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How to Prevent People From Blocking Out Your Marketing Message

Feb 19, 2012

It’s funny how the world is shouting “Hooray! We’re more connected than ever before,” and yet no one seems to hear you no matter how bold, loud, and clear you’re speaking. Quite frankly it all just sounds like white noise. Why is it that the trade show routine and local newspaper ads aren’t working as much as they use to? According to a survey conducted by Internet Retailer revealed that SMB’s will increase their online advertising budget by nearly 30% in 2012. Clearly, the new medium for effective advertising is the internet. In fact, Inc. reported a 40% increase in online sales during 2011. Indicating the online endemic is in fact getting their marketing message heard. So how can you help people hear your message?
Organic Search Results
According to Power Reviews Inc. over 50% of online shoppers start from an online search engine. Indicating that companies ranking high in organic search results have a greater potential to get their marketing message heard. By optimizing your website or blog for search engine traffic you are in effect implementing an inbound marketing that’s strategy based. This ensures that website visitors are both interested and in fact searching for your marketing message.
Using Social Media
According to ROI Research for Performance 53% of people on Twitter mention and recommend products and companies in Tweets. Econsultancy also stated that 90% of consumers online trust recommendations from people they know. This is a key indicator that using social media strategically as a means of brand exposure also helps others spread your company’s marketing message online. The key here is not only to support brand exposure but also to support the community around your brand. In survey results provided by Clickz over 80% of social media respondents indicated they’ve actually received advice from people they know related to consumer purchases. Over 70% of those surveyed also indicated the advice given had a significant influence on their purchasing decision. The aspect of viral exposure associated with social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube cannot be duplicated on another other traditional medium in the same span of time.
Interact With Your Consumers
The idea of manning a full-time call center for small to medium size businesses is usually unheard of. However, the internet makes it both easy and cost effective to achieve similar results. According to Allurent over 80% of shoppers online will make a purchase if websites increase interacting. Today’s consumers want quick communication, simple and transparent accessibility, and more support overall. The idea is that once you get your consumers to visit your site you should implement all feasible methods to keep them interested in buying from you.
Inquiring minds want to know
In 2010 Yahoo Answers marked in 200 million worldwide visitor mark. The Wall Street Journal also indicated the over 90% of shoppers have confidence in online answers versus sales clerks or any other random sources. Obviously, the world is filled with inquiring minds so it’s safe to say your consumers may have questions of their own. A blog, website, forum, or social media page pulls you away from press releases into a world where the consumers can actually communicate their concerns, questions, and interests. They are there just begging to hear your marketing message, and all you really have to do is participate.
Final Thoughts
Yes, it’s true traditional mediums are becoming more and more ineffective and those that are remains extremely overpriced and out of reach for small to medium size businesses but digital inbound marketing is a horse of a different color (less greenish).
Here are some thoughts: a quarter page ad in your local newspaper can run about 100 per day. In contrast a Facebook FanPage is “FREE”. An inbound marketing campaign that actually gets your message heard can cost $50,000 a year with, a according to Kuno Creative, a $60,000 gross profit. In contrast, a 30 second network commercial can run you $200,000 and up. The bottom line is you want to get your marketing message heard and start an inbound marketing campaign.
Need Help?
If getting your message heard is something that you are interested in but don't know how to get started, contact us today to schedule your free marketing analysis.

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