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IMPACT Live Chicago: April 14-16, 2025

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Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Aug 9, 2018


HubSpot Vidyard
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Hubcast 188: Vidyard at INBOUND, IP Properties, & Self-Selection Marketing

Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Aug 9, 2018

Hubcast 188: Vidyard at INBOUND, IP Properties, & Self-Selection Marketing

This episode of the Hubcast is brought to you by Qwilr.

Holy moly, are we excited about #INBOUND18!

We're now allowed to officially announce that Tyler Lessard (VP of Marketing at Vidyard) will be joining us for our live recording in the Podcast Lounge!

It will be Thursday morning at 10:30AM, so, make sure you sign up when registering for your sessions!

And get ready! It's going to be huuuuge! (Trust us!)

Property of the Week

IP Country, IP State/Region and IP City

IP Country: “The country reported by the contact's IP address when they fill out a form. This is automatically set by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.”

IP State/Region: “The state or region reported by a contact's IP address.”

IP City: “The city reported by a contact's IP address.”

Note: these properties are all automatically set by HubSpot and are not editable.

A couple ways you can use these properties:

  1. Breaking out your reports based on country and/or state and/or city even (without having to ask it on a form)
  2. Lead qualification/scoring: if you only work with people in certain countries, cities, and states you can set up negative lead scoring for anyone outside of that area
  3. Contact filters for prospecting: if you’re prospecting in a certain area, this is a no brainer! Set up filters for your state and/or city in the contacts tool.

What’s on Marcus’ Mind

Self Selection and Self Configuration. 

Here's the River Pools example we mentioned on the show.

HubSpot Wishlist: Add deal properties to email personalization

“In emails, you can add fields from Contacts and Companies, but not from Deals yet. Adding deal information is critical to setting up internal notifications.” - Khughes (Product Team)

This has been in planning for a while now, and it’s actually come out for some people in Beta, but not everyone.

It’s a little ridiculous that we don’t have this functionality yet with the Sales tools.

This Episode’s Sponsor: Qwilr

I sat down with Mark Tanner, one of Qwilr’s co-founders, to talk to him about how and why Qwilr started, and why PDF proposals should be a thing of the past.

You can watch that full interview here:



See It for Yourself

HubSpot Updates

[Now Live] Tickets Required Fields

“Now live is the ability to customize the info your team collects when a ticket moves from stage to stage.

Plus, you can require certain properties to be completed in order for a ticket to move to a specific stage.” -- Just like required fields for deals and deal stages!

Learn More

[Now Live] Send In-App Notifications Through Workflows

“A new workflow's action that lets you send HubSpot notifications to users through the in-app notification center and mobile push.”

Learn More

And if you didn’t know this already, you already have the ability to send internal SMS notifications to individuals in workflows.

And if you were wondering what Marcus was distracting me with during the show... here you go!

Marcus Sheridan Being Ridiculous

Until Next Time

Have you gotten your invite for our HubSpot User Slack? Click here to join.

If you’re listening on iTunes - head on over and leave us a review! We love hearing your feedback, so feel free to leave some in the comments, or shoot me an email at cduffy[AT]!

Until next time. This is Carina Duffy & Marcus Sheridan saying to you, go out into the world and do some happy HubSpotting!

Marcus IMPACT Live Cutout-min

IMPACT Live Chicago: April 14-16, 2025

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