"The value of the coaching that we got [from IMPACT] was next-level. We've seen the cost of our marketing and cost per lead improve. It's dramatically changed our selling cycle, and it's greatly increased trust with our customers."
Schedule your call
Here’s what to expect after you schedule your call:
Here’s what to expect after you schedule your call:
You Ask, We Answer
You’ll be speaking with an advisor (not a salesperson) who has hands-on experience working with and guiding clients through our marketing and sales coaching and training programs. During the call, there are three main things we’re going to cover:
The first call is typically 30 minutes, but can easily be extended to an hour if needed, especially if there are multiple people within your organization that should be a part of this process.
No! This call is 100% free.
On the call, be prepared to have open, honest, and transparent conversations about where your business is today and your current challenges. Your advisor will ask you questions about your business’ current performance, and what you’re hoping the business will achieve in the future. And so, it will be helpful to have details around your current revenue, how you’re generating new business, what your sales outlook is, and the things that may be slowing you down or blocking you from achieving your objectives.
After our first call, which lasts 30 minutes, we will schedule a follow-up call for an hour to dive into the topics we didn’t have time to cover. Following the initial call, we will send you an email outlining the next steps we discussed and provide educational content for you to review before meeting again. This content will set us up to have a productive next call.
The goal of the first call is to understand your needs and challenges. This initial conversation helps us identify the areas where IMPACT can assist you. Since we may not have enough time to fully explore all aspects of your situation in the first call, we typically discuss the specific program and pricing in subsequent calls. For a general overview of our costs and pricing, you can refer to this page at any time, which will help you come to the call more prepared.