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Google & Facebook Apps Reach Over 80% of Mobile Users

Oct 10, 2013

What's the first thing you do when you're waiting for the train, your favorite TV show to start or just passing time? Besides checking your watch and finding a comfy seat, you probably pull out your smartphone.
It's practically attached to your hand. So, what exactly are you doing on your phone?
You most likely have an app open. What apps do you have on your phone? The average iPhone user has 44 apps on their device.
Which ones do you use everyday?
It's okay, I won't judge you. For me Facebook and Candy Crush Saga are at the top of the list. I don't know what it is about crushing candy, but I can't get enough.
One thing I didn't factor in to my list of everyday use apps is how often I use Google apps on my phone. Just like myself, using Google just comes naturally. I don't even notice when I'm using Google Maps or Gmail.
I don't know about you, but I must check my account on my iPhone at least every ten minutes. I don't want to miss something important.
The Reach and Impact of Apps for Mobile Users
Google Continues to Prevail
How often do you open Google apps in one day? I'm talking about Gmail, Google Maps, Google Chrome, Google Drive, Google +, etc. You no longer have the option of using just Gmail.
According to data from ComSource, 92% of smartphone owners use a Google mobile product. This statistic continues to display Google's dominance. Facebook is next in line with 85% of users and Yahoo after that with 83%.
After reading these stats I had to check my phone to see how many Google apps I have, and which ones I frequently use. I have 3 apps and my Safari homepage is set to
They don't just offer a product allowing you to search online while on your mobile device. Google helps you engage and communicate with friends, family, colleagues and your audience.
As a marketer there should be an alarm going off in your head when you see these statistics. Now that Google has changed SEO, it's time to move away from keyword optimization. You shouldn't just throw a lot of keywords into your content to make it rank higher.
Google now ranks by consistency and the quality of your content.
Forcing the issue that businesses need to be blogging and creating premium content. Google also factors in that when someone does a Google search on a mobile phone, websites that are mobile optimized rank higher.
Don't Forget About Facebook
The better question might be, what social network aren't you engaging on? With over 1.15 billion active users, 85% of smartphone users have downloaded the Facebook app.
Facebook is a great place to broadcast your company and engage with your target audience. It is important to broadcast and promote your company's content and offers; however, it should be the only thing you do on Facebook.
Don't just regularly throw ads at them.
Make sure you are building relationships with your audience. Engage your consumers by asking them questions and creating discussions. Continually educate your audience by posting industry news and providing them with useful information.
If they're using your product or service, make sure they are getting the most out of it.
The Rise of Mobile Apps
Google continues to be a monopoly when it comes the Internet, now they are taking over our smartphones.
As a marketer it is important that you understand Google's changes and you're doing what's necessary to continue to use it to your advantage.

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