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It finally happened -- someone who really gets us was a guest co-host on MarketHer.
On this episode, we had a guest who understood that Angela and I are absolutely awful at this meditation thing and she actually helped us see that we were doing everything all wrong.
Okay, so I guess I'm being a bit dramatic here.
She didn't tell us we were doing everything all wrong but she did let us know that we aren't the only ones who struggle with meditation and mindfulness.
If you have a passion for mindfulness and/or meditation and would like to be a part of this show, complete this form!
We'd love to have you join in on this conversation about mindfulness!
In this episode, Kristen Zavo, former Fortune 500 marketing exec, career coach, and the author of Job Joy, shares how she supports her clients in cultivating mindfulness for increased happiness, well-being and productivity.
How does she help her clients really get in touch with what they need?
One of the biggest things I took away from our chat was that she encouraged listeners, and her clients, to start by asking themselves questions.
They don't have to be the big, life changing questions like, "What career path do I want for the rest of my entire life?" but just simple things like, "What do I want to eat today?" and "What do I want to wear?" to really start listening to what we WANT versus what we NEED.
Sometimes you need a salad but you want that dang burger and fries -- and that's ok! Eat the dang burger!
These questions will help us begin to get more in touch with what we need every day, which with patiences and guidance, can help lead us to answering the bigger questions around what career and what job will really make us happy in the long run.
It's not about following some to-do list and being reactive to everything around you.
It's about being mindful enough to understand what our soul is telling us... pretty cool, huh?
Sounds too easy -- how do I become more mindful if I can't sit still?
Luckily for us, Kristen shared some of her favorite tips for Angela and myself (plus people just like you) to get started:
1. Plan unstructured time.
Inspired by The Artist's Way, have an Artist's Date. Plan time for space, creativity, flow, and exploration.
Be open to where the day takes you and indulge in activities that may feel frivolous to your logical mind, but that feed your soul.
2. Connect with your inner child.
What did you love to do as a kid? Why? Why did you stop? Can you bring some of that back into your life now?
Stop taking yourself so seriously - go to a trampoline park, spend some time on the swings...and laugh until you cry with your friend that gets it.
3. Make time for non-traditional meditative activities.
Coloring, lettering, a hike without music are a few to start with.
4. Engage all the senses in the otherwise mundane every day activities.
Feel your feet on the floor and your butt in your seat. Feel the texture of the chair you're sitting in or the table you're sitting at. Notice the sounds, smells around you. Really look at the person or thing in front of you. Be here now and take it all in.
5. Re-define meditation.
It doesn't have to be an hour twice a day of sitting in complete stillness and silence. Start with just one minute. Try listening to music (highly recommend Gregorian Chant). Move your body before sitting still.
Still need something to do? Try a body scan, setting an intention for your day and repeating it, reciting a mantra, or even asking a question and listening for an answer from within.
Want more insight straight from the girl who opened our eyes?
Check out the episode below!
Have you started to put any of the tips we've shared into practice? Email us at! We'd love to hear your journey and share your story with others!
We hope you found this episode as insightful as we did and if you have feedback or comments, please follow us on social and share!
Again, if you have a passion for this topic, please complete this form for the opportunity to be a part of this season and our show!
Join us in our Facebook MarketHer Group to continue talking about opportunity!
As always, if you have some tips, email us at We will share it on our Facebook page!!
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