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Kate Fodera

By Kate Fodera

Aug 14, 2019


MarketHER Women in Marketing Careers in Inbound
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Practicing Mindfulness Amid Chaos [MarketHer]

Kate Fodera

By Kate Fodera

Aug 14, 2019

Practicing Mindfulness Amid Chaos [MarketHer]

Okay, I get it. Using the word "chaos" is a bold choice, especially in a blog title, but I really mean it.

Last week in Connecticut for IMPACT Live 2019 (which is becoming Digital Sales & Marketing World 2020 next year - FREAK. OUT.) was wild, hilarious, fulfilling, wonderful, insane, — and chaotic
If you've ever attended a conference, you know you typically have late nights and early mornings.

There's networking up the wazoo in between breakout sessions and speakers. There's food and drinks and handshakes.

Overall, there's A LOT going on at all times. 

Now, if you've ever been part of a company or an organization that puts on and hosts the conference, you know it's all of that but multiplied by 100, and that's what the experience was for the IMPACT team.

While it was honestly one of the most fun weeks I've had this year, it was also a week where I had to really focus on taking time for myself because it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind. 

If you've been following our MarketHer Facebook page, you'll know that I've been using the Ten Percent Happier app on my phone these last few weeks. 


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I haven't been been using the app everyday, but I can honestly say that when I make time to, it really makes a difference in how I face the rest of the day.

I find myself being more calm, more aware of my body and how I'm feeling, and even how I interact with people. 

I'll bet you can understand why using the app while at the conference was a life changer, eh? 

I was in the midst of the chaos and I thought to myself, "Hold on. I'm feeling anxious, I'm feeling worked up, and I feel like I'm in the middle of a wave of 'I NEED TO DO THIS THING RIGHT NOW.'" 

So, what did I do?

Instead of sitting in the staff room at the convention center, I walked back to my hotel room, made space in the middle of the floor (after moving away piles of my clothing) and plopped down.

That particular day, there was a 13-minute session available in the app and those 13 minutes helped me feel a sense of calm that I hadn't felt at any other time during the trip. 

I truly feel like this app has made me a believer in mindfulness and meditation. 

That's HUGE considering that a few weeks ago, I was saying that this just wasn't my thing. 

Can we all just take a moment and do a happy dance that this season of MarketHer has legitimately helped me get to my main goal? It worked guys... all of your stories, your tips, and your help has paid off.

Has any of the episodes or tips helped you to become more mindful?
I'd love to hear about it on our Facebook MarketHer Page!

Have you tried something you heard on MarketHer and it failed miserably?
I'd love to hear about that our Facebook MarketHer Page as well. :) 

Also, I have some news to share...

While we explore what the next season of MarketHer will entail, we'll be going on a bit of a hiatus. I know, I know; I don't like it either BUT it's only going to make our episodes and our storytelling stronger. 

In the meantime, don't forget about us -- Follow us, share your journey, and continue the conversation: FacebookInstagram, Twitter 

Have you started to put any of the tips we've shared into practice? Email us at! We'd love to hear your journey and share your story with others! 

We hope you found this episode as insightful as we did and if you have feedback or comments, please follow us on social and share! 

Again, if you have a passion for this topic, please complete this form for the opportunity to be a part of this season and our show! 

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