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Twitter is making it easy to share real-time information with people who are interested in your products and services.
Sometimes you don't want to publish a tweet right away. You want to schedule it for a later time. Until recently you had to log into a third-party website to accomplish this.
I don't know about you, but I hate having to use additional tools to effectively manage one social media account.
For all you that feel the same, on Monday Twitter added a new feature allowing users to schedule tweets up to one year in advance, in one-minute increments.
This is not something revolutionary, but it is new to the social platform. Prior to the release of the feature, sites like Hootsuite and Tweetdeck allow you to schedule your social media posts in advanced.
This is the first time Twitter is providing you with the option. However, scheduling tweets is not available for everyone, only advertisers are able to use this feature.
As long as you have an account at, you can access the scheduled tweets tool through your dashboard.
How it Works
By now you might be wondering just how does this work. With scheduled tweets you can publish content at any time and up to a year in advanced.
Scheduled tweets look the same as if you were going to post a tweet in real-time. You can add your location and / or photos like you normally would.
Once you've logged into your Twitter ads account there are two ways that you can create a scheduled tweet.
Two ways to schedule a tweet:
Option 1. The blue tweet button in the top right corner.
Option 2. Click on the "creatives" tab and select tweets. Once you're on that page on the right hand side there will be a compose tweet box.
All you have to do is compose your tweet in the box. Next, you need to decide if you want your tweet to be delivered to all followers or if you only want to deliver the tweet to users targeted in a promoted tweets campaign.
Then click on the scheduling tab and select when you want the tweet to be published.
It's that easy.
I'd like to remind you that these tweets do not need to be promoted. Scheduled tweets can be delivered organically to followers or as part of a promoted tweet campaign.
Why it's Good For Advertisers
Twitter is becoming more useful for marketers. As a marketer, you can now manage all of your scheduled tweets directly in your dashboard.
If you weren't scheduling tweets in advance, you need to start. It is an easy way to organize your Twitter campaign and make your life a lot easier.
With this tool, companies are able to schedule their campaigns out. Once they set the dates they don't have to worry about it posting it on that specific date/time, it will do it automatically.
Also, If the advertiser wants to change a tweet that is scheduled in advance they are able to. Nothing is set in stone. You can make changes to your scheduled tweets at any time.
Now that Twitter offers this service, marketers can stop using third-party websites to schedule tweets.
Twitter hopes that this feature will encourage more advertisers to use Twitter to create campaigns.

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