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Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Jun 3, 2017


Infographics Hiring a Marketing Team
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Infographics  |   Hiring a Marketing Team

9 Ugly Resume Mistakes That Are Getting Yours Tossed Out [Infographic]

Ramona Sukhraj

By Ramona Sukhraj

Jun 3, 2017

9 Ugly Resume Mistakes That Are Getting Yours Tossed Out [Infographic]

Looking for a job is basically a job itself.

Sifting through listing after listing, preparing cover letters, having phone interviews then in-person interviews, sending emails, shaking hands...

We do so much work trying to prove ourselves to prospective employers and make the right impression, but truthfully, that first impression is often made long before we even set foot in an office.

It all starts with your resume.

As of February 2017, there were approximately 4.7% of or 15.3 million Americans out of and looking for work. While this has been slightly improving, it’s still a huge number of people in need of a regular paycheck and hoping that their resumes will make it into the right hands.

Unfortunately, even if they do, there are very specific things that modern “head hunters” are looking for and others they’re hoping to avoid.

In this infographic from the UK company, StandOutCV, you’ll learn about 9 of the biggest and most common resume mistakes to steer clear of during your job search and how to fix them.

Before you can score any interview, you’re usually just a name on a sheet of paper, so use these tips to cut the fat and send out a resume that truly highlights everything you have to offer.

The 9 Deadliest Resume/CV Mistakes:

  1. Having an unprofessional email address
  2. Using meaningless cliches and buzzwords (i.e. creative, hardworking team player, results-driven, etc.)
  3. Using a graph to display your skills
  4. Including a photograph (unless requested)
  5. Being too long
  6. Having unexplained employment gaps
  7. Making grammar and spelling mistakes
  8. Using elaborate fonts
  9. Having big chunks of text

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9 Deadly CV Mistakes



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