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Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Jan 17, 2019


HubSpot Video Marketing
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Workflow Errors, 80% Videos, & RIP Google+ [Hubcast 209]

Carina Duffy

By Carina Duffy

Jan 17, 2019

Workflow Errors, 80% Videos, & RIP Google+ [Hubcast 209]

This episode of the Hubcast is brought to you by ReachForce.

Zach-y B is the house ya’ll! 

Hear what's Zach's been up to since the last time he was on the 'cast:

Property of the Week: Sales Properties Series

Last Contacted

“The last time a call, sales email, or meeting was done with a contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on the latest date of the activities in the record. For example, the Last contacted property in the record will show yesterday's date when a user logs a call that occurred the day before.”

Note: this is for SALES! And it’s for those three sales activities: call, email or meeting that is logged on their record.

Many sales teams will use this as a filter to see dormant contacts who they’ve worked before but haven’t engaged in a certain period of time for things like re-engagement sequences.

What’s on Zach’s Mind

With Zach co-hosting this episode, I naturally need to know what’s on his mind!

Listen to the full episode to hear why Zach still thinks the 80% video is so important, and what we’ve learned at IMPACT recently about what not to do.

HubSpot Wishlist: Workflow Error Notifications

“Receive a notification for whenever one of my workflows encounters an error.

This would avoid missing leads in real time due to undetected errors.” - Bellawu

Vote it Up!

You get error notifications within the workflows tool, but you’d have to go into an individual workflow to see that. Getting a notification whenever one of these error trips would be amazing!

This Episode’s Sponsor: ReachForce

ReachForce helps B2B businesses break the cycle of dirty data.

If you’ve ever tried to run a campaign around account or company data but realized the data just isn’t there, or isn’t normalized, and you can’t send to the segment of people you really want to, ReachForce has tools for verifying, standardizing, and enriching company and contact data so you can worry about your campaign, not your data.

And with a simple HubSpot integration, you can start cleaning up your data in minutes.

Visit to start a 30-day free trial of their SmartForms account enrichment tool.

HubSpot Updates

The Developer Forums are Joining the HubSpot Community on January 29th

“Beginning on January 7, the developer forums will be migrated from to --- the same platform as the HubSpot customer and CMS developer forums.

The migration will conclude on January 29th.”

A few things to be aware of:

  • HubSpot will be matching profiles between integrate.hubspot and community.hubspot by email address - so your posts will automatically be migrated to your community.hubspot profile.

  • If you don’t have a community.hubspot profile, go there and create one ASAP!

  • If you don’t have a HubSpot account, you’ll need to have access to some sort of HubSpot account before January 28 or you won’t be able to access any of your developer content (it will still get migrated, just not connected to your profile). You can set up a free developer account at

Learn More

Google+ Will No Longer Be Supported in the Social Tool Starting on January 28

“On January 28, you will no longer be able to use Google+ within the social monitoring, publishing, or reporting tool. Your reporting on Google+ and already published posts will stay in HubSpot until March 1, 2019, at which point they will no longer be available. If you try to schedule a Google+ post beyond January 28, you will see the following in-app banner in the social tool.”

Learn More

How could they do this to us?? Said no, ever. Hehehe.

Until Next Time

If you’re listening on iTunes - head on over and leave us a review! We love hearing your feedback, so feel free to leave some in the comments, or shoot me an email at!

Until next time. This is Carina Duffy & Zach Basner saying to you, go out into the world and do some happy HubSpotting!


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