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Justine Timoteo Thomas

By Justine Timoteo Thomas

Nov 20, 2018


Creator's Block Careers in Inbound
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Work-Life Balance: Our Top 6 Episodes [Creator's Block]

Justine Timoteo Thomas

By Justine Timoteo Thomas

Nov 20, 2018

Work-Life Balance: Our Top 6 Episodes [Creator's Block]

Happy Thanksgiving week, all!

As Marcella and I are buckling down to get through as much work as possible before unplugging for some quality family time, we wanted to dive into one of our favorite topics: work-life balance.

As many of you know, we don't generally believe that there can be truly separate approaches to work and life in today's time. Work is very much a part of my life, especially given that I work from my living room each day!

The amount of work and non-work time in my days ebbs and flows and, admittedly, I'm not great when it comes to turning off my "work brain."

I know I'm not the only one, which is why Marcella and I wanted to do a recap post of our favorite episodes related to work-life balance this holiday week.

Read -- and listen -- on and let us know your approach to work-life balance!

#1 - Is Work-Life Balance Even Possible?

Ahhh, the great legend of the work life balance.

Today’s picture of work-life balance is an ever evolving landscape. Some people even go as far as to say there is no such thing anymore. With remote workforces and having clients that span the globe being much more commonplace, it is harder and harder to “punch out” at 5 p.m., on the dot.

This can be particularly rough through the holiday season. Listen in as we discuss our own strategies around this with our special guest, IMPACT’s Director of Strategic Partnerships, Vin Gaeta.

#2 - How to Avoid a Supernova-Sized Burnout

Burnout basically comes with the territory of taking time off for the holidays.

Between managing your personal schedule, your work schedule, and the ever-changing schedules of your clients planning for the holiday season is a daunting task.

Having awareness (of the impending doom) and an escape plan can help.

This episode is one of my favorites because it’s a got a few easy ways we can lay out life rafts for ourselves and spot the warning signs during this hectic time.

#3 - Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Actually Doing Professional Development

Okay, so just to be clear: I don’t WANT you to work if you’re taking time off... BUT some of us need a break FROM the break with something safe and familiar - like work.

If you need to step away from your family’s roaring (and seemingly ENDLESS) discussion of politics around the table, professional development can actually be a great way to dedicate some time to yourself.

PLUS, if anyone asks, you’re working, it’s super important, and you can’t be interrupted.

So if you’re looking for that sweet escape of professional development this episode will help you with out round up of tools to actually get it done.

#4 - Even Workplace Gladiators Need Naps - A Minisode

During this episode, Liz talks about how she was planning to work on her way to Paris and why she realized that even the hardest workers need a break.

This resonates with me so much because I tend to burn out really badly before taking extended time off because I feel the pressure to make sure every small detail is done and covered.

While that work ethic and drive is admirable, it can also be detrimental. Listen in to see if Liz was able to disconnect in time to really enjoy her vacation.

#5 - When Your Personal Life Leaks Into Work

Let's be honest here -- shit happens.

As much as we like planning our lives out, there are so many things beyond our control.

In this episode, we ask "what do you do when your life goes sideways? How do you continue to deliver as a top performer, when you're struggling to stay focused?"

Sometimes life hits you harder than expected and you need to dedicate time and energy to non-work related things. Learn tactical takeaways on how to take care of yourself without ruining your reputation as a reliable team player. 

#6 - The Effect of Stress and Anxiety in the Workplace

Ahhh my first Creator's Block episode!

This was a personal one for me, guys. I've struggled with anxiety for a while and only recently realized that I didn't need to accept it as a part of my everyday life.

I'm so grateful I have co-workers like Liz and Marcella and a platform like Creator's Block to share my experiences with.

Listen in as we discuss the struggles in handling and managing stress in the workplace and what we do when work is causing unreasonable amounts of stress and anxiety in our personal lives.

We Want to Hear from You!

First, subscribe to Creator's Block on Apple Podcasts. Second, have a question or an idea for a future episode of the podcast? Let us know! 

Or, you can leave us a comment below! Until next week...


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