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Introducing our all new blog title generator: BlogAbout.
At one time or another, every business blogger has pondered the question, "What should I blog about?"
I mean, when you're writing on a consistent basis, it's easy to feel like you've exhausted every avenue and potential angle or interest.
Problem is, it's the wrong question altogether.
The right question is "what are the most common question our customers are asking?"
It's at this point that you may discover that you shouldn't be blogging at all.
Maybe an instructional video series is what your audience needs. Or maybe podcasts that can be downloaded on the go is more preferable for your audience.
Regardless of platform or medium, your customers crave information.
Not because their behavior has changed due to some post-millennium ideology you've been fed. They've simply been enabled by technology and have come come to rely on information as a means to make smarter decisions.
The only way to discover the most effective manner in which to distribute this information is by listening.
But here's the thing: chances are you've heard most of this before.
The problem isn't that you're not listening to your customers.
More than likely, it's that – even after listening – you're finding it hard to develop unique angles every day in order to produce the volume of content necessary to satisfy your audience.
It's a catch-22 that many bloggers find themselves in at one time or another.
"I need to create all of this content and do it every day. But how?"
We all need a little inspiration sometimes.
The Inspiration
BlogAbout was an idea born out of frustration.
Like all bloggers at one time or another, we’ve often stared at the blinking cursor and thought to ourselves, “I don’t know what to blog about.”
Sure, we know the subject matter, but sometimes it’s finding a unique angle that's tricky. So we did what any blogger would do; we went looking for tools that could help spark inspiration. We found very little.
So we decided to create one.
We knew it couldn’t be one dimensional. After all, brainstorming is pretty messy. It involves cross outs, doodles, and minor profanities. So rather than simply give you a static title with your keyword plugged in, we’re allowing you more participation. More control. But most importantly, more ideas.
How it Works
Narrow Your Focus
Instead of having you jump right into creating titles, we knew it would be helpful to first allow you to narrow your focus a bit. (Although you can certainly skip right ahead to the title creation if you please.)
We've included some of the most common themes used for business blogging to help get you started. If you don't like what you see, simply hit the refresh button below the prompter to get a new one. (You can even fill in one of your own!)
When you're ready, click 'Next' and you can get started in creating your unique blog titles.
As I said earlier, brainstorming is messy.
Whereas many blog title generators simply ask you to input a keyword to propagate titles, we've allowed you to more actively participate in the creation of your blog title. There's no limit on keywords or verbiage here, just fill in the blanks with whatever topic you think works best.
Once you've found a title that you like, click the heart and it will automatically save to your notebook below.
Once you have all the titles you need, you can then email them to yourself so you won't forget. Just click the 'Email Me My Titles' button and fill out the brief form and they'll be on their way.
Writer's Block
Having trouble coming up with ideas?
It happens to even the best of bloggers.
However, every great writer has his or her own way of dealing with it. Whether it's getting up to grab a cup of coffee, going for a walk, or simply coming back to the task later on, the solution usually involves coming up with a distraction.
So that's what we've done for you. If you find yourself with a case of writer's block, click the tab on the right hand side of the BlogAbout tool for a fun surprise.
Instead of staring blankly at the screen until an idea or blog topic comes to you, take a minute (or 10) and try doodling your thoughts.
It's a fun distraction that has actually proven to be a productive way of brainstorming new ideas. After all, we think visually, so why do so few of us brainstorm this way?
More than anything, we aimed to provide bloggers with a tool that could truly help in their process of developing new angles and ideas.
So let us know: what do you love about it? What would you like to see added?
This is a tool for you. So by all means, take ownership.
They're your ideas. We're just here to help you find them.

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