IMPACT Inbound Marketing Agency]

They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

Improve the competencies and close rates of your sales organization.

Web design

Website Mastery

Web design, development & training for your team.


HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

Unlock the power of AI in all aspects of your revenue operations.

Discover how IMPACT’s services can help take your business to the next level. Book a free 30-minute coaching session Book a free 30-minute coaching session
Learning Center
Learning Center

Learning Center

Free resources to help you improve the way you market, sell and grow your business.

[NEW] The Endless Customers Podcast is now available everywhere. Learn how to earn trust & win more customers in the age of AI. Listen Now Listen Now

Register for IMPACT Live in Hartford CT, October 14-16! Register for the one and only They Ask, You Answer Conference. Reduced Rates on Sale Now Through August 31!

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IMPACT Live Group

Register for IMPACT Live in Hartford CT, October 14-16!

Register for the one and only They Ask, You Answer Conference. Reduced Rates on Sale Now Through August 31!
George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Jun 13, 2017


Join 40,000+ sales and marketing pros who receive our weekly newsletter.

Get the most relevant, actionable digital sales and marketing insights you need to make smarter decisions faster... all in under five minutes.

Thanks, stay tuned for our upcoming edition.

Hubcast 142: Hyper Segment, Dynamic Pages, Social Tools & Scotland

George B Thomas

By George B Thomas

Jun 13, 2017

Hubcast 142: Hyper Segment, Dynamic Pages, Social Tools & Scotland

We are on the INBOUND website! As well as a small city of people.

Check out all of them.

They do love us. : )

Happy Dance

Speaker Pick Of The Week

Lisa Gerber



Hubcast Fireside Chat


DETAILS: Tuesday at 9:00 PM

HubSpot Strategy

Great Questions & Hyper Segmenting Your Buyer Personas

We talk about great questions from a sales and marketing perspective. What should you be asking?

Segmenting your personas with super smart questions and dependent form fields can take your communication to the next level.

One-to-one emails and article creation is based on knowing who they are and what they need.

HubSpot Updates

Build Dynamic Pages using HubDB


When you're creating multiple pages across your website that look similar, it can be a hassle to put together each one individually. From choosing the template to adding all the content, it's repetitive and time-consuming. But now there's a better way.

With Dynamic Pages, you can dynamically create pages that are SEO-friendly and get page-specific analytics -- all from one database. This means content creation, and updating pages like your team management or product listings can all be done from one place.

Learn More

Now Live - Workflows Alert Roll-up

What is it?

In the Workflows tool, you'll now see a roll-up view of important issues and suggestions for a given workflow. This means you no longer have to hunt through a workflow to see issues you need to fix. This feature is live today May 26, 2017.

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[HubSpot Connect] - Azuqua Integration


What’s this integration partner do?

Azuqua is integration technology that helps non-technical folks connect apps in the form of workflows. They have many pre-built workflows for integrations  including HubSpot.

How does Azuqua integrate with HubSpot?

Azuqua allows a user to integrate the HubSpot CRM or Marketing with MailChimp, Google Apps, Slack, SalesForce, or 100+ other applications, APIs, data, and internal tools and microservices. With Azuqua you can build cross app-workflows in minutes and customize them to fit your needs.

Learn More

Wish List Items

Social Media Preview Tool

I use the social publishing tool to post on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for both of our websites. However, I think having a preview tool would be really valuable with social posts (especially with the new LinkedIn image sizes and the preview that automatically renders through Hubspot).

I get really agitated when I think something will look fine and schedule posts then have to go in manually through my LinkedIn account (because you can't delete from Hubspot) and get rid of the posts and try again!

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Exclusive Insight

Invite-only means we’re hand-picking the best marketing and sales leaders so you’re surrounded with like-minded attendees for an experience and content tailored to you.

Meaningful Connections

Picture the value of being in a room with people just like you. With over 150 attendees and approachable speakers, you’re guaranteed to meet someone who will help you validate the work you’re doing and gain a new perspective on marketing leadership.

A Darn Good Time.

Events get boring when you’re just sitting in the same seat for hours on end. We break with tradition, stacking each day with speaker sessions, breakouts, activities, and happy hours to keep you engaged and entertained.

Event Date:

August 1st August 2nd

(Workshops on July 31st)

Event Location:

The Society Room

31 Pratt Street, Hartford CT 06103

Tweets Of The Week

Professionally Personal

George - Scotland /international speaker.

Marcus - Daughter keynoting for the first time.

IMPACT Live Group

Register for IMPACT Live in Hartford CT, October 14-16!

Register for the one and only They Ask, You Answer Conference. Reduced Rates on Sale Now Through August 31!