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Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

May 8, 2023


Infographics Marketing Strategy

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Infographics  |   Marketing Strategy

7 Must-have Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategies [Infographic]

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

May 8, 2023

7 Must-have Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategies [Infographic]

Word-of-mouth (WOM) is a powerful asset in marketing.

It not only gets people talking, but offers a sincerity and trustworthiness other marketing methods don't.

It is also one of the oldest and most effective methods of marketing — because it comes from fellow consumers.

Unlike brands that are of course going to talk about how great they are, other consumers don't have anything at stake with sharing what they really think about a purchase or company. It's not their sales or reputations on the line so they seem more reliable. 

This is likely why a whopping 95% of consumers search online for reviews and information before purchasing a product and 88% believe brand recommendations from peers more than any form of marketing. 

With game-changing numbers like those, it’s important not to neglect the importance of reviews, ratings, and recommendations when it comes to planning your organization’s marketing strategy.

How do you do that exactly?

I put together this detailed infographic sharing seven actionable tips you can use to add word-of-mouth marketing into your strategy.


Long before social media, word-of-mouth was our go-to for sharing and learning valuable information. That’s why word-of-mouth marketing is one of the oldest and most effective forms of marketing.

  • 88% of consumers said that they trusted recommendations from people they know, above all other forms of marketing messaging. (Nielsen)
  • 81% of consumers reporting that social media posts from influencers, friends or family members drove interest in an item or service within the past year (Matter Communications)
  • Marketers rated the quality of word-of-mouth leads a 4.28/5. (Referral Rock)

Luckily, WOM is easier than ever thanks to the internet! 

7 ways to add word-of-mouth marketing to your strategy

1. Encourage authentic user-generated content (UGC)  

UGC is content created and shared by consumers about brands or products. 

In recent years, many brands have started paying creators to make this content for them (or recruiting “ambassadors”), but true authentic UGC is created by consumers voluntarily and it’s still possible to get. 

Authentic UGC is candid, relatable, and shows users what a real-life experience with your product looks like. 

  • 73% of online shoppers agreed that user-generated content made them more confident when purchasing. (TurnTo Networks)

How can you get users to create content? 

  1. Have a unique hashtag to identify content created by customers 
  2. Incentivize creating content using your hashtag or tagging your brand. Offer a free gift, discount, or feature on your profile.  
  3. Create a sense of community. Showcase your user-generated content prominently on your website or main profile 

Brands that do it well:

2. Share customer testimonials/reviews

According to Global Newswire, 95% of customers read product reviews before making a purchase. In fact, even just one review can increase internet users clicking the “buy” button by 65%.

Reviews help reassure the performance, quality, and/or value of your claims and make consumers feel more comfortable doing business with you. There’s a reason they call it social proof after all.

Testimonials can be written or video and can be hosted on your website or pulled from others. Depending on your industry, some popular review sites include:

  • Google
  • Yelp
  • Angie's
  • TripAdvisor
  • TrustRadius

Once you have your testimonials or reviews, repurpose them into your marketing: 

  • Dedicated site page
  • Homepage & landing pages
  • Relevant product/service pages
  • Lead generation content 

3. Get product ratings on your site

Depending on your business model, you may want to give people the ability to rate or review specific products, services, etc. directly on your site.

  • 84% of consumers care most about your star rating (Bright Local)

This is especially useful for eCommerce or if you’re a tech company that sells several products.

Brands that do it well:

  • Amazon
  • Etsy
  • NewEgg

Popular rating tools:

4. Offer an incentive:

Giving your customers a reason to share with others can skyrocket your word-of-mouth marketing as well. 

Big or small, people are always more willing and likely to do something if they receive some sort of value in return. So, consider giving your consumers a discount or free gift in exchange for referrals. 

Brands that do it well:

Uber: Free Rides

DropBox: Free Storage Space

HelloFresh: Credit towards your next box

5. Create a referral program

You can take this a step further by creating a formal referral program. A good referral program:

  • Makes spreading the word easy and quick 
  • Makes it worthwhile for both parties (with an incentive or other benefit)
  • Measures the results of your campaigns

Popular referral tools:

6. Connect with influencers and thought leaders

Influencers are exactly what their name suggests; individuals with a strong following and power to influence the beliefs and behavior of those in it. 

Because of their already established reputation, word-of-mouth marketing from an influencer or thought leader is undoubtedly the most valuable.

  • 69% of consumers trust influencers, friends and family over information coming directly from a brand (Matter Communications)
  • Influencer Marketing Industry is set to grow to approximately $21.1 Billion in 2023 (Influencer Marketing Hub)

How to appeal to influencers and thought leaders

  • Quote them in your content
  • Feature them or their products/services prominently 
  • Let them try your product/services for free

7. Offer a unique, shareworthy experience

At the end of the day, the easiest way to generate word-of-mouth marketing in this digital age is to offer a unique, share-worthy experience. 

If you give your consumers something memorable they cannot get anywhere else, they’ll want to share it with their friends and loved ones whether or not you ask them to. 

Brands that do it well:

  • Goodr 
  • LuLuLemon
  • IKEA

Quick word-of-mouth wins: 

  • Identify and nurture your top customers 
  • Ask for reviews/ratings when things are going well; don’t wait! 
  • Use social media as a referral channel 
  • Go above and beyond with unexpected customer service gestures 
  • Use tools to automate the process
  • Make sure you have amazing service, staff, and support
  • Crowdsource feedback to make staff and support improvements 

Word-of-mouth is just a piece of the puzzle

Before you try any of these, you have to set marketing goals that are aligned with your business's goals.

Additionally, you should consider how word of mouth can augment channels like your content marketing and larger inbound marketing efforts.

Want to more about how to grow your business and keep your customers happy with sales and marketing training from IMPACT? Talk to us. 

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