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Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Aug 27, 2014


Marketing Strategy

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These 3 Apps Are Guaranteed To Save You Precious Time

Carly Stec

By Carly Stec

Aug 27, 2014

These 3 Apps Are Guaranteed To Save You Precious Time

shutterstock_122324287"So little time, so much to do."

An all too familiar phrase, often followed by a scribbled together to-do list or a rushed meeting. 

It's no secret that we're crunched for time. But it's important for us to take a step back from the mess that we've created every once and a while and realize that it's not so much how much time we have, but rather how we use it that really matters. 

To help you squeeze the most productivity out of your hours, we've put together 3 time-saving apps you'll be happy to know about. 


It takes a lot for me to fall in love with an app, and although it might be too soon to tell, I think I'm falling for Grid.

Grid provides users with a unique space to map out projects, plans, charts, collages, and more. The drag and drop approach gives users the flexibility they need to exercise complete control over the look and feel of each grid. 

Here's a few examples from their website of what Grid is capable of:


Planning a trip to INBOUND in a few weeks? Create a to-do list before the conference to make sure you pack all of the essentials like the example to the left, or add all of your co-workers who are attending to a contact grid to simplify communication.

Create a chart to compare prices of new tools or software you're researching for your business. Make a photo collage out of all of the pictures from your last company event. Compile a list of quotes and images for your next blog post in one quick and organized space. The possibilities are seemingly endless.

Here's how it works:

  • Open a new grid.
  • Drag the circle around to select an area.
  • Swipe the circle up to open the Maestro menu (this is where you can add text, a photo, a contact, or a map.)
  • Repeat steps 1-3 to add more to your grid, or share it with a friend. 


screen568x568-3Before I get into it, I'll precursor this by letting you know that this app will set you back $2.99. However, I'm not quite sure it can be considered a setback when this app will pay for itself in usefullness (half of us probably spend more than $2.99 on our morning coffee.)

At its core, Notability is a note taking app (used by a little team called Apple) that allows users to take notes, record, sketch, sign documents, fill out worksheets, and a few other tricks. 

What stuck out to me particularly was the fact that not only can users take notes, but they can sketch out ideas and record explanations. For marketers, I see this being really valuable for collaboration and sharing ideas for new designs or campaigns. 

While I'm normally not a fan of sketching via iPhone, (mainly because my drawings normally come out looking like child's play) however Notability offers a unique zoom feature that allows you to hone in on details, as well as several different pen style options to simplify the process. 

Aside from sketching, I also think that this app would be useful in terms of editing and revising blog content. Having the ability to highlight, strike out, and handwrite notes on an article is incredibly useful when dealing with content from different sources.


Fetchnotes has found a way to seamlessly combine hashtags and note-taking in a really interesting way. 

The app allows users to organize their ideas as they type by adding #hashtags to their text, which are then used to categorize notes that contain the same hashtag. This could mean #grocery is used to add items to your grocery list category, or for marketers, #blog is used to add ideas to your blog content idea list. It looks like this:


In true collaborative fashion, Fetchnotes makes it easy to share ideas and lists with your friends and co-workers by simply adding an @ before their name in your address book, username, email, or phone number (they don't have to have the app to see it.)

If someone who share a note will edits it, you'll receive a notification to keep you in the loop. 

Want to try it for yourself? Fetchnotes is available for iOS, Android, Web, & Google Chrome. Download it here.

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