Mar 10, 2019
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Why Every Brand Needs a Welcome Email in Their Strategy [Infographic]
Mar 10, 2019
Most people hate them.
They think they’re forced, awkward, and cheesy, but frankly -- I enjoy a good conversation icebreaker.
When engaging with new people, icebreakers act as a much-needed pause.
They're an introduction; a moment before you get down to business that lets you evaluate the individuals you’re meeting, set realistic expectations, and plan your next course of action.
In many ways, the welcome email is the digital marketing equivalent of this.
Welcome to My Humble Abode!
The welcome email is not a new topic for me or our team here at IMPACT.
Earlier this year, we strategized and began testing our first-ever, which was sent to a select group of contacts when they filled out their first form on our site and entered our database.
The email not only confirmed the action intended by the form (and delivered their offer if applicable), but it also went on to introduce our brand and, yes, “welcome” them to our community.
In a nutshell, this is what all great welcome emails do. They:
fulfill a promise,
Set the stage/expectations for the future of your relationship together (i.e. the frequency of future email, what you will offer them),
share guidance on what they can/should do next.
When someone is new to your brand, this information is critical. It helps establish trust by being transparent and puts both parties on the same page for a healthier interaction moving forward.
Judging by the data shared in this infographic from Invesp, these aren’t the only reasons welcome emails should be taken seriously in your overall marketing strategy.
According to it, the average open rate for a welcome email is 50%, making them 86% more effective than other email campaigns.
Plus, once they’re open, welcome emails get 5x (~14.4%) as many clicks.
Even more impressive, welcome emails on average generate 320% more revenue than other promotional messages and consumers who receive them show 33% more engagement with the brand than those that don’t.
For more insight into the effectiveness of welcome emails and why your brand needs to start planning yours, check out the full infographic below!
Infographic by- Invesp Landing page Design and Optimization
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