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The most relatable challenges of working from home during COVID-19, as told through memes

May 23, 2020

Working from home has always had its ups and downs.
From positives like working in sweatpants (if that’s your jam) to negatives like getting “cabin fever,” you’ve surely heard some feedback from others or experienced it yourself.
However, as COVID-19 threats increased for people leaving their homes, so did the number of people working remotely. In fact, “88% of organizations have encouraged or required their employees to work from home [since the outbreak].”
As a result, many more people have gotten a firsthand look at the emotional rollercoaster of working from home.
Working from home also comes with some universally relatable challenges.
According to stats posted by Agility PR, the following are the top challenges faced by people who are adjusting to working from home for the first time:
- Lack of exercise (45%)
- Setting up technology (40%)
- Managing time effectively (36%)
- Communicating with colleagues (31%).
- Juggling to keep kids under 18 occupied and working at the same time (63%)
I guess working from home is not the perfect setup some people think it is.
While all of the common experiences might not be funny in the moment, I came across some memes that illustrate them perfectly and were just too relatable not to laugh.
Whatever your current situation, I hope these bring at least a little chuckle into your day.
Challenge: Getting used to video
At IMPACT, we’re lucky that video calls have been part of our daily routine for years. Not only are we used to being on-camera, but we’re used to using platforms like Zoom.
Unfortunately, not everyone isn’t so seasoned with the technology, or ready to hop in a video call at moment’s notice.
Challenge: Working with pets
With their people/person usually at work for a significant amount of time, pets are reacting in different ways to having a lot more company during the day.
For some pets, this means they’re expecting more snuggle time and more attention.
I’ve witnessed this firsthand during video meetings when pets walk across keyboards, cover employees’ faces, and beg for attention right next to them. I can imagine it’s quite distracting when trying to get work done.
While some pets love the added company, some miss their “personal time” when everyone is usually at work.
Working some added playtime and walks (if possible) with your pets into your daily routine might help them to better adjust to the changes.
Challenge: Working with kids at home
Ah, children. One of life’s greatest joys.
And then school gets “canceled,” leaving many parents not only working from home but being first-time teachers.
While there are surely many benefits of being with the kids all day, I have to applaud (and sympathize with) all of the parents who are balancing working, parenting, teaching, and more, on a daily basis.
Challenge: Forgetting what day it is
Do Wednesdays feel like Fridays and Fridays feel like Tuesdays?
Has Memorial Day happened yet?
I’m sure it’s a combination of working from home full-time and being quarantined, but never have I ever been so confused about what day (or even month…) it is.
Challenge: Blurring the lines between work and home.
Do you feel like the amount of time you spend working has increased since working from home?
While many people joke that people who work from home aren’t actually working all day, I’ve found my experience to be the exact opposite.
At work there are cues for lunch, leaving for the day, even walks and breaks. At home, I find myself missing lunch and working into dinnertime without even realizing it. It’s so important for each of us to set boundaries on our work schedules in a way that allows for proper work-life balance.
For me, blocking out time on my personal calendar for breaks has helped keep me refreshed and focused when I get into work-mode.
In addition, managers should closely monitor the workload and hours their teams are working to make sure they aren’t taking on too much and burning themselves out.
Challenge: Working near your significant other
“Do you mind if I weigh in on that meeting you had earlier?”
This is something I never thought I’d hear my boyfriend say, however, when working together in a confined space, it’s almost impossible not to catch the meetings and conversations happening during the other person’s day.
Similarly, it can be difficult to avoid being seen or heard in the background of other video meetings happening at your home.
As many may have already found out the hard way, it’s worth it to go the extra mile to communicate that you’re on a video call to anyone else in the house.
Challenge: Choosing your outfit for the day.
If you’re like me, the second you get home from work (or any event that requires jeans or “fancier”), you immediately change into comfortable clothes.
One of the best perks of working from home is the freedom to wear comfy clothes all day, with the exception of a nice top for more professional video calls.
However, some days i can be a struggle to choose the perfect sweatshirt sweat-pant combo.
Needless to say, these memes really get it.
We’re all in this together
If it’s not a common experience, it probably wouldn’t be a popular meme.
Realize that you’re not alone in navigating the current downsides of working from home, but whenever possible, make sure to stop to appreciate the upsides.
And for those of you who don’t get to work from home right now, know that we all appreciate everything you have done and continue to do.
It’s incredibly important that you focus on your own physical and mental health and the physical and mental health of your teams.
If you’re looking for any guidance or advice for getting through this, feel free to reach out to the community in IMPACT Elite, or message me personally and I’d be happy to chat.

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