By Liz Murphy
Dec 27, 2020
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Happy Holidays and Expert Tips On Content Interviewing (Content Lab, Ep. 54)
By Liz Murphy
Dec 27, 2020
As a content manager, one of the most absolutely essential skills you must master in order to be successful is to be an effective interviewer of subject matter experts.
It is from those experts that you must extrapolate the "goods" you need to create the revenue-generating content your company needs to drive qualified traffic, leads, and sales. But beyond rapport-building, there are so many ways your interviews with those experts can go well... or entirely off the rails.
Although, the sad fact is, you may not realize what those weak spots may be in your interview-based content foundation.
So, in this episode, John and I delve more deeply into the ways content interviewing can go wrong — both in terms of your mindset as a content manager, as well as your execution in the interview and post-interview content creation processes.
P.S. Don't forget to check out Dark Sitcom Reboots as recommended by John in this episode!
Listen to the episode
🚨Subscribe to Content Lab on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.🚨
Related resources
- How to write a blog post (+ blog post template)
- How to build rapport with any subject matter expert interview
- How to interview subject matter experts
- How to assess the interviewing skills of a content manager
Important show note
As I mentioned a the previous episode, in the coming weeks, we'll be releasing a bunch of episodes John and I recorded over the past few months. (This is not one of those episodes, but I wanted to be sure to note this here, should you choose to delve into our archives.)
For various reasons, we always felt very quickly that they would become obsolete — for example, we would cancel events we were promoting in those episodes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
After serious consideration, we've opted to release those episodes anyway. So, please understand that there may be some cases where we reference events that ended up not occurring during certain episodes that we opt to publish down the line, as they make sense.
They also may be released out of order, based on their topic. The topics we discussed are still very valuable and evergreen, however, so we hope you'll excuse any momentary confusion.
Until next week! 👋
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