
They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

Improve the competencies and close rates of your sales organization.

Web design

Website Mastery

Web design, development & training for your team.


HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

Unlock the power of AI in all aspects of your revenue operations.

Discover how IMPACT’s services can help take your business to the next level. Book a free 30-minute coaching session Book a free 30-minute coaching session
Learning Center
Learning Center

Learning Center

Free resources to help you improve the way you market, sell and grow your business.

[NEW] The Endless Customers Podcast is now available everywhere. Learn how to earn trust & win more customers in the age of AI. Listen Now Listen Now
They Ask You Answer Mastery Service
They Ask, You Answer Mastery

Marketing and Sales Training

Master They Ask, You Answer for Unmatched Sales and Marketing Results

Dramatically increase trust. Explode traffic, leads, and sales. They Ask, You Answer is the most proven sales and marketing framework in the world for achieving online dominance in any space.

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Allison Riggs, IMPACT Head Coach, walks through everything you need to know about They Ask, You Answer Mastery.
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“The value of the coaching that we got was next-level. We've seen the cost of our marketing and cost per lead improve. It's dramatically changed our selling cycle, and it's greatly increased trust with our customers.”
Ryan Shutt
CEO, Southwest Exteriors
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“IMPACT has educated us and helped us get to a place where we could move forward and we could push past what we were facing previously.”
Isabelle Braeutigam
Marketing Manager, Custom Built Design & Remodeling
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“We can attribute a lot of growth to jumping on this program. We're truly the innovators and pioneers in our marketplace.”
Richard Jones
CEO, MoveMobility
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You’ve Read the Book. Now What?

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Watch the Overview

“Why are we not doing this?” This was likely the thought that kept coming to mind when you read They Ask, You Answer or heard Marcus Sheridan speak. Simply put: it just makes sense.

But now, of course, you’re asking yourself the next logical questions: What comes next? How do we get started? Do we need help, or can we do this alone?

Eliminate the Learning Curve to Experience Business Growth…FASTER.

Although the premise behind They Ask, You Answer is very simple, the actual application of the framework comes with its challenges. Many companies around the world have applied what they read in the book and experienced tremendous success without using a coach. At the same time, many others have attempted to do They Ask, You Answer and failed miserably in the process.

We’ve seen exactly what does and does not work. We know the patterns of the most successful They Ask, You Answer organizations versus the ones that can’t seem to get out of their own way.

This is why we developed our wildly successful They Ask, You Answer Mastery program, where a seasoned They Ask, You Answer coach and expert trainers will guide you to:

  • Develop the perfect TAYA strategy for your unique business

  • Build and train your marketing team to act as an “in-house agency”

  • Create world-class content (text, audio, video) that generates massive results

  • Leverage the latest AI to become more efficient and productive while staying ahead of the competition

  • Align sales and marketing (eliminating the silos that hold so many organizations back)

  • Master the tools for success (like the HubSpot sales & marketing suite)

It’s our job to help you formulate a specific plan of action while dramatically lessening the learning curve. It’s your job to follow the plan. When done right, it's an incredibly powerful system that helps you avoid the common mistakes, and holds you accountable to executing the work necessary to achieve success.

B2B & B2C Leaders Trust They Ask, You Answer to Grow their Businesses

Service or product-based, B2B or B2C, local, national, or international, we have helped companies of all shapes, sizes, and industries worldwide.

Benefits & Expected Outcomes

Our Promise to You

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Watch the Benefits & Expected Outcomes

When your business graduates from They Ask, You Answer Mastery, you’ll have all the skills, experience, and competencies in-house to attract great customers and grow your business, eliminating the need to rely on an outside marketing agency ever again. Here’s what you can expect:

More Awareness

Once you learn the skills to openly and honestly address your customers’ questions and concerns, you’ll be able to position your company as the most trusted and authoritative source within your industry, thus increasing the amount of generated traffic and leads.

Improved Brand Perception

You’ll be able to demonstrate your expertise and build a sense of credibility and reliability amongst your potential buyers. You’ll establish yourself as the go-to resource in your industry.

Marketing Self-Sufficiency

When you invest in They Ask, You Answer Mastery, you control your sales and marketing destiny, no longer depending on an outside agency or contractor to get you the results you expect.

Deals that Close Faster

Because you’re providing your leads with content that answers all their questions and concerns, your salespeople won’t have to spend time doing this during the sales process. They’ll also be able to have more effective sales conversations, focusing on the prospect’s needs and issues, resulting in less time spent on educating, and more time spent on qualifying and moving the opportunity forward.

More and Better Customers

You’ll be able to apply your customer-centric approach to focusing on your current customers, making them happier, more satisfied, and willing to become evangelists for your brand.

ROI from Content Marketing

The key to creating great content is “insourcing” your content production with an in-house content manager. By doing this, you’ll find the sky’s the limit in your ability to achieve your most aggressive traffic, leads, and sales goals with inbound marketing.

“We have a much more client-centric approach. We're more aligned as a team. We know where we want to go. And we're able to address problems more quickly.”
Isabelle Braeutigam
Marketing Manager, Custom Built Design & Remodeling
“As the CEO of a company, it gives me assurance that marketing is headed in the right direction. The program brings alignment across all of your marketing assets.”
Richard Jones
CEO, MoveMobility
“We used to average 3,500 vistors to our website a month, and now we're averaging 8,000-9,000 a week.”
Ryan Shutt
CEO, Southwest Exteriors
How It Works

An All-Inclusive Program

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Watch How It Works

What's Included in They Ask, You Answer Coaching?

Expedited They Ask, You Answer Implementation

You’ll be equipped with the guidance and resources to realize all the benefits and promises of They Ask, You Answer as fast as possible. Trained under Marcus Sheridan himself, our coaches leave no stone unturned.

Senior Leadership Coaching

Senior leaders will receive personal coaching to master everything they need to establish a team and culture where They Ask, You Answer can thrive, including role-playing conversations, understanding and tracking metrics, and enabling cross-department communication.

Team Development Coaching

With regular role play, training, and feedback, we will keep you on track and consistently moving toward your goals.


They Ask, You Answer success means new culture, processes, habits, and commitments, and our coaches will hold you and your team to them. With regular role play, training, and feedback, we will keep you on track and consistently moving toward your goals.


What Topics Are Covered?

Content Marketing Training

Build your content marketing competency in-house, and learn how to use The Big 5 approach to create content that attracts potential customers, empowers your sales team, and generates revenue. Our program teaches you essential skills such as conducting effective keyword research, optimizing your website copy, and creating a long-term content strategy.

Video Training

The program covers video strategy and on-camera performance to help your team produce high-quality marketing and sales videos that engage your audience and drive revenue. We call these videos The Selling 7.

Sales Training

The program also includes training for your sales team on assignment selling, 1-1 video, and virtual selling best practices. This comprehensive program will transform your salespeople into master communicators, resulting in increased confidence, trust, and faster deal closures.

HubSpot Training

The program includes HubSpot training to help your sales & marketing teams master the platform and use it effectively to grow your business.

StoryBrand Training

We believe that StoryBrand and They Ask, You Answer are the perfect complementary frameworks when it comes to mastering sales and marketing within an organization. As a certified StoryBrand trainer, we’ll help you craft your website copy so as to make your customer the “hero” while you act as the perfect “guide.”

“The skills that we've learned have impacted our business by making us very quick & nimble in the way we answer our customers. It's broadened our horizon in what we can do with content.”

Richard Jones, CEO, MoveMobility

“There are so many new skills that our team has developed from a sales side, a marketing side, and a leadership side.”

Isabelle Braeutigam, Marketing Manager, Custom Built Design & Remodeling

“If you look at our videos from 2 years ago to where they are now, just to see the growth in professionalism, scripting, and the direction of those has been amazing.”

Ryan Shutt, CEO, Southwest Exteriors
  • MoveMobility-Logo

  • Custom-Built-Logo

  • Southwest-Exteriors-Logo

What Does the Process Look Like?

Book a Call With an IMPACT Coach

You’ll speak directly with one of our certified, They Ask, You Answer coaches. You’ll be able to assess the coach’s fit to work with your team, and similarly, we’ll be assessing your fit for working with IMPACT to implement They Ask, You Answer.

Kickoff and Planning

Once an agreement is signed, your TAYA mastery engagement will then begin. Your coach will begin working with your leadership team to evaluate the current state of your organization, establish coaching and training schedules, and get you looped into all the tools (we provide) needed to be successful (IMPACT+).

Training & Continuous Improvement

Based on your unique needs, we'll help you hire and onboard key roles like a content manager and a videographer. Then, we dive into personalized training in areas such as content creation, video production, HubSpot, and sales. Leadership benefits from bi-weekly coaching calls that zero in on accountability, strategic planning, and organizational priorities.

What Is the Format for Coaching & Training?

We use a mix of virtual, in-person, independent, and collaborative mediums to coach and train your team. This includes:


Virtual Coaching & Training

Virtual, bi-weekly hour-long coaching sessions, with in-person options (as needed). These sessions include role-plays, communication training, and call reviews.


Subject Matter Expert (SME) Training Sessions

These sessions help your internal team develop mastery of core skills related to all aspects of digital sales and marketing. Included is the review of your team’s progress and task completion, and lesson assignment to ensure further skill development.


Leadership Coaching Sessions

Review progress on quarterly priorities, initiatives, and learning objectives with your coach. This will also be a time to address impediments and decisions your company has made.


Group Training

Members of your team will join groups with 3-4 individuals in similar roles at other organizations to discuss projects, troubleshoot issues, and give and receive feedback.


Quarterly Planning Sessions

Your quarterly planning sessions will utilize both scorecard and priority review to help you plan for achieving your upcoming goals. You will also brainstorm priorities as you develop your quarterly plan.



Hands-on, immersive training that is tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each client. (Offered as needed virtually or in-person).


Online Learning

Our training programs are supported by online learning modules, tools, and assessments that reinforce key concepts.


Customized Engagement

We work closely with our clients to develop a customized engagement plan that meets their unique needs and budget.

What Is the Duration of the Program?

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Watch the Duration
Our program requires a commitment of 18 months to fully experience the program's benefits through training, feedback, and continuous reinforcement. If at any point you feel like you’re not getting value, you can opt out of the program. At the same time, if we feel like you’re not doing what you need to do to get value, we will end the engagement at that time.

Who Will I Be Working With?

You'll be aligning with a coach who fully grasps the challenges you confront daily. Just like you and your team, they too are responsible for closing deals and managing their own book of business; they don't merely instruct, but also 'walk the walk.'

Most importantly, all IMPACT coaches are proficiently trained in They Ask, You Answer, as well as the art of coaching company leaders and executives. They know exactly how to press the right levers to help you and your team unlock and unleash your utmost potential.


How Much Do IMPACT's Coaching and Training Services Cost?

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How Much Do IMPACT’s Coaching and Training Services Cost?

Our coaching and training services can vary with respect to costs, as there are many factors that will drive the overall budget.

These factors include:

  • The size and scale of your team
  • The speed at which you need to achieve results
  • Current or available staffing and software resources

With that in mind, budgets will range from $3,500 per month for smaller organizations just getting started, all the way up to $25,000+ per month for larger organizations that require more coaching and training. A typical client, on average, will invest around $10,000 per month. 

You can view more specific price, plan and budget details for these services (as well as our other services) on our pricing page.

“I love the fact that we invested in this.”

“Initially, we saw an increase of about 3 points in our close rate, and an increase of about $3,000 in our average sale size.”

Ryan Shutt, CEO, Southwest Exteriors

“We've seen growth of 35-45%.”

“That's where we attribute some of the ROI back to the program that we've been through and the implementation of it. I can truly say we've increased our revenue by probably 10-15% just by taking up this program.”

Richard Jones, CEO, MoveMobility

“We've invested in IMPACT, and it's made a big difference in our organization.”

“We have seen our traffic almost triple at this point. It's a sales initiative with marketing behind it. It's a business philosophy, and it really does touch all sides of your business.”

Isabelle Braeutigam, Marketing Manager, Custom Built Design & Remodeling
  • Southwest-Exteriors-Logo

  • MoveMobility-Logo

  • Custom-Built-Logo

Is They Ask, You Answer Mastery Right for You?

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Watch Is It Right For You
Our program may be a good fit for you if you’re facing any of the following:
  • Not getting enough leads
  • Aren’t closing deals (or are closing them too slowly)
  • Marketing strategy seems a bit lost or without a clear direction
  • Want to use AI but aren’t sure where to get started
  • Company has plateaued in revenue and size
  • Having trouble retaining clients
  • Having trouble communicating what you do with your audience
  • Spending on ads, but not seeing results
  • Sales team is struggling to adapt to today’s digital buyer
  • Feel like you’re not getting the value out of HubSpot and other tools
Leadership Expectations

It’s critical to note our best clients have the most aware and engaged CEOs. Although we don’t expect your CEO to be at every meeting, we do expect them to attend our quarterly planning sessions. They should be aware, engaged, and invested in the entire They Ask, You Answer initiative. If you are unable to make this commitment, then we won’t be a good long-term partner and fit.

Our Mastery program is NOT for everyone.

Some businesses shy away from feedback, coaching, and candid performance assessments. Others flourish in an environment of honesty, transparency, and accountability, craving a structured framework and the push to step out of their comfort zones. If you identify more with the first group, we're likely not the best fit for you – and that's perfectly okay.

Results & Success Stories

Improvement Firm Bucks The Trend and Commits to Buyer Education

Southwest Exteriors is a home services company focused on windows and siding.

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Southwest Exteriors exists in a highly competitive market, going up against national brands and cost-cutting local outfits. But despite the competition in the home improvement industry, no one seemed to be putting buyers first. The hard-sell approach created a trust deficit that kept buyers on edge.



The folks at Southwest partnered with IMPACT to go against the grain. They embraced They Ask, You Answer, committing to answering buyer questions and repairing the trust the industry had broken. IMPACT offered the guidance to help Southwest become the most trusted voice in their industry.



With IMPACT and They Ask, You Answer, Southwest had a proven framework that they knew would bring results, even in a crowded field. At first, it was a modest improvement in close rates. Then it was a steady increase in website traffic (from 3,500 organic visitors per month to over 35,000). But biggest of all was the increased trust in the marketplace. Customers reached out after consuming Southwest’s content, with the foundation of a trusting relationship already established.

Accessibility Experts Increase Revenue by 10% With IMPACT’s Guidance

MoveMobility sells wheelchair vans and accessibility equipment.

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MoveMobility had a marketing problem that many companies are familiar with: They knew where they wanted to go, but they didn’t know how to get there. In the words of CEO Richard Jones, their marketing department was like a ship with no steering mechanism. They were looking for direction so they’d know how to apply their efforts.



At the first meeting with their IMPACT coach, the MoveMobility team could see that this would be different. Their coach offered direction and structure, with a clear framework and measurable steps to help the company move forward. This, at last, was the course-setting the team had been looking for.



Like a lot of companies, MoveMobility had long seen marketing as an expense. Something that was nice to have, but hard to prove ROI from. No more. Now, they’ve got a marketing team that’s aligned with the rest of the company — and vital to their future success. They’re producing content that actually impacts sales. And with IMPACT’s training, the team is building the skills for long-term success.

Custom Builders Learn How to Really Put Their Customers First

Custom Built Design & Remodeling is a Michigan-based custom home remodeling contractor.

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Custom Built Design and Remodeling didn’t know exactly how to put its ideals into practice. In the hectic day-to-day of running a home improvement business, there wasn’t much time to focus on the big questions: How do we make our processes more client-centered? They knew they wanted to, they just didn’t know how.


A customer heading into a big remodel project has a ton of questions. The more answers they get ahead of time, the smoother the sales process will be. Our They Ask, You Answer framework focused on customer education. With the right training, the team at Custom Built could help their customers feel more well-informed.


Today, wherever a customer is in the buying process, they have answers to any question they can think of. There are videos, buyer’s guides, product comparisons, and articles. And by producing this content, Custom Built’s sales reps and marketers have come together. The company is all pulling in the same direction, and the customers are getting exactly what they’re asking for.

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How To Get Started

Take the First Step to They Ask, You Answer Mastery

Book your free sales coaching session today, and discover how IMPACT's sales training programs can help take your business to the next level.

Not ready to talk just yet? Then we suggest you download the 90-day They Ask, You Answer Starter Guide which will allow you and your team to take the first steps towards implementing They Ask, You Answer in your business.

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What to expect on your call with an IMPACT Coach

Fill out this form to take ownership of your business growth and start seeing results.

Courses & Additional Insights

Free Resources to Get You Started

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Course Course
Bringing They Ask, You Answer to Your Organization
Bob Ruffolo
Bob Ruffolo
Course Course
They Ask, You Answer Fundamentals
Marcus Sheridan
Marcus Sheridan
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What a High Performing They Ask, You Answer Company Looks Like
Bob Ruffolo
Bob Ruffolo
Course Course
Measuring Your They Ask, You Answer Success for Organizational Leaders
Connor DeLaney
Connor DeLaney
Article Article
How to Get Your Whole Team to Buy in to They Ask, You Answer
Marcus Sheridan
Marcus Sheridan
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How To Get Started With They Ask, You Answer: Your First 6 Months
Chris Marr
Chris Marr
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Website Conversions in 2024 — STOP, START, KEEP
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Vin Gaeta
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Your Website Strategy Must Include These 6 Things
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5 ways launchpad websites go wrong (and how to avoid those mistakes)
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Mary Brown
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What Is a 'Learning Center' and Why Does My Website Need One?
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John Becker
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What can we expect in working with IMPACT on a website redesign?
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John Becker
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Website Mastery: A better redesign process for your business website
John Becker
John Becker
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4 Ways To Recession-proof Your Website In 2024
Marcus Sheridan
Marcus Sheridan
Frequently Asked Questions

You Ask, We Answer

Who is IMPACT?
Who is IMPACT?
What is IMPACT+?
What is IMPACT+?
What countries does IMPACT work with?
What countries does IMPACT work with?
What happens if I’m not satisfied with the service?
What happens if I’m not satisfied with the service?
Does IMPACT work with marketing agencies?
Does IMPACT work with marketing agencies?
My business is unique, how can I know your services will work for me?
My business is unique, how can I know your services will work for me?
If I’m an agency, can I help my clients do They Ask, You Answer?
If I’m an agency, can I help my clients do They Ask, You Answer?
If I wanted to DIY They Ask, You Answer at my company, how can IMPACT help?
If I wanted to DIY They Ask, You Answer at my company, how can IMPACT help?