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Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Feb 2, 2017


Content Marketing Social Media Marketing Marketing Strategy
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How to Make Marketing on SlideShare Work For Your Business [Infographic]

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Feb 2, 2017

How to Make Marketing on SlideShare Work For Your Business [Infographic]

Believe it or not our highest social conversion rate wasn’t always coming from big shots, Facebook or Twitter. For a long time, it was coming from SlideShare.

Bought by LinkedIn in 2012, SlideShare has carved a unique niche among professionals as the “slick deck” social platform, but despite this monopoly, it tends to get overlooked by marketers.

Frequently outshined by its flashier visual cousins of YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, and even Pinterest, SlideShare boasts a network of over 70 million professionals and over 18 million uploads.

For B2B marketers, this a large, untapped audience that shouldn’t be ignored. 

Presentation slide decks aside, SlideShare can also host infographics, videos, eBooks, and reports among other documents, offers detailed analytics, and can even generate leads directly for a small fee.

Uploads can be made public or private and are also easily embedded (like we did here).

On the other end of things, SlideShare visitors can follow your profile or view, comment, share, and also clip or download presentations if you allow it.

Now, if you aren’t already taking advantage of SlideShare’s extensive features in your marketing strategy, the folks over at Salesforce Canada have created the infographic below; chock full of statistics and optimization tips to help you make it work for goals.

Some of its highlights include that:

  • SlideShare has 5x more traffic from business owners than other social networks including Facebook and Twitter
  • SlideShare allows clickable links (but not in the first 3 slides -- they will be disabled)
  • SlideShare uses your file name as your URL
  • The platform encourages creativity with monthly themes and topics. Upload something related and you could be featured on their homepage.

Check the full piece below!

Click To Enlarge

SlideShare: How to Make It Work for Your Business

Via Salesforce


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