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IMPACT Live Chicago: April 14-16, 2025

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Dan Baum

By Dan Baum

Sep 15, 2012


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Creating Smart Lists with HubSpot 3 for a More Targeted Campaign

Dan Baum

By Dan Baum

Sep 15, 2012

Creating Smart Lists with HubSpot 3 for a More Targeted Campaign


smart listsIt has been a rather eventful month for all you HubSpotters out there. The release of HubSpot's new platform, HubSpot 3, has rolled in revolutionized updates on their already awesome software. One of these updates, HubSpot Smart Lists, completely revamps the way we think about email marketing and lead nurturing.

When you introduce smart lists into your email marketing efforts, you guarantee that your email lists will always be up to date, and as accurate as you specify. Smart lists are great tools for your marketing, and you will see a huge improvement in your lead nurturing efforts as well.

It's hard to say, but those dynamic lists that you've spent so much time on, are almost obsolete with smart lists. What distinguishes smart lists, is their ability to directly sync with your whole campaign. Social media, your blog, anything can be turned into a smart list!

It's hard to hear, but they are really the next big thing when it comes to segmenting your contact list. This post will go over the basics of HubSpot Smart Lists, and show you all the ways smart lists can benefit your company on the new and improved, HubSpot 3 Platform.

Looking for the ability to more effectively segment your email marketing list? Contact IMPACT and we'll get you started!

HubSpot 3 Smart Lists

What Are HubSpot Smart Lists? 

Simply put, a smart list is a segmented email list, that changes based on your leads' information. Similar to a dynamic list, Smart Lists update automatically and group together the different types of your leads. If you have a form on your landing page that asks marital status, and you want to send an email to only those leads that are single, you can create a smart list, that groups all these leads together. And as more single leads come in, they are automatically added to the list! It really makes your email marketing and lead nurturing super easy and convenient.

What makes them special? 

The HubSpot Smart Lists are dynamic so that when a lead passes through your lead nurturing campaign, you can market  to them in an effective and efficient matter so that your contact isn't "just another lead".  Smart lists constantly changing, based on a set of criteria that you specify. You control everything, and the beautiful part is that you only don't have to add every contact to your list! It's all automatic.

Each time an individual meets the rules of a smart list, they are added to that list. You can have an unlimited number of Smart Lists that are segmented based on anything you want from your campaign. Whatever allows you to nurture the most leads efficiently. This is why these smart lists are so innovative!

How Can You Use Them?

Now that the HubSpot 3 software allows you to create smart and dynamic lists, it allows for a more targeted email marketing campaign, as you can more effectively market to  specific demographics and send unique content to the users who can benefit from it the most.

This will also ensure that you're not annoying your contact list, as you're only sending relevant information and offers to specific leads, effectively decreasing the likelihood of someone unsubscribing.

Start Utilizing Smart Lists

Interested in learning more about how you can implement the HubSpot 3 software to execute a more targeted marketing campaign? Give us a call at IMPACT and learn how we can help!

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IMPACT Live Chicago: April 14-16, 2025

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