May 25, 2018
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What’s New at IMPACT, Video Marketing, and GDPR tools in HubSpot (The IMPACT Show Ep. 51)
May 25, 2018
In this week's episode of The IMPACT Show, Bob is back! Bob filled in for Nick this week and shared some IMPACT updates. We also talked about GDPR in HubSpot, video marketing, and more.
Just in case you missed us live (or if you want to relive the magic), you’ll find the episode’s show notes below as well as the recording.
Enjoy and make sure to share!
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IMPACT Updates
Enabling Your Team - Creating Great Managers and Leaders
Bob shares how, through mergers, acquisitions and company growth, we've gone from 30 people to 50+. A lot of Bob's time has been focused on creating the optimal employee experience, client service experience, and being a profitable and successful business. Bob has spent time looking at different business models and has spent time with the team to create the right model that will work for us.
Bob went on to share the vital importance of having good managers. Organizations often mistake people who are great at their tactical role for great managers. However, if you don't have someone who is (or can be trained to be) a great manager who takes care of their team, drives performance and creates a productive working environment.
Finally, Bob shared how Chris Duprey has been making sure IMPACT has all the right leadership training and management tools to manage and lead in the IMPACT way. There will be weekly leadership trainings and we'll make sure we have a system to build great managers and great leaders.
Introducing IMPACT Client Success Managers
Bob shared how our sales people have typically taken on inbound leads and converted them into customers - and then moved onto the next sale. While they were great at getting new business, it wasn't necessarily the best client experience. Things can fall through the cracks when there is a handoff. Plus, clients build relationships with salespeople and those are lost when there is a handoff.
Also, our client teams are so focused on doing everything well and on time for our clients. They have so much to get done and that is their key focus. Meanwhile, new tools are coming out, HubSpot is making updates, and our delivery team isn't able to suggest and share all these new possibilities.
Our solution is we're transforming our salespeople into client success managers and they will be with the clients throughout their time with IMPACT.
IMPACT Live 2018 - Exciting Updates
The agenda for IMPACT Live 2018 will be available today! We have so many amazing guest speakers including IMPACTers who are sharing their knowledge and lessons. We have 8 guest speakers and 16 IMPACTers taking the stage at IMPACT Live this year!
If you don't have a ticket yet - it's August 7th and 8th in Hartford, Connecticut and you can register now! If you need some help justifying going to your boss, have questions about travel, etc. hit us up! We're here to help - you don't want to miss this!
Webinars To Look Forward To
We’re All Media Companies: Video for Marketing, Sales, & Customer Service in the Digital Age
This is a three-part webinar featuring Marcus Sheridan and Zach Basner. Join us live for part one on Wednesday, May 30th, 2018, at 2:00PM ET or sign up to get the recording. Register today!
Facebook Video Marketing: Increase Your Reach, Results, & Revenue with VOD & Live Broadcasts
Join us Tuesday, June 12th at 2:00PM ET with Mari Smith - Facebook Queen (social media consultant, speaker, and trainer). In this dynamic training, premier Facebook marketing expert, Mari Smith, will guide you through her step-by-step process for generating more leads and sales using video on Facebook. Register today!
What Marketers Be Talkin' 'Bout
Where we go over what you're saying in IMPACT Elite.
IMPACT Elite is a community of over 2,900 passionate inbounders looking to help other marketers (and sales and customer success people) succeed. We’d love for you to join us!
Go to or just search the IMPACT Elite Group on Facebook and request to join. If you’re already in Elite - invite a friend or coworker!
Our Second Community Hangout
We had our second community hangout last Friday which was a blast! If you missed it, you can join us again next Friday at 2:00PM ET (new time!). We'll be talking about agile marketing! JIRA, sprints, scrum, oh my!
What's Crackin' in Elite
Elite Member: Caitlin Sellers-Castevens posted in Elite: Hello, Elite! I'm working on KPI's for my Inbound team and am interested what your expectations are for your inbound employees? We have an inbound coordinator, inbound specialist, inbound manager, and inbound strategist. Help :)
Bob shared his thoughts on KPIs. He shared his top 3 which are:
1. getting work done at a high quality level
2. ultimate performance - what goals did we set and did we hit them?
3. any management objectives and creating a great work environment
Elite Member, Ellen Welker, asked about how to create a countdown on a landing page in HubSpot and Richard Tubman also asked about online quizzes that might integrate with HubSpot. This is exactly the type of thing Elite is great for - we love these kinds of questions and I'll make sure you get an answer!
Inbound in the Trenches
This is where we talk about what we’re doing and what we’ve learned lately right here in the trenches.
Bob shares how we've been trying to be more conversational and human in our marketing. One of the ways we've done this is to create some more plain text, less stylized emails that are authentic and provide value. We have also been using video!
You may have seen this in one of my recent update emails - expect more like this!
It's GDPR Day - May 25th, 2018 Has Arrived
Carina Duffy shared the perfect GDPR sentiment in Elite and we'll continue the discussion there.
We would love your comments. What did you think of the show? Let us know in Elite. Make sure you never miss a show or update by subscribing at
Join Us Next Time!
Next week, we’ll see you on the third community hangout on FRIDAY June 1st at 2:00PM Eastern.
We’ll be back in two weeks for the IMPACT Show live on Friday, June 8th at 11:00AM ET.
Until next time...get out there and make it happen!
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