Welcome back to The Hubcast folks, a weekly podcast all about HubSpot news, tips, and tricks. Please also note the extensive show notes below including some new HubSpot video tutorials created by George Thomas.
Show Notes:
Super excited about a possible future HubSpot item. I had one of our Hubcast community folks tell me that they just found out about something we had talked about a couple weeks ago. Marcus this is crazy but right now in beta there are smart forms. I have added a link where our listeners can go see what it is all about as well as if they want the can sign up to be a beta tester.
I will warn you beta testing is not for everyone so think long and hard if you want to do that or not. It not only affects you but all the users in your portal That might open up a can of worms you just don’t want.
Check out the Beta Smart Forms Discussion
I am also excited because we are officially registered for Inbound 2015. I hope many of our listeners are as well. I really am excited to hang out with as many Hubcasters as possible.
HubSpot Strategy
In this episode we talk about getting the HubSpot sales tools in the hands of your sales team within the first week you turn HubSpot on. If you want to start turning a profit quickly, why do you wait to roll out the tools that impact your sales team most?
Make sure your sales team is using the prospects tool, SideKick, Insights, and a great CRM.
HubSpot Tips & Tricks
HubSpot COS
How to make a mailto CTA int he HubSpot portal.
@rsprung I'm new to @hubspot. How do I make #4 work? https://t.co/8xvpBR9qAi
— Adam Grossman (@aagrossman) January 15, 2015
Watch the tutorial HubSpot CRM A couple great ways to harness lists and workflows from the marketing side and your CRM stages to create a smoother sales process. Watch the tutorial
HubSpot Wishlist
I have been playing around with instagram lately and am finding the engagement of that community to be refreshing. It reminds me of the good ol' days of Twitter. A couple of episodes ago we talked about how in 2015 we felt as if Instagram would be a growing platform. That is just one of the resason that tonights wishlist item is for Instagram to be added to the HubSpot social media tool. If you agree with this wish list item just click the vote up link below. Vote It Up
HubSpot Updates
Retroactively tag a social message with a campaign You can now tag any social message that's already been published with a campaign. This can help you organize your campaign content, even if your campaign ran in the past. Go to your Published dashboard in Social Inbox and click into any message you'd like to add a campaign to. You can also go into any published message and change the campaign. Here's an example: Please note: When retroactively tagging a message with a campaign, it will not track visits for that campaign, but will add any click data for that message into your campaign. It will also track interactions for that message in a Campaigns Report in Social Reports. Trigger workflow option "Submit the form" now includes "any form" You can now trigger a workflow off of any form on any page (vs. a specific form on any page). This saves you time if you want to create a workflow when anyone submits any form on any page. When creating a new workflow in the Workflows App, you'll see a new option to choose "any form" when selecting to trigger the workflow off of a form submission:
Cool HubSpot & Inbound Tweets
Don't count no-shows to your webinars as disengaged or interested. Treat them just as well if not better. @Hubspot #inboundlearning #webinar — Taylor Nelson (@TaylorNelsonLR) January 13, 2015
Thanks @MarkKilens @LindsayRegina for great #InboundLearning webinar today. Projects should save us dozens of hrs on writing processses
— Joshua Feinberg (@joshua_feinberg) January 13, 2015
Get a HubSpot overview of what projects are: Watch Now Check out the three links below to see the first HubSpot projects released. Content Offer Project Webinar Project Trade Show Project
Ask The Hubcast
Stacie asks: What do I kneed to know about giving a company workshop for our team?