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Karisa Hamdi

By Karisa Hamdi

Jul 22, 2018


Marketing Strategy
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Marketing Strategy

Why Influencer Marketing is the Next Big Thing [Infographic]

Karisa Hamdi

By Karisa Hamdi

Jul 22, 2018

Why Influencer Marketing is the Next Big Thing [Infographic]

If you haven’t added influencer marketing to your marketing plan, you’re missing out on a HUGE opportunity for your company.

There are a ton of benefits of incorporating this kind of campaign like increased brand awareness, but it actually has direct influence on your revenue as well.

According to the infographic from Digital Information World when marketers start using influencer marketing they see “an average return of $6.50 in additional earned media on top of a $1 investment and higher-quality customers coming to their business.”

With that kind of return for your company there’s no reason why you shouldn’t give it a try!

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is the focus of your marketing efforts around individuals that have great impact on the decisions/opinions of potential customers, rather than targeting a general audience.

This does not mean they have a large social media following and are super popular (though they might and commonly do), it means that they have the ability to influence the way people think and feel about a product.

A great example of influencer marketing is Chrissy Teigen and Pampers. If you follow Chrissy on social media (which you totally should) you’ll see a lot of posts about Pampers Pure. She posts about actually using them for her children and how much she loves them, which influences her followers to buy them for their own children.


Why Should I Use Influencer Marketing?

Better Trust and Credibility

We live in an age where people no longer trust ads and “at least 309 million people are using an ad blocker.” That means all of those people aren’t seeing what your message and even those who do, may not believe it..

What people are believing is each other. They are  following influencers on social media, whom they trust and admire.

Utilizing influencer marketing allows you to get your product and message actually in front of your audience through a vessel they will trust.

Broader Content and Greater Reach

With influencer marketing, you’re able to effectively reach potential buyers on apps they use and sites they visit every day. You message is naturally meeting them, rather than being forced in front of them through an ad.  

When your potential buyer goes to an influencer’s blog and sees them raving about your product then you’re 37% more likely to attract them to your site and make a sale.

More Sales Leads

If you’ve been struggling to get really qualified leads into your pipeline then trying out an influencer marketing campaign is a great way to get those higher quality leads. Of marketers that have added influencer marketing to their strategy 51% say that it attracts higher-quality leads to their site.

Higher Quality Demand Generation

When you utilize influencer marketing then those who come to your site through them already have a positive view of your company.

According to the infographic 38% of the prospects that come to a site from an influencer were already won over on their first visit.

So, what are you waiting for? Use this infographic from Digital Information World to start building out your influencer marketing campaign today.

 Influencer-Marketing-Infographic - Copy


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