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How to Maximize Your Social Media Presence with AI [Endless Customers Podcast Ep. 55]

By Alex Winter
Aug 19, 2024
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Brian Casey
Alex, I got to tell you about this experiment I ran. Uh, I spent one hour and was able to schedule 10 social posts and got the most traction on my LinkedIn than I've gotten in the last five years. Got to tell you about this tool.
Brian Casey
It's called.
Brian Casey
Join us for Impact Live 2024 in Hartford, Connecticut, this October 14th through the
Alex Winter
Alex Winter
Over three days, business owners, CEOs, and marketing and sales leaders will learn proven strategies to drive business growth. Attend expert-led sessions on marketing, sales, leadership, and AI, and get a chance to network with industry pros just like yourself. Discover how companies like yours are dominating their markets. Secure your spot at backslash impact dash five.
Alex Winter
And for all of our endless customers, listeners, we have an exclusive discount code that'll save you a hundred bucks. So when you're on the checkout page, just enter the code ECPOD100 in all caps for a hundred dollars off. We'll see you there at impact live 2024 up in Hartford, October 14th through the 16th. Welcome back to Endless Customers,
Alex Winter
where we teach you how to earn trust and win more business in the age of AI. I'm Alex Winter, your host, and today we are joined by Brian Casey, who is a head coach and trainer here at Impact. Brian, welcome back to the show.
Brian Casey
Thanks, Alex. It's good to be back.
Alex Winter
Yeah, it's good to have you back, man. I love having you on the show. We always have great conversations, and I heard that there's a, this is a fun one today. I heard that you did an experiment with OpusClip, and I'm excited to talk about this because you know we love
Alex Winter
AI and all the different tools that are coming out. But specifically, I guess personally for me, we use Opus Clip here at Impact. We use it to edit the show, to help with social media clips, a lot of different facets. So I'm kind of nerdy with it.
Alex Winter
But I know this is fresh for you. This isn't a new experiment that you did. So I'm curious to see what your take is and what your perspective is. So I'm going to stop talking. I'm going to let you discuss a little bit
Alex Winter
about your experiment and what happened.
Brian Casey
I had an hour, and then I was like, what could I do with this hour that would be beneficial for me on a personal level, that would be beneficial for Impact in terms of presenting me as a coach in an authoritative manner.
Brian Casey
And I had a couple of these episodes that we had filmed. And the long forms work really great. Anytime that I share them on my personal social media, they do pretty well. And there's this tool OpusClip, and you guys use it, I've heard about it.
Brian Casey
I got a free trial with it. So I had like seven days to play around with this tool. I took the two videos, the long form videos that you guys edited and did everything all great with, and put them in there, and it popped out, between the two videos, something like 20, 30 shorts
Brian Casey
that I could put out on YouTube, I could put them on Instagram, I'd put them out on LinkedIn. And from those two long-form videos, I did 10. So I created 10 shorts, and scheduled them to go out over the course of two weeks because I'm not very consistent publishing on LinkedIn.
Brian Casey
I was like, let's be consistent for two weeks, let's see how this works, let's see what type of an impact this has and if this would be worthwhile for me to actually coach someone to do or not.
Alex Winter
Very cool. And just a little background, Brian is a very busy guy. He has a lot of clients and he doesn't necessarily have a lot of free time so the one hour that you did have,
Alex Winter
using a free trial, you managed to get 10 clips and you are gonna space them out over two weeks on LinkedIn just to see, like a social experiment, see how it would go. And I'm curious, this is really cool that you did this, first of all, but how did it go?
Alex Winter
What happened on LinkedIn? What was their engagement? What did that look like?
Brian Casey
So there was actually a ton of engagement. I think just in general, short form video performs really well on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube. Like that's just content that people like. I pulled up the analytics of just one of them and this is not like the highest performing one
Brian Casey
by any means. I think the thing that's interesting about LinkedIn is you somewhat just create this lookalike audience. So people that have similar mindset to you or that have a similar role or that care about similar things,
Brian Casey
that is the audience that's connected with you. I don't have a big LinkedIn following or anything like that. I have like a thousand-ish people that are connected with me.
Alex Winter
But like...
Alex Winter
Prior to this, how much, are you on LinkedIn? I think we're similar. We're like, I use LinkedIn, but I'm not posting every day by any means. So like, what was the, before you did this, were you posting a lot
Alex Winter
or what was that cadence looking like? No, like I, yeah, I probably posted
Brian Casey
like once every month or so. And it's when there was something, an inspiration just came to mind. But nothing strategic, nothing structural, nothing from a consistent cadence standpoint before doing this experiment for two weeks.
Alex Winter
Nice, and again, it comes back to the time piece. You know, if you're a sales professional, if you're a coach, a trainer, if you're a business person and you don't have a lot of time, it can be difficult to find the time to post and to come up with something creative
Alex Winter
and something to engage in and then actually get it together and then post it. Like, there's a process to it, but that's the beauty of some of these AI tools is it helps you speed up and maximize your time. So, you did exactly that.
Alex Winter
You posted over these two weeks, and you were saying that the results, what was this one, the one post that you had pulled up, what were the results looking like?
Brian Casey
Yeah, so there's like one post. This is, I would call it like an average post of them. It's not the best performing one, it's not the least performing one. 126 views on it. A hundred of them were unique. And this was a 30 second clip.
Brian Casey
Like it was played for like 29 minutes.
Alex Winter
Brian Casey
And the cool thing is like on LinkedIn, you can see who views it by demographics. And so it's like marketing specialist, website manager, executive director, salesperson,
Alex Winter
Brian Casey
If I were to want to go in prospect, that's exactly who I would want to be reaching out to anyways. And it's just the network that I've created and the network that largely everybody else has probably created. It's just like-minded individuals that already exist in your network.
Alex Winter
That is really, really cool. And it's relevant people that are watching it. So you're attracting more of the exact people that you want, which is great. So what was the experience like? Because I know you as a coach, and you're an excellent coach. You know a ton about marketing, about sales, and about implementing the ask-do-answer successfully.
Alex Winter
But you're not necessarily a video editor or a video professional by any means. So what was it like using the tool as a non-video professional that's for video?
Brian Casey
Yeah, for me it was really intuitive. So there was a point where I could just insert a video, it automatically created these short clips for me, and it gave me a score in terms of how well they thought it would do on social media. And they looked at things like virality,
Brian Casey
they looked at the topic that I was covering, and they put together a score to basically say, these are your top performers. So that made it really easy for me to know where to focus. I think the most difficult part for me as someone who had literally never used the tool before
Brian Casey
was understanding where to start and end the clip to make sure that if someone saw it in isolation, it would make sense, it would have like standalone context. And I don't think the tool natively did that at a hundred out of a hundred level. And there were a couple things that I wanted to do
Brian Casey
for my own sake. It automatically does captions for you, but I say um, and I don't necessarily want the um to show up in the captions. So I removed the um from the actual captions
Alex Winter
that occur on the screen.
Brian Casey
But those 10 shorts that I did, I created all of them and scheduled them out for LinkedIn in that hour block that I had allocated. I was very cognizant of sticking to that hour block to say, what is possible for me to do in this time frame?
Alex Winter
Yeah, that's pretty amazing.
Alex Winter
So in one hour, you scheduled two weeks worth of content. That's pretty impressive, it really is. Now granted, we should put an asterisk here for people listening and watching that. You have been on the show with us so you already have these long form pieces of content to use as the basis to chop these things up and then have these different pieces of content to post. But I'm also curious, so I want to go back quickly to Opus. So I'm going to get a little nerdy here because we
Alex Winter
use this on a daily. The scoring for Opus is really cool. So they give you all these different clips. You put the long form piece in, it spits back all these different rankings of like here A plus B, this is like the different levels of it and the score. Did you find them accurate? Like the ones that were ranked high,
Alex Winter
did you feel like they were pretty accurate like as far as these are good clips and I would agree with it or did you find some like differences between like the score was high but maybe you didn't think it was as great of a clip?
Brian Casey
I would say like out of a scale of zero to 100, it's like an 80 to an 85 in terms of how valuable I thought it was. I think there's some natively biased components. Like if you mention AI, they're like, this clip's gonna go viral because you're talking about AI.
Brian Casey
And it's like, well yeah, it might not actually be an inherently valuable clip, I just said AI in it. And that might inflate the ratings. Outside of that, I thought it was largely very useful. Nice, nice.
Alex Winter
I found too, and I think Austin, I don't want to speak for Austin here in studio, but we both have found that they are pretty accurate as far as the scoring goes. It's not perfect by any means, but it definitely gets you there a lot faster than if you had to manually go through and watch all this stuff and try to rank it yourself. You mentioned something else too that I thought was really interesting. You had talked about the clipping of it where it might start mid-sentence or it might start
Alex Winter
in certain places. That's something that we've struggled with too, but there's a feature for us video folks where you can export out of Opus Clip. So you might have a hard time in Opus Clip trying to get it perfectly dialed timestamp wise
Alex Winter
where it's gonna start at the beginning of a sentence and end succinctly. So we'll export it and you can bring them right into Premiere Pro or whatever editing software that you're using and then you can manually adjust some of that as well.
Brian Casey
Yeah, and for me, I didn't do any of that. And the threshold of which video quality has to be for a personal LinkedIn and which is what I imagine most people that are listening are going to have a pretty low threshold that they have to meet. And so, yeah, you can take this full bore with impact social media and take it into a different tool. And what I've found from the every person type of user is a tool that's good enough and functional enough for me to be able to take clips that are super usable
Brian Casey
that I would feel comfortable on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram as shorts, as standalone shorts without me doing editing.
Alex Winter
Yeah, that's such a good point. And I think for people that aren't video professionals, it gives you the ability to create this content. And I think more importantly, you're the most important piece. The messaging and what you're saying to build trust
Alex Winter
and to do all the things we talk about and they ask you answer, that's more important than the technical, if the lighting is this and if the framing... Like, obviously those things do matter, but I hear what you're saying and I think it's a good point for listeners and for people out there to hear that
Alex Winter
it doesn't have to be this perfect Hollywood production. It gives you the power to create this content and get it out there to meet people where they are, which is what we're all trying to do. Yeah, 100%. Very cool.
Alex Winter
So I want to ask about the captions, too, because it's, again, we were talking about this earlier today, Austin and I, where the captions are either at the bottom or in the middle of the screen, and sometimes it will pick up words like um or filler words, too. Did you find it easy to be able to edit and to move things around in there and to adjust
Alex Winter
Brian Casey
Yeah, and you're going to have to correct me from the technical standpoint, but I think there's multiple ways that you can take out something from the transcript. You can clip a piece out of the video, which also removes out of the transcript, or you can just take it out of the actual written transcript. The thing I did initially was I cut out the piece and then it had this weird jump where I was talking and then it would jump forward a little bit and it was very
Brian Casey
clear to me as a person who would be watching it. But then I found how you could actually just remove something from the actual copy itself. And then it was perfect. And that happened maybe like five to 10% of the time
Brian Casey
that I wanted to actually take something out. And it was mostly like filler words. Yeah, it's marginal.
Alex Winter
So there are ways to text edit. It's so cool that in an hour, like you sound very well-versed in this already, which is cool that you figured so much out in such a short time. It's impressive.
Alex Winter
But there are ways that you can, basically what it does is it picks up the audio waveforms and it converts it to text, so it transcribes it, and then you can actually use the transcription to edit. So if you don't like a sentence, you don't like a word, you literally can highlight it, hit delete, and then it
Alex Winter
makes the edit for you, which is really cool. And it's not perfect all the time, but the technology is pretty fascinating with what it can do. So my next question for you, right, how would you use this, like this is your first time
Alex Winter
doing it with this experiment, it sounds like it went really well. One, are you gonna keep doing this as you move forward? And two, if you are, what would you recommend for other professionals out there to maybe do the same thing,
Alex Winter
or what would you recommend for them to do as well?
Brian Casey
Yeah, I would say depending on your role, this would go from anywhere from being like something to play around with to something that's an absolute necessity. So if you're in sales, your job is to highlight the problems that you solve,
Brian Casey
to appear as someone who is going to be a guide throughout this entire process, this is a no-brainer for you. You could very easily improve your presence on LinkedIn, which depending on what type of industry you're in, could be your primary spot.
Brian Casey
You could also do the same thing on YouTube, on Instagram, which kind of covers the entire gamut of where your audience might live online from a social standpoint. So I think it's critical if you're in a role where your job is to grow business,
Brian Casey
if you're in like a backend role, like play around with it, but I don't know if it's mission critical for you. For me, I find myself somewhere in between. There's a function of my role that's sales. There's a function in my role that's more delivery of services.
Brian Casey
And either way, I wanna be known for certain things on that platform. And with the hour that I spent, that was probably the biggest single jump in activity count on my profile in the last six years.
Alex Winter
Alex Winter
And I think it's low cost of entry. I mean, it's a free trial, it's an hour of your time. I feel like everyone should be able to figure out how to, in their busy schedule, find some time to do that and experiment and see what's up. And I think too, you made a good point about,
Alex Winter
there's an authority piece to this, right? As you start to post this on LinkedIn and you start to have videos coming out more regularly, people are starting to see it more regularly, it plays into the authority piece in the sense that it establishes you as a credible sales professional
Alex Winter
or as a credible coach or whatever it is that you're doing. Do you find that to be true?
Brian Casey
Yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, we all prefer that someone is coming to us and saying, hey, I heard you or I saw you and I want to work with you. And that could be depending on where you're at as a business or as a salesperson, that could be a pie in the sky idea for others. Like that is the reality.
Brian Casey
And so it's, could we all imagine ourselves being closer to that reality versus feeling like we have to constantly chase people, like we have to convince people to work with us if they've seen us in this light where we're exerting the authority that they otherwise might not be able to see and believe for themselves, it's a totally different dynamic.
Alex Winter
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. So I have a question too. I'm curious. I love your experiment, but as a coach, you work with a lot of clients that have videographers and video professionals on their team that maybe you help put them in a position there or they are already existing.
Alex Winter
But the question I have is, do they use Opus Clip or do you have any stories maybe you could share of teams you work with that are using it to their advantage as well?
Brian Casey
Yeah, so I gave a little bit of a presentation of this on stage at Chicago, and I had so many people come up to me and said, tell me more about that, Impact Live in Chicago. And so there's a lot of the videographers that I work with and that I coach that were at the event
Brian Casey
that started using it that next week. And I think the biggest thing for them is it's a time savings and it takes social media from being this other part-time job to being something that you can capitalize on the work that you've already done without a massive time investment
Brian Casey
while also focusing on an area that otherwise would probably fall to the wayside.
Alex Winter
Yeah, and everything comes back down to time because time is money. So anything that you can do to reduce some of that time, especially when you already have this content that's made, you have long form content that's already there, to be able to repurpose it
Alex Winter
and squeeze more juice out of something, that's amazing, that's the dream scenario. Any other data or any other analytics that you want to share with us from your experiment?
Brian Casey
I think the holistic, there was 10 posts or something. Impressions don't mean much if you're not in the way of creating conversations. But if you were to, I think I mentioned it, but the salient point here is that two-week time span where I was able to consistently publish, which is a big factor,
Brian Casey
and just capitalizing the work that was already done using OpusClip was the most traction I got in the last six years on LinkedIn. And if LinkedIn prospecting or LinkedIn was a big part of how I imagined my audience would find me or how I would find them, this is a total no-brainer, even at the cost of entry
Brian Casey
of not being the free trial, because I'm pretty sure it's a pretty cheap tool, even if you're paying for it.
Alex Winter
Yeah, it is. I think, Austin, correct me if I'm wrong, I said 20 bucks a month, is that right? 20 to 30, they have different plans, but it's low cost, especially for businesses, yeah, and it's a great way to speed up the process
Alex Winter
and to get more juice out of your content, for sure. All right, so Brian, I have one more question that I have to ask, and this is just really because we shoot the show here, we have the production team, we have cameras, we have the whole setup, we invested into this
Alex Winter
as a company, as an organization, but maybe not every company can do that, or has a studio, or has a videographer on staff, but does that mean that they can't do this? Or what would you recommend for people that maybe don't necessarily have like the video background
Alex Winter
that we have but wanna start creating content and wanna start using Opus Clip?
Brian Casey
I mean, I think one of the biggest things that is a reality of vertical video is people with their phones just doing a selfie type video performs really well. There's a certain level of believability, there's a certain level of just humanity that's brought into something
Brian Casey
that's not overly manicured. And with natural light sources like windows, anybody could do it. And not that this was an issue for me, but when I think about one of the potential issues with OpusClip is cropping things vertically that were filmed in horizontal, you doing a cell phone video totally takes that out of the equation.
Brian Casey
And again, that threshold for quality is surprisingly low in terms of what the market will allow, what could go viral. I mean, it's such a no-brainer to use your phone and it's good quality video too.
Brian Casey
The video and the audio quality is going to be super passable just shot with an iPhone or with an Android.
Alex Winter
Oh, it's crazy how far the technology has come in such a short time and what we have in our pocket now can basically do what our cameras do here. These cameras shoot in 4K at 100 megabytes per second. My cell phone shoots 4K, I think it's like 80 megabytes per second, but I mean it's pretty darn close. So, and I think too to your point, the aspect ratio. So if you're shooting horizontal versus vertical, sometimes cropping can be a problem.
Alex Winter
But if you're shooting on your phone, it's already in vertical. So between your phone, which is in your pocket, and this thing called Google and YouTube, you should be able to create some pretty cool video content and then use Opus Clip. And I'm pretty sure that there's an app from Opus Clip
Alex Winter
that you can download to your phone directly. So you can work on it off of your phone as well. So there's really no excuse, it sounds like, is what you're saying.
Brian Casey
I don't see one.
Alex Winter
I think a recurring theme that we keep saying about AI on the show is that you just need to get your hands dirty. You gotta get in there and try it out and see if it works for your industry, your workflow, and what you're trying to do.
Alex Winter
And hopefully it does, and if it doesn't, that's okay too, but at least you tried, so that way you know.
Brian Casey
Yeah, and this is a really refined use case versus saying, like, go spend an hour at Chad GPT where it's like Open doors box. I could go in any which direction. It's like there's a very specific use case for this So it makes it really easy to focus which is really nice Yeah, and this doesn't just necessarily have to be for social you can use this on your website You can use this on a ton of places. So it really just depends on what your business is doing
Brian Casey
What platforms work best for your business. Yeah, very cool. Any closing thoughts? Anything our listeners should know
Alex Winter
before we wrap up here, Bri?
Brian Casey
I think you said it, but ultimately, there is no excuse. It's a very cheap, sometimes free tool, depending on if you need a trial. Everybody has the ability to record or shoot a video that would work for it, and it does the work for you in terms of telling you what clips to use.
Brian Casey
There's very little manual processes associated with it. And I mean, how many companies out there just don't have video on their website?
Brian Casey
Brian Casey
Like there's a lot.
Alex Winter
If this is a tool that can very easily help you to do that, and it's not the
Brian Casey
perfect, you know, long form video that shot in a studio that'll eventually be on your site, but it gets you above the ground zero, you're inherently better off.
Alex Winter
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. Something is better than nothing. And Austin and I have been using this tool on a regular basis to the point where just in six months, the updates and the changes that have happened to optimize it and to make it better
Alex Winter
has been pretty impressive. And I'm sure in six months from now, it'll be even better than what it is today. So that's something that's really cool and fascinating too is that the technology is moving at a breakneck pace, which is exciting.
Brian Casey
We're using the worst version of it today.
Alex Winter
That's right.
Alex Winter
Well, Brian, thank you for being on the show. It's great talking with you as always.
Brian Casey
Yeah, see you guys next time.
Alex Winter
Definitely. And for everybody out there watching and listening, this is Endless Customers. I'm Alex Winter.
Alex Winter
Go check out Opus Clip. Go check out Opus Clip.
Alex Winter
Transcribed with Cockatoo
About This Episode
Time is a precious commodity. As a business owner, marketing, or sales professional, you're likely juggling multiple responsibilities, leaving little room for creating and maintaining a robust social media presence. Sound familiar? You're not alone. Many medium-sized businesses, even those pulling in over $5 million in annual revenue, struggle with this very issue.
But what if we told you there's a way to dramatically improve your LinkedIn engagement with just one hour of effort? Intrigued? Let's dive into an eye-opening experiment conducted by Brian Casey, a head coach at IMPACT, and explore how AI tools like Opus Clip can revolutionize your social media strategy.
The One-Hour Challenge: A Game-Changing Experiment
Brian Casey, like many busy professionals, found himself with a spare hour and a desire to make the most of it. His goal? To see what he could accomplish in terms of personal branding through old video content that had already been created. The result? A social media experiment that yielded more LinkedIn traction than he'd seen in the past five years.
Here's what Brian did:
- Utilized existing long-form video content
- Used Opus Clip, an AI-powered video editing tool
- Created and scheduled ten social media posts for LinkedIn
- Distributed these posts over a two-week period
The Outcome: Surprising Engagement and Reach
For pretty minimal effort, the results were pretty good! Brian shared analytics from just one of his posts (not even the highest-performing one):
- 126 total views
- 100 unique viewers
- 29 minutes of total play time
But it's not just about the numbers. The real magic lies in who was viewing the content. Brian noted, "On LinkedIn, you can see who views it by demographics. Marketing specialist, website manager, executive director, salesperson, founder... if I were to want to go and prospect, that's exactly who I would want to be reaching out to anyway."
This targeted reach is a testament to the power of consistent, quality content shared with your professional network. It's not about having millions of followers; it's about engaging the right audience with valuable insights.
The Power of AI: Opus Clip in Action
Now, you might be thinking, "That's great, but I'm not a video editing pro." The beauty of tools like Opus Clip is that you don't have to be. Brian, who describes himself as a non-video professional, found the tool intuitive and user-friendly.
Here's how Opus Clip streamlined the process:
- Automatic Clip Generation: The tool analyzed the long-form videos and generated 20-30 short clips.
- Smart Scoring: Each clip received a score based on factors like virality potential and topic relevance.
- Easy Editing: The interface allowed for simple adjustments to captions and clip timing.
Brian noted, "For me, it was really intuitive. There was a point where I could just insert a video and it automatically created these short clips for me and gave me a score in terms of how well they thought it would do on social media."
While the tool isn't perfect (Brian mentioned some challenges with clip start points and caption editing), it significantly reduced the time and effort required to create engaging social content.
Overcoming the Time Barrier: A Solution for Busy Professionals
Let's face it: your to-do list is probably a mile long. Creating consistent, high-quality social media content often falls to the bottom of that list. But here's the kicker – it doesn't have to.
Brian's experiment proves that with the right tools, you can turn one hour into two weeks' worth of engaging content. This approach allows you to:
- Repurpose existing content: Maximize the value of your long-form videos by turning them into multiple short-form pieces.
- Save time: Reduce the hours spent on social media content creation and scheduling.
- Maintain consistency: Keep your social media presence active without daily manual effort.
- Reach your target audience: Share valuable insights with the professionals most likely to engage with your business.
As Brian put it, "I think just in general, short-form video performs really well on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube... that's just content that people like."
Breaking Down the Barriers: You Don't Need to Be a Video Pro
One of the most encouraging aspects of Brian's experiment is that it doesn't require professional video equipment or editing skills. In fact, Brian emphasized that for most LinkedIn users, the quality threshold is surprisingly low.
"The threshold of which video quality has to be for a personal LinkedIn... is what I imagine most people that are listening are going to have a pretty low threshold that they have to meet," Brian noted.
This means you can create impactful content using just your smartphone. As Brian pointed out, "With natural light sources, like windows, anybody could do it." The authenticity of a simple, selfie-style video can often be more engaging than over-produced content.
The Impact on Authority and Trust
Consistently sharing valuable content doesn't just boost your visibility – it establishes you as an authority in your field. As Brian explained, "At the end of the day, we all prefer that someone is coming to us and saying, 'Hey, I heard you or I saw you and I want to work with you.'"
By regularly appearing in your connections' feeds with insightful content, you're building trust and credibility. This can transform your business development efforts from constant outreach to inbound inquiries from interested prospects.
Getting Started: Your Action Plan
Inspired to give this a try? Here's a simple action plan to get you started:
- Identify existing long-form content (videos, webinars, presentations) that you can repurpose.
- Sign up for a free trial of Opus Clip or a similar AI-powered video editing tool.
- Set aside one hour to experiment with the tool and create your first batch of short-form content.
- Schedule your posts over a two-week period on LinkedIn (or your platform of choice).
- Monitor engagement and refine your approach based on what resonates with your audience.
Remember, as Brian emphasized, "There is no excuse. It's a very cheap, sometimes free tool depending on if you get a trial. Everybody has the ability to record or shoot a video that would work for it."
The Future of AI in Content Creation
It's worth noting that tools like Opus Clip are continuously evolving. Brian's experiment was conducted with what he called "the worst version" of the tool – imagine the possibilities as these AI-powered solutions become even more sophisticated.
The key takeaway? Don't let perfectionism or lack of time hold you back. As Brian wisely noted, "Something is better than nothing." By leveraging AI tools to create and share valuable content consistently, you're positioning yourself and your business for greater visibility, authority, and ultimately, success.
The world of digital marketing and social media is evolving rapidly, and AI tools are making it easier than ever for busy professionals to stay in the game. By embracing these technologies and committing just a small amount of time, you can dramatically enhance your online presence and connect with your target audience more effectively than ever before.
Connect with Brian Casey
Brian uses his background in sales & inbound marketing strategy to coach clients on creating content that impacts sales and helps businesses reach their ideal buyers. His experience in working with clients spans across all types of businesses in unique markets.
Check out Brian’s IMPACT Bio
Connect with Brian on LinkedIn
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Endless Customers is a podcast for business owners/leaders, marketers, creatives, and sales teams who want to build trust, attract the right buyers, and drive sustainable revenue growth.
Produced by IMPACT, a sales and marketing training organization, we help companies implement The Endless Customers System by focusing on the right strategies and actions that build trust, educate buyers, and generate more leads.
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