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Does your website build trust with buyers and bring in revenue?
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Tom DiScipio

By Tom DiScipio

Apr 27, 2012


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How to Build a Website for Insurance Agencies

Tom DiScipio

By Tom DiScipio

Apr 27, 2012

How to Build a Website for Insurance Agencies


Insurance Agencies

One thing that is becoming abundantly clear to everyone who has a business is that if you want to be successful and make money, you have to get online. This couldn’t be more true for insurance agencies.  You know that you have a heck of Competitive Research is So Important">a lot of competition out there.  A leisurely drive down any moderately busy street will prove that there are more than a handful of different insurance agencies on that very same road.

So what can you do to get ahead?

Simple; build a great website.

Insurance agencies require a bit of a different type of website than other industries, however.  Whether you’re planning on building the site yourself, or are thinking about hiring on someone to do it for you, I’ve got some great pointers for what you should look at when building your website.

TIP: Take a look at our FREE eBook, “Website Redesign 101”, for some other great web-building ideas.

Why you Need a Website

Think about the industry you’re in: it’s all about personal contact, right?  The best insurance agencies out there have built up a personal relationship with their different clients, either by meeting them in person or speaking with them over the telephone.  Once a relationship is established, there’s a good chance that those clients will become loyal to you and come to you for all of their insurance needs (travel, home, auto – you name it).

Getting online and having a great website is proving to be just as effective for getting new clientele than talking over the telephone or in person.  But you do have to have certain things going for your website in order to make it a success.

Be sure to check out our FREE eBook, "How to Generate Leads From Your Website" to learn more about maximizing your online marketing efforts. 

Keep It Simple

Your goal should be to have a clean website that has information clearly laid out and displayed for everyone to see.  It should be easy to navigate.  A good test of any web page is for you to step back as the creator or company owner, and then enter your website from a visitor’s perspective.  Would you stay on that page?  Or would you click away to another page (aka your competitors’ website)?

Have a clear header.  Describe what your services are about, and have clearly defined and displayed links that people can click on to find out more about your different insurance.  Make sure that your contact information is easy to find and always present (this can be as simple as having a footer at the bottom of each page and a “contact us” link at the top of each page).

Include Information About You

As you and I and everyone else is perfectly aware, there are a lot of insurance agencies out there.  And to most of us, each and every insurance agency is offering the same thing. The same type of insurance at the same type of prices. So what makes you so special?  Why should anyone choose you over the next company?

You have to sell people on YOU.  This means including information about you, your company, and write about what sets you apart from the pack.  Is it your outstanding customer service that sets you apart?  Are you willing to help people with their travel insurance when they’re traveling abroad and may have  questions or problems with it?  Do you have the best quotes in town?  Even coming up with a unique reason as to why you got into the insurance industry may be enough to sell people on your company.

Include an Online Quote Tool

All insurance agencies should have this on their website, and I’m always shocked to find how many don’t.  Always – and I mean always – have an insurance quote tool available on your website, and make sure it works.  Try to choose a form that will break up the questions in little bits and bites so that the user doesn’t become overwhelmed when responding to the several questions provided on the tool.

Key Takeaways:

Insurance agencies have a lot of work to do to stay in business given that there are so many insurance agencies around town.  If you want to stand out from the lot, make sure that you have an awesome website that will continually draw in fresh, new clientele.

Need Help?

If you're an insurance agency interested in building a website but are having trouble getting started, contact us today to schedule your free marketing analysis.

Free: Assessment

Does your website build trust with buyers and bring in revenue?
Take this free 6 question assessment and learn how your website can start living up to its potential.