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Alex Winter

By Alex Winter

Jul 17, 2024


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How to Create Industry-Disrupting Content That Will Turn Heads [Endless Customers Podcast Ep. 46]

Alex Winter

By Alex Winter

Jul 17, 2024

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Marcus Sheridan
Alex, the quickest way you can disrupt your entire industry right now is simply by putting... Welcome back to Endless Customers. My name is Alex Winter and today we are joined

Alex Winter
by the one and only Marcus Sheridan, bestselling author, partner here at Impact, coach, you do everything, welcome back to the show, thanks for being here, it's awesome to have you.

Marcus Sheridan
I am very excited about this episode. People say that sometimes, this episode I've been waiting to record because I got a lot to get off my chest.

Alex Winter
Yes, well then let's not waste any more time, we're gonna dive right in. Today we're talking about industry disrupting content. What is industry disrupting content? What does that mean?

Marcus Sheridan
Okay, whenever I meet with an audience, where we start is, okay, we know the buyers changed. We know they're more informed than they've ever been. They're vetting us to death. And the company they reach out to is the one they trust the most. So how do you become this most trusted voice in your market, in your industry? Well you gotta do a few things, Alex,

Marcus Sheridan
and this is where disruption occurs. Alright? Okay. Number one, you gotta be willing to talk about what others in your space are not willing to talk about. Subject matter.

Marcus Sheridan
Online. Not just in person, online.

Alex Winter

Marcus Sheridan
Yes, so I want you to, as you're hearing me right now, and I've had many folks do, quote, they ask you answer, but they don't pass this test like they should. Alright, there's levels of this. Okay. So today we're gonna push this envelope a little bit.

Alex Winter
Sounds good.

Marcus Sheridan
But we're starting with the basic and then we're gonna push.

Alex Winter

Marcus Sheridan
So you gotta be willing to talk about that which others are not willing to talk about in your space. Number one, numero uno, senor. Number two, you've got to be willing to show, specifically in this case through video, what others in your space are not willing to show. How much video have you produced that no one else in your space has ever done, Number three, you gotta be willing to sell

Marcus Sheridan
in a way that others aren't willing to sell. Okay, now, one thing I'd add on this as a bonus slash caveat, right? Number four, essentially, this is because of AI, you gotta be more human while doing these than anybody else in your space.

Marcus Sheridan
Okay, so we've got tell, show, sell, those are the big three. And do it more human than anybody else. So then it becomes, well what does this look like? What is that, like, can you break that down for me, Marcus? Right, how does this apply?

Alex Winter

Marcus Sheridan
How does this apply? Okay. So there's always certain litmus tests, first off. When was the last time somebody in your space said, you can't say that, you can't do that. Who gave them the right to do that?

Marcus Sheridan
Who gave them the right to say that? That means disruption. That means frustration. Let me give you one of the most classic examples I've seen of disruption.

Alex Winter
Okay, yeah, please.

Marcus Sheridan
scene of disruption. And this is a little bit of show, tell, sell all together in one. It's a glorious example. It was about eight years ago and I was speaking to literally all the major manufacturers in the boating industry. Some of just the biggest brands in boating, the CEOs were there.

Marcus Sheridan
I was giving them presentation. In this presentation I said to them, the day is coming where every single one of you is going to have a build and price your boat tool on your website as a manufacturer. Alex, they tried to laugh me out of the room. I kid you not. One of them had the audacity to say to me, well you're not my buyer anyway. Wow. And if that guy only knew how much you're into voting and how much I'm voting, how much I've spent on voting. Yeah. Right. It's like, like at this point, it's laughable what he said. Doesn't know your audience. Yeah. It's

Marcus Sheridan
just laughable. Wow. And so I said, yeah, what did you do? What did you do in that moment? Oh, I was, I can remember the rage that built inside of me. Yeah, I'm not dumb right no I could see where the industry was headed. I said to them I looked around I said Somebody in this room is gonna do it Somebody's gonna put that pricing calculator on their website And they're gonna change the rules because folks the rule breakers

Marcus Sheridan
Eventually become the rule makers That's how it always works. We've seen it since day one. When you don't break the rules, you become complacent, fat and happy, and you do nothing extraordinary and everybody catches up and eventually surpasses you in your business. We've seen that many, many times.

Marcus Sheridan
Write Kodak, write Blockbuster, write maybe Google right now, right? Maybe. So these are the things, this is the history of the world that we're talking about here. So getting back to my boating example with these arrogant CEOs.

Alex Winter
I can relate to this too because I look at boats all the time. You get it. And almost every site that you go on to look at boats, they give you all the information, all the specs, all this beautiful shiny stuff, they never give

Alex Winter
you the prices. You have to inquire.

Marcus Sheridan
The classic is call for quote, call for price. Every time. Which is the literal middle finger of the internet, y'all. Call for quote. Give me a break. That's literally saying, I don't want you to call.

Marcus Sheridan
And so there was one company in the room, and they're called Sportsman Boats. Okay, yeah. And Sportsman ended up being one of the first companies in the world that was a boating manufacturer to put a build and price your boat tool on their website. And lo and behold, suddenly everybody was like, uh-oh. And now I would say today you've got roughly like 65, 70% of the manufacturers have a build and price your boat tool on their website. So what are they doing there? They're talking about something and showing you something and selling it away that nobody's ever done in their space.

Marcus Sheridan
That's how you turn an industry on its head. time, if you're listening to this, that you did something that really frustrated your competitors and disrupted your industry. Let me give you another example of me back in the day when I was just a pool guy because I was doing this every day and it was crazy. One of the simplest things that you can do to disrupt your industries, just say, what's

Marcus Sheridan
wrong with my industry? Like, what's screwed up about it? What's screwed up? Well, I can remember thinking back in the day, alright, so I sell fiberglass pools, and fiberglass pool shelves come with a warranty.

Marcus Sheridan
But these warranties were written in a really shady way. And I didn't like it. They were very misleading. So I produced content, I was the first person in the world that openly talked about fiberglass pool warranties and how a bunch of them were a sham. Now I didn't mention any manufacturers because these dopes they'll

Marcus Sheridan
sue you for anything. But I said here's what you can find in the industry, here's why it's wrong. Guess what happened Alex? Suddenly they were forced to change the wording on their warranties. Wow, let me give you another example.

Alex Winter

Marcus Sheridan
Used to be that fiberglass pools were built on sand. So let me explain this to you and how ridiculous this is. So you dig a hole in the ground, you've got this fiberglass shell. You gotta put it in the ground, but you gotta put it on something. You

Marcus Sheridan
can't just set it on dirt. You have to set it on a base that's level. So what they would do is they would put it on a sand base and then they would backfill around it because you've got this over dig right of like 6 to 12 inches all the way around the pool. So they backfilled all the way around the pool with sand as well. And so the first six or 12 inches of your pool patio is sitting on top of that thing

Marcus Sheridan
that it was backfilled with. Are you following me so far? Following. Now, here's the thing about sand.

Alex Winter
It settles.

Marcus Sheridan
Yeah. It doesn't go down compacted. Even if you compact it.

Alex Winter
I was going to say, even when you compact it.

Marcus Sheridan
It's still going to settle. This is why over 2,000 years ago, somebody said in some book, you don't build your house on sand. And so you don't see driveways built on sand. What do you see them built on? Gravel that has, it's essentially, it's like a crush and run or a gravel that has been compacted and that's about 99% compacted when it goes down. Right. So we started teaching the industry, guess what? You should put your pool on gravel.

Marcus Sheridan
What happened as a result of this? This is where it gets hilarious. I started having people say to me, like contractors from around the country would call me up and saying I've got this homeowner and they're complaining because they're saying now that I've got to put their pool on gravel and I have it quoted for sand, Marcus, this is, you're messing me up.

Marcus Sheridan
I'm like, I'm not messing you up. You're messing you up because you're building an inferior product, an inferior way. This is on you. It's not my fault that you didn't charge the extra $750,000, whatever the delta is,

Marcus Sheridan
so as to compensate for putting in a product like part of the install, it should be gravel. This is a no-brainer. It's not debatable. And so at the time of doing this, Alex, probably 10% of all the fiberglass pools in the U.S. that went in were built on gravel.

Marcus Sheridan
The other 90% were built on sand. And today, roughly 80 to 90% are built on gravel. It's because we said this is screwed up. That's disruption. That's what I mean when I say, wait, you can't do that. So again, stay with me, folks, here, because this is really, really important.

Marcus Sheridan
There's things that are happening in your industry right now that bother you, that are not good for the market. Folks are doing things the wrong way. You got to talk about those things. Now you don't need to mention other companies. You don't need to get yourself in trouble.

Marcus Sheridan
I'm not saying that.

Alex Winter

Alex Winter
You don't need to start a Twitter war or anything like that. We're not trying to, yeah.

Marcus Sheridan
But when it comes to the principle thing, like if there is a methodology that's screwed up in your industry talk about if there's a practice that's screwed up in your industry talk about it right these are the things that but this is called thought leadership yeah and most companies really aren't willing to become thought leaders because the second somebody pooh poohs them they are freaking out I was gonna say why why is

Alex Winter
that what is the fear behind disruption like why why aren't more people doing this? Because to me it seems like this plays perfectly into your book and the methodology of the Ask U, Answer where it's like the best way to build trust is to call out the elephant in the room

Marcus Sheridan
and just be completely brutally honest about it, right? That's right, but you see a lot of people, they're just afraid. Afraid of any type of complaint. Now I'm more worried about the customer, the consumer not getting what they want and not being treated fairly than I am about pissing off a competitor.

Alex Winter

Marcus Sheridan
What matters to me is the truth. That's what matters to me. And I think that's what should matter to the marketplace.

Alex Winter

Marcus Sheridan
And so what can happen, though, is somebody's worried, well, what if all my competitors try to team up against me? This is the thing that they're worried about. That's why leadership can be a lonely road. You're ahead of the pack. But that's also how you do extraordinary things.

Marcus Sheridan
And if you look at the folks like, how many companies sued Tesla because they went direct to consumer? They were all doing it.

Alex Winter
Yeah, I'm sure all of them.

Marcus Sheridan
How many taxi groups sued Uber because they came into their city and said, no, that's not the way we do it. Who won each one of those battles? You see, the marketplace eventually wins. They might be screwed for a while, but eventually the marketplace wins.

Marcus Sheridan
But it takes somebody that's willing to put themself in the line of fire. And you know, some people give Elon Musk a hard time. Give me a break, will you? The guy is trying to save the world. He might not do it in the way you like it, but you've got to respect it. Yeah, got to respect it.

Marcus Sheridan
Before he bought Twitter, everybody said, thank you for having a different solution to people using fossil fuels. Everybody loved him. So you can't sit there and say all of a sudden, I don't appreciate the fact that he has impacted the world.

Marcus Sheridan
People forget, he did all the hard work so that everybody else could come in and follow and suddenly start to do electric cars. Man, we could have done electric cars like 50 years ago, dude.

Alex Winter

Marcus Sheridan

Marcus Sheridan
But there was so much power and so much money that was in what was the automotive manufacturers and in oil that they wouldn't let it happen. So it takes guts. That why I will die on the hill that is Elon.

Alex Winter
I'll die with you there, man.

Marcus Sheridan
I don't need to agree with everything that he does. Right, right. But to say that he hasn't been one of these, like, you know, the true Tony Stark of our generation, that's just being naive. And I mean, it's a side note, but you know,

Marcus Sheridan
a lot of people, if they don't like one thing about someone, they throw out the baby with the bathwater. I have never understood that. It doesn't make any sense to me. That has nothing to do with our conversation today, but I just had to say it. Because it drives me nuts.

Alex Winter
Yeah. I feel the same way. It drives me nuts too. And I think that there are other examples too, like you talked about Elon with Twitter, his motivation for that is freedom of speech and giving people the ability to have unbiased control over what they want to say when they want to say it.

Alex Winter
I don't know. We won't get into the politics of things. So let's get back into, I love some of the examples you provided. There's a lot of industries though, right? There's a lot of different industries. Some are more stuck in their ways than others.

Alex Winter
Do you have some, like one that comes to mind for me right now is I'm thinking about Yale Appliance. Yeah. And we talk about industry disrupting content and I don't know that-

Marcus Sheridan
Yale Appliance. My goodness, Steve Sheinkopf, you glorious human. Oh gee, he really figured it out. You wanna talk about somebody that's courageous. Yes. Somebody, oh man, I could go all day about Steve.

Marcus Sheridan
Yeah. I'm so glad you brought him up. So Steve became obsessed with the Ask You Answer, circa 2013, he reached out to me Said Marcus, I'm trying to do this whole content thing Traffic's not really growing. What's my deal? I said your deal is

Marcus Sheridan
You're not answering the questions that people want to know you're talking about what Steve wants to talk about And I tell you that dude He just became such a hardcore believer and practitioner not just a lot of people believe But they don't practice Steve. But he took it beyond what anybody had ever done up to that point, certainly in retail.

Marcus Sheridan
So for example, he produced a piece, he was constantly getting asked by him and his salespeople, what's the least serviced appliance that you sell? Because they have a kitchen appliance company in Massachusetts.

Alex Winter
Basically, which one has the least amount of problems?

Marcus Sheridan
Yeah, yeah, I was like, I'm gonna buy this fridge, man, I'm gonna buy this dishwasher, I don't want it to break down. So which one's got the least amount of problems? And so Steve thinks about it, he says, all right, I am going to create a list of all the brands we sell, how many units we sold of each one, and the total service calls we've gone on for that year with that particular brand.

Marcus Sheridan
And so you literally see, he produces this article, it says, the least serviced, most reliable appliance brands, and I think the first year he did it was like 2018 or 19 or something like that. And dude, he showed you, based on actual facts, numbers, percentages, the least serviced,

Marcus Sheridan
all the way down to the most serviced brand that he sold, which I believe was KitchenAid, okay? Wow, and this is real data. This is what his team, his crew, his people are working on. Real and arguable data, and that's where it got so interesting, right?

Marcus Sheridan
Because do you think those manufacturers got upset? Oh man, they got upset. They must have been livid. And what did Steve say? Well, I guess you're going to have to do better.

Alex Winter
Good for him. Talk about courage though.

Marcus Sheridan
I mean, that's what percentage of retailers would do that. Why? They don't. They're not going to do it because they're like, oh, I just don't want to. I don't want to rock the boat. Well then you're going to live in mediocrity.

Marcus Sheridan
You'll never become the most trusted voice. You ain't going to be the WebMD of your space like you know.

Alex Winter
So right.

Marcus Sheridan
It's not reserved for you. This is reserved for the courageous that are willing to give buyers what they want. We didn't want to be in a stinky cab ever again, so we chose Uber. That's what we chose. By the way, I know Uber's imperfect, but the point is the marketplace is the guide. You want to innovate, pay attention to the marketplace and pay attention to what frustrates them

Marcus Sheridan
so much. And so Steve did this. That article, dude, that article at its peak was getting read 50,000 times a month.

Alex Winter
50,000 times a month. I'm saying that again. What?

Marcus Sheridan
That's huge.

Alex Winter
Can you believe that? No, that's huge. And the manufacturers might have been a little upset, but ultimately he was telling the truth.

Alex Winter
So what was the result?

Marcus Sheridan
It's so amazing, he's done it every year.

Alex Winter
Oh, no kidding.

Marcus Sheridan
So every single year, and you know what, every single year, these manufacturers are just waiting for that thing to drop. You see, that's how you become a gatekeeper.

Alex Winter

Marcus Sheridan
That's how you become a linchpin. That's how you become an influencer. You think about influencers, too many of y'all thinking about bikinis and people on Instagram. Steve Sheinkopf is a major influencer in the appliance space. Right. But it started with complete disruption, flipping an industry on its head and saying let's just send it YOLO. Yeah and the results,

Marcus Sheridan
I mean the results speak for themselves. The results, he has the stunning growth for his company in a time when Appliance companies are losing market share to Amazon dude keeps growing. He's growing when we started he had one store now He's got three He spends less on advertising today than he did when we started yet. His sales were like our 3x It's well above 100 million. And he's such a special, he's just a special character.

Marcus Sheridan
Yale is worshiped and adored in the Boston area. And if you're listening to this and you're in Boston, and if you don't buy your kitchen appliances from Yale, I don't have to tell you. Because, and I gotta tell you a funny story about Yale. This is really funny, it's a true story.

Marcus Sheridan
My wife is looking for a dishwasher one time. And she's trying to find one. And she comes to me and she said, I found our dishwasher. And I'm like, great. She said, you want to believe it. There's this website that literally like rates the dish dishwashers, talks about their experience selling them. I mean, it is the most amazing website I've ever seen. I love these guys. I wish I could buy from them. I'm like, really,

Marcus Sheridan
what's their name? She's like, Yale Appliance. I said, honey, if you actually read they ask you answer you would know your husband's book You would know that they're a major case study in the dang book. That's hilarious

Alex Winter
Story hilarious unbelievable, and you know that's the coolest part about this yes, they're based in Boston They're from my home state of Massachusetts But everyone all over the globe maybe even the world Looks at these articles and is making decisions and buying decisions based off of it

Marcus Sheridan
So they get hundreds of thousands of views a month huge to their site. So yeah, total lynch lynch pin. That's disruption 101. And so as you're listening to this right now, there's ways that you can disrupt. One of the easiest ways that you can disrupt is by having one of the first pricing calculators in your space. It's it is so easy, easy, easy to do that. There's a lot of other ways that you can disrupt, but the more that you allow someone to do that type of traditional sales interaction on your website instead of being forced to talk to a salesperson, that's some of the best disruption that you'll have.

Marcus Sheridan
Being a lot more open about talking about the competition without saying negatives about the competition, but just stating the facts, that is going to be very disruptive doing things like telling folks who you are and who you're not a good fit for that's very disruptive talking about the positive and the negatives of your own stuff that's disruptive it is right yes and but this is always about being very honest open transparent being incisive and explicit with the way that you communicate these

Marcus Sheridan
things stand I mean these things stand out I mean you look at the river pool site right now, we've got this tool that allows you to figure out what type of inground pools the best type of inground pool for me and my needs. We only sell fiberglass pools, by the way. And for something like 50 to 60% of the people that take this assessment, we tell them, don't buy our stuff. Nobody is willing to do that. We're willing to do that, dude.

Alex Winter
I know. And I think a lot of people might think you're crazy for doing that, but if you really look at it, if somebody wants a concrete pool or wants an in-ground pool that isn't fiberglass, and then you don't have this calculator, and then your sales team tries to convert them, and you spend all this time on a client that ultimately isn't going to convert because they want a different product, you're just wasting your time.

Alex Winter
So you might as well cut your loss, be honest, help them out, point them in the right direction and on to the next one. And that's, there's beauty in that. There really is. Also like I'm thinking about this too

Alex Winter
because it's bringing ideas. Because I've had the ability to shoot a lot of our customer journey videos from companies that you've worked with and really helped grow. And it's not industry specific. Like I'm thinking about Bering Insurance right now.

Alex Winter
Like you can do this in the insurance industry. You can do this in the housing industry. You can do this, like it doesn't, like the same rules apply to everybody. This isn't like, oh, that won't work for our company.

Marcus Sheridan
Which is why that question, where I started, what drives you crazy about your industry? What bothers you about it? What, if you could snap your finger and make something change, what would you change? Anybody that's been in the game for any period of time

Marcus Sheridan
has a bunch of answers to that question, right? And so push the envelope, y'all. This is how you become that thought leader. This is how you get people coming to you and saying, man, I just, there's something about you that I just found incredibly believable. Yeah, we boldly go where no one has gone before.

Alex Winter
I love that. I have one more question for you, right? And this also plays into it where it can really help scale your business and help grow your business, help grow your leads, get you better leads, and also just get people

Alex Winter
talking about you and build that trust and awareness. But it also can help change your company. So for example, I'm thinking about like a Mozilla or like an AIS where they started trying to disrupt the industry and now their company is evolving

Alex Winter
into like a marketing company and they have a whole wing and other divisions that are breaking off because of the disruption that they've created. Can you talk a little bit about where it could potentially take you that you may not even be thinking about? Well, yeah.

Marcus Sheridan
I mean, what's interesting is when you, again, not to overuse the phrase, but when you become a thought leader, people and opportunities become attracted to you. So suddenly you have folks saying that were maybe in competition potentially in the past coming to you and saying, what you guys are doing is special. What you did, I can't help but to notice and I keep seeing you. All these things that they say because everybody wants to be a part of a winning team.

Marcus Sheridan
And if you can see somebody is winning and they got some secret sauce, I want in on that. I want to be a part of that. That's also why when you do this, you attract a lot more potential employees that would be a great fit for your organization because light seeketh light. And those winners will want to be a part of a winning organization that are aligned with their value set.

Marcus Sheridan
And that's why River Pools is a great, like we were able to attract those people and now offer, it's just a wonderful life for folks in a classic blue collar market. We're able to do that. So many people know River Pools and see them and it's just like that brand. A lot of this is really what we're talking about here, Alex, is brand. Brand awareness and we say things like most trusted brand, most known brand in your market.

Marcus Sheridan
Well, it has so many benefits. More people will be attracted to you, more opportunities will come your way. You might find that it leads to business models that you never dreamt possible. I never knew we were going to be manufacturing fiberglass poles. I never knew that.

Marcus Sheridan
I never knew we'd start a franchising company. Never knew that I would end up selling that side of the business, right? Heck, I never knew I was gonna become a professional speaker and be known around the world as the pool guy, right?

Marcus Sheridan
I did not know that. But what I did was I put my thoughts out there and I was willing to say things when others were not. And that has made all the difference.

Alex Winter
Totally, and it's taking you places that you didn't know you were gonna be at from the start. That's just unbelievably cool.

Marcus Sheridan
I'm going to China next month, bro.

Alex Winter
I love that.

Marcus Sheridan
You know what I mean? I love that.

Alex Winter
I'm going to China.

Alex Winter
You are a thought leader.

Alex Winter
Without a shadow of a doubt, I think of you as such. And it's amazing that from where you started to where you are now. And it hasn't been, we're talking less than 10 years, I think, right, from start to today?

Marcus Sheridan
Well, it's probably, if you look at it, I started producing content for River Pools in 2009. At the end of that year, I started my first personal blog where I was writing about my business thoughts. Took about two years for anybody to really pay attention, but around 2011, 2012, that's when I started

Marcus Sheridan
getting requests for, can you share that story? Can you show our audience how you did that thing? Can you teach our company how you did that? That's when I knew, huh, you got something here, Marcus. You know, this could be a business. This could be a career.

Marcus Sheridan
And it really has been pretty extraordinary what it's led to.

Alex Winter
Yeah, very extraordinary. So with that, for CEOs, for business leaders, business owners, what can they do? Industry disruption, how do they, like closing thoughts, what do you say to them right now to motivate them, to get them excited,

Alex Winter
to get off their seat and to start taking action?

Marcus Sheridan
I'm gonna finish this where we started. Which is, you gotta be willing to talk about what others in your space are not willing to talk about, to show what others are not willing to show on video, to sell in a way that they're not willing to sell, in the process of doing that, be more human,

Marcus Sheridan
and if you do that, you'll become that voice of trust. You'll become that thought leader. You'll become the most known in your market. And then the opportunities will present themselves.

Alex Winter
Love it. For follow-up questions, if people wanna pick your brain, how do they get in touch with you, Marcus?

Marcus Sheridan
Reach out to me on LinkedIn. Connect with me there, you should be. Just let me know in a message. Yo, I heard you on the podcast, Marcus. You can find me, Marcus Sheridan. Marcus at

Marcus Sheridan
The website's Obviously, I speak on these things. I do workshops, all that stuff. And so reach out if you're interested in having me out.

Alex Winter
Awesome. Marcus, thanks for being on the show.

Marcus Sheridan
Love having you.

Alex Winter
Yeah, my pleasure. All right. And for everybody out there watching and listening, Endless Customers right here, I'm Alex. And for everybody out there watching and listening, Endless Customers right here, I'm Alex.

Alex Winter
We'll see you on the next episode.

Transcribed with Cockatoo

"You can disrupt your entire industry right now simply by putting out content that others aren’t willing to share," states Marcus Sheridan, author, keynote speaker, and partner at IMPACT.

In this episode of Endless Customers, Alex Winter and Marcus Sheridan dive into the power of industry-disrupting content and how businesses can become thought leaders. Marcus shares how companies can gain trust and stand out by doing what others aren't willing to do.

One key strategy Marcus highlights is addressing the elephants in the room: "You’ve got to be willing to talk about that which others are not willing to talk about in your space. You’ve got to be willing to show specifically in this case through video, what others in your space are not willing to show."

Marcus shares a powerful example from the boating industry: "About eight years ago, I was speaking to all the major manufacturers in the boating industry. I said to them, the day is coming where every single one of you is going to have a built-in price-your-boat tool on your website. They tried to laugh me out of the room." Despite the skepticism, one company, Sportsman Boats, implemented the pricing tool. Today, 65-70% of manufacturers have followed suit, showing how rule breakers eventually become rule makers.

Reflecting on his experience with River Pools, Marcus says, "One of the simplest things that you can do to disrupt your industry is just say, what's wrong with my industry? Like, what's screwed up about it?" He led the industry in addressing misleading fiberglass pool warranties and the standard practice of building pools on sand, setting new industry standards.

Marcus argues that many companies fear disruption due to potential backlash. However, he believes that the customer's needs should come first: "I'm more worried about the customer, the consumer not getting what they want and not being treated fairly than I am about frustrating a competitor. What matters to me is the truth."

The benefits of disruption extend beyond immediate gains. Marcus explains, "When you become a thought leader, people and opportunities become attracted to you. Suddenly, you have folks saying, 'Well, you guys are doing something special. I can't help but notice.' This attracts potential employees and business opportunities."

Creating this type of content isn’t taking the easy road. But if you’re willing to take a risk and be transparent, you’ll become the voice of trust, the thought leader, and the most known in your market. When that happens, the opportunities will present themselves.

Connect with Marcus

Marcus Sheridan is a writer, speaker, and business expert who’s worked with companies all over the world. Marcus is the author of They Ask, You Answer and co-author of The Visual Sale.

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