viral this year? (or even this short film...I’m verklempt.)
Holiday marketing means big bucks and with 70% of people using social media daily in North America, it’s no surprise to hear that marketers are looking for success this time of year by combining two proven tactics.
Animoto found that 79% of marketers will run a holiday campaign on social media this year, which is no surprise, but what might make your ears perk up is that of those marketers, 80% are using video ads.
Video is Hot...In a Cold, Winter Way
As you probably know, we at IMPACT have been extolling the virtues of video for many years. Let’s recap a few reasons why we like video content so much:
Videos are the best way to tell your story
Video can do wonders for humanizing your brand
The viral potential of video far surpasses any other type of content
Videos are great for short attention spans
Simply put. Video works.
This is especially true during the holidays.
In fact, according to Animoto’s research, 56% of consumers say a brand’s video on social media has influenced a holiday purchasing decision -- and that’s not all!
Video is also the #1 way that consumers found out about a new brand/product before making a purchase.
Digital platforms are taking their cue from consumers, and, almost across the board, algorithms are favoring video content above all else. If that doesn’t give you a kick in the pants, I don’t know what will.
Tune Up Your Social Video Skills
Hey, it’s only December 16th, which means there’s still time to get that video campaign up and running on social media! You’d be surprised how quickly your business will reap the benefits.
Here are some of our tips on how to best utilize video in your social media marketing campaigns.
If you miss the boat this year, however, I’ll let you in on a little marketing on social media works all year round.
Give it a try for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, National Falafel Day...or literally any other time of the year, and by the time the holidays roll around next year, you’ll have this down pat.
By the way, here’s the fun infographic I got all these great stats from. It’s my holiday gift, from me to you.
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