We all love HubSpot.
From its content and culture right up to its founders and of course its product. The company's software is a comprehensive, invaluable marketing tool that is constantly improving with new features, but like all consumers, we always want more!
I approached a number of my IMPACT team members (from a variety of different departments and all avid users of the platform) and posed the question, "What HubSpot feature would you like to see next?"
Here's what they had to say:
More social media integrations: "I love the social publishing tool. It makes life so much easier, but I still feel limited by it. I'd love to see the inclusion of Instagram and Pinterest in particular. Currently, Pinterest is counted as a source, but that's where the analytics and integrations end. With platforms like these really growing in popularity (and sometimes exceeding that of Facebook and Twitter) it only makes sense to bring them into the same location I can do all my other social media publishing from."
- Amanda LeClair, Client Resources Manager
A better way to view landing page conversion rates and submissions for all pages over a period of time: "I just ran into this the other day. We have a lot of older landing pages we're trying to take a deeper dive into. While doing this, I was having a really hard time sorting my landing pages by performance over the last 6 months. I believe this could be a very simple addition. On the landing pages tool main page, I would love to be able to view the performance results over a filtered time period, similar to how you can in the page performance tool. You can do this when you click into each landing page, but I want to see all my landing pages at once and in one view for a specific time period. Another option that would produce the same data I'm looking for would be if landing page conversion rates and submission data was available in the Page Performance tool main page."
- Bob Ruffolo, Founder & CEO
More Organization on the Backend: "I'm a neat freak when it comes to softwares as robust as HubSpot, so I'd love the ability to group site pages, CTAs, emails, etc into folders to keep navigating through piles of information as easy as possible.I think these few simple features would dramatically improve the usability of their backend and make the overall experience more efficient."
- Joe Rinaldi, Creative Supervisor
Deeper eCommerce integration: "I’d love to see deeper integration of eCommerce information. There are plenty of 3rd party integrations, but compiling the information into an awesome visualization similar to Sources would be HUGE.Taking the power of HubSpotand combining it with product promotion and analysis could lead to extremely interesting marketing campaigns based off past sales data and user interaction."
- Vin Gaeta, Account Strategist
A HubL Module for the Blog: "I would really like to see some improvements to the blog from a development standpoint. A HubL module that returns an array of all active topics might be especially helpful for some of our projects. In a scenario where a client might want something like a topic/tag cloud, this array would display all active topics rather than requiring an edit when a new topic is created. All it would take to add something to the tag cloud would be creating the topic and adding it to a published post -- No editing a page or development knowledge needed."
- Kyle Sheldon, Tech Architect & Sr. Front-End Developer
A Customizable Dashboard: "Visits, contacts, and customers are important, but some businesses also care about live demo requests, webinar registrants, consultations, etc. Yes, these are easily accessible once you create a smart list (and set the time frame), but then you have to go to a bunch of different smart lists, sources, landing pages, and other places to really collect all of your important numbers. Wouldn't it be easier if you could create the smart list (if needed), then add that to your dashboard to collect results from the current month? You'd be able to log in and see all of your main metrics in one spot for easy recording. This would be a true time saver and personal touch to each account, especially for some clients who want to see results but can't quite navigate through HubSpot yet."
- Kaitlyn Petro, Account Strategist
Customizable Social Publishing Options: "I know many people do their social different ways, but there should be a way to customize your scheduling options. When I'm trying to schedule multiple social posts at once, the platform automatically chooses the date that HubSpot feels is best fit for posting. While this is helpful, many of our clients post multiple times a day, especially on Twitter. I would prefer the option to have HubSpot just put the next chronological time. This would save me a lot of wasted time going through each post and changing the date and time. It would also be nice to set a customized option to automatically choose images for Facebook/Google+ post rather than putting the link preview."
- Karisa Egan, Marketing Coordinator
Bulk Tagging in the Blog:"I’d love to see a way to apply topics to blog articles in bulk. I’ve recently had to apply topics to hundreds of posts retroactively and it would've been more efficient if the dashboard had little checkboxes that allow characteristics/tags to be added without editing the post internally. It would also be a quicker way to pool similar posts and resources in a blog section. For example, you may not want create a topic for infographics when you make your first one, but once you have a dozen, it would be more helpful to your readers to have them all in one place."
- Derrick Weiss, Account Executive
The ability to send direct messages through the HubSpot social inbox: "Keeping up with on-going social engagement is essential in building and nurturing social traffic. It would be a fantastic resource to be able to not only interact through public tweets, but direct messages as well. The ability to send a personalized, private tweet to a major influencer or prospect could be the difference between a win and a loss and even strengthen your future inbound strategies through potential retweets, mentions, or even a guest blogging opportunity. Twitter is a strong social platform that can really help to drive traffic, but sometimes there needs to be some behind the scenes action to help this along."
- Gibson Starzynski, Account Strategist
What About the HubSpot CRM?
The ability to automate emailed pipeline reports: "The Deals tab within the CRM is an amazing tool to grab a snapshot of the pipeline. I would love the ability to have that snapshot automatically emailed to myself or others on the team as an organized report, every week. It would be very similar to the metric/trend reports that are sent from the marketing side of the software.
Having this report automatically compiled would save several steps during our weekly reviews and create alignment between Sales, Marketing, and the Leadership teams. There's also a great opportunity for Client Services to begin using the Deals tool within the CRM for their upsell opportunities and by automating those same reports for their department, further fostering alignment and keeping these opportunities in sight."
- Tom DiScipio, Partner & Chief Strategy Officer
How About You?
Do you agree or disagree with the members of our team? Is there something we missed? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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