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Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Mar 17, 2018


Content Marketing Just for Fun Infographics
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How Marketers Get Lucky on St. Patrick’s Day with $5.9B Being Spent! [Infographic]

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Mar 17, 2018

How Marketers Get Lucky on St. Patrick’s Day with $5.9B Being Spent! [Infographic]

Are you feeling lucky?

Every St. Patrick’s Day, millions of people do -- especially in the United States.

With more than 126.9 million Americans (30x the population of Ireland) expected to celebrate this year, the holiday can be the pot-of-gold at the end of marketing rainbow for many businesses.

From decorations and greeting cards to clothing, food, and drink, over four billion dollars are spent during the celebrations, presenting a fun opportunity for businesses big and small to campaign for their cut.

Collecting data from National Retail FederationWalletHub, USNews, and Fox Business among others, I’ve put together this festive infographic to help share some of the holiday’s most surprising consumer statistics as well as tips on how your brand can capitalize on them this year.

Here are a few of its highlights:

  • 52.3% of Americans plan on celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

  • 82.4% Plan on wearing green

  • 77% of Americans ages 25-34 celebrate

  • $245 million spent on beer
  • 36.9M of Americans claim to have Irish ancestry

  • ~ $5.9 Billion will be spent on St. Patrick’s Day

  • The average American spends $39.65 on the day

  • Millennials spend an average of $42; while individuals 35-44 spend on average $45.76, the highest of all age groups.

  • Only 19% of those celebrating plan on visiting a bar or restaurant

How can you get in the spirit with your marketing?

  • Offer discounts & sales

  • Host “lucky” events: giveaways, contests, or Raffles

  • Offer a special menu

  • Create a special edition of a product

  • Go green by temporarily add green elements to your logo, website, etc.

  • Share a greeting on social media

View and share the full infographic below!



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